1. ahardy2

    Who am I

    I have a picture of heels because I am obsessed with shoes. I have a picture of a family because that’s what I live for. I have a picture of the color burgundy because that is my favorite color. I have a picture of college students because I am still working on a higher degree. … Continue reading Who am I
  2. emorelleum

    Reflecting on a Week by Design

    Looks like I missed Friday. Thankfully, Morlium had me covered. I may have to talk to him about his quality of work, though… So, happy design week. Design assignments sure do cover quite a variety of topics. I created an icon for my blog, now I have to find out how to get it in […]
  3. gabatron15

    Daily Creates of the Week!

    I thought that I would put them all in one post to make it a ton easier! Upside down Nana in a basket @ds106dc #tdc1361 pic.twitter.com/Ws3cOAGuA9 — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 30, 2015 The first one that I did was taking a picture of something upside down and I chose to do my friends cat […]
  4. emorelleum

    Random Post of Requirement for the Overlords

      There is no story behind this picture. A story implies an end, something completed. What do you call something still in its infancy? An introduction? Yes, there is an introduction behind this picture. An introduction of a man to a woman he knew well. An introduction that could occur despite the two already knowing […]
  5. kmgeckle

    Designing Week 6

    Week 6 came and went! I did most of my work huddled up in my bed because my house was a chilly 55 degree, brrrr. Fortunately I had plenty of blankets and hot chocolate to pull me through. Then finally...
  6. emorelleum

    AMAZEing cliche post title

    HMmm…Maze. At first I was tempted to go inception on this assignment (take 2 minutes to draw a maze that takes 1 minute to solve), and do something simple and trivial. Fortunately, I came with a better idea. I am a fan of iterative design, and the easiest way to iteratively design a maze is […]
  7. kmgeckle

    Planet of the Vampires

    Out of the 3 films, I chose to watch Planet of the Vampires. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t find this particular film too interesting, and it was hard to pay attention to the plot. At least that isn’t...
  8. gabatron15


    Over the course of this week I took the time to take photos of things that I usually see everyday. Color This is a painting that I see everyday in my apartment and it is my absolute favorite. The boardwalk itself is in a yellow tan color that has a perfect contrast to the different […]
  9. emorelleum

    Almost a Logo

    What drew me to this assignment? An opportunity to express personality without talking about myself. How convenient. Obviously, my icon is going to be almost a square, and it has to contrast with an orange background like that of my blog. Lessgo… I actually took two iterations at this assignment. The first was a broken […]
  10. emorelleum

    Designing the Minimum

    Wow, a minimalist poster? sounds like my kind of assignment. Lots of thinking, little tedium. When it comes to deciding what movie I wanted to do a minimalist poster on, I only had a few options. The example posters all had readily identifiable nouns in their designs, and I know of very few movies with […]
  11. emorelleum

    Fruity Warning

    Hmm…imaginary warning label. The only question is, what can I think of that could be dangerous enough to warrant a warning label? How about whatever inspired this commercial: Not stated in the commercial is the following. How could they neglect putting that in the commercial? Must be the Alliance’s payment for letting them put subliminal […]
  12. emorelleum

    Non-designed Vampires

    As part of the discussion on design, I watched Planet of the Vampires. Personally, I believe there are a lot of flaws in the movie, but I won’t be talking about the plot or the acting, but instead focusing on the design elements of the movie. The unforgivable flaw in the movie is the lack […]
  13. headreaper

    A Design Within A Design Within A…

    For the Assignment Bank project titled “DESIGNCEPTION” (worth 4 stars), I had to take a picture of objects nested within each other so I took my Inuyasha DVD omnibus and put my Taemin CD inside one of the slots and put my Pokemon Blue game in front of it.
  14. emorelleum

    Designing a Design Week

    Wow, the design article is quite a read. I will focus on just a few points of the article, lest I start to ramble (there is a certain difficulty in covering 90+ pages of material, even if it is a short read). It is interesting that the examples in the paper, such as the paper […]
  15. jamerive

    The Vignelli Canon

    If there’s one thing that I learned from reading the Vignelli Canon (of course, there are more), it’s that aesthetically pleasing things are generally balanced and set to grids, be they imaginary or otherwise. In previous graphic design classes, it was a concept I’d heard of numerous times. While I understand that this aesthetic value … Continue reading The Vignelli Canon
  16. headreaper


    So for the DesignBlitz I had to take a picture of something that represents Proportion (the doll), Balance (yoga mats), Dominance (skull), Typography (poster), and color (Salt & Vinegar potato chips). Proportion: I took a picture of the doll for proportion because although her proportions might not be very standard when it comes to normal … Continue reading @DesignBlitz@
  17. gabatron15

    Custom Shoes

    This is a design assignment and it was worth 2 and a half stars. For this assignment I had the chance of customizing shoes and making them my own. I went onto my favorite shoe brand VANS and chose their high top shoe known as “SK8-HI.”  I started out with the pattern part of the […]
  18. gabatron15

    Movie Book Cover

    This is a design assignment worth 3 stars. For this assignment the task was to make a book cover of a movie without using a photo of the actor or in my case it would be a character since it is animated. I chose one of my favorite childhood movies because I thought why not. […]
  19. headreaper

    #Window Fail#

    For today’s daily create (10/2/15) I was supposed to take a picture outside my window. Unfortunately by the time I went to take a picture it was too dark outside. So instead, enjoy a cool window that I found online!
  20. gabatron15

    One Story/Four Icons

    This is a Design Assignment worth 3 and a 1/2 stars. I had to choose a story, event, or movie and narrow it down to four icons in hope that someone will figure it out. I started out by picking a movie. I chose one that isn’t recent but was pretty well known back in […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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