1. gabatron15

    My DS106 Wallpaper

    This is a Design Assignment that is worth 4 and a 1/2 stars. For this is assignment I had to create my own DS106 Wallpaper! The process that I went through was I first realized that I didn’t want to use a photo I wanted to make something unique. I started out with downloading an […]
  2. jamerive

    Love at first shot

    They met during their junior year of college. He was shy and awkward at first, but she made him feel comfortable. With himself and with life. His anxieties consumed him at times, generally in regards to social expectations, but his girlfriend was bright and calming. “It’s okay to care about what people think, but sometimes … Continue reading Love at first shot
  3. adyke

    Week 6 Summary

    This week was all about design elements. I read an article called The Vignelli Canon which is about designing things and wrote my thoughts on it here.  I also watched the movie Alien by Ridley Scott. It had some interesting set and light design that I discussed here. I also created a designblitz where I looked at … Continue reading Week 6 Summary
  4. kmgeckle

    Love at First Shot

      *Just threw a message in a bottle into the ocean* Girl: Do you think anyone will actually find this? Guy: I don’t really know. I can only hope that the message will reach whoever needs to read it the...
  5. gabatron15

    The Love Story

    This is the love story of one that was never told. The man was at college becoming a chef at the Culinary Institute and dreamed of owning a catering business. The woman was just a second year college student not knowing what she wanted to be in the future. Never would they imagine that they […]
  6. braze

    DesignBlitz Fun

    I found this assignment to be fun and interesting. The main obstacle I faced with this assignment was the weather. I had a lot of good ideas for design elements on campus but because it was cold and rainy I really didn’t feel like taking the time to take pictures outside. I did manage to … Continue reading DesignBlitz Fun
  7. kmgeckle

    My Design Blitz!

    Well when I decided to do this assignment a fews days ago the weather turned absolutely disgusting. I figured I’d try to wait it out, but who am I kidding, there’s a hurricane coming! So I figured the best why...
  8. kmgeckle

    The Vignelli Canon

    Out of the entire read of “The Vignelli Canon” I have to say that one of the first concepts stood out to me the most. As I was reading the Pragmatics section, I couldn’t help but think to myself how...
  9. mmiranda

    Week Six-Design

    One more week down, and I different topic than last week. This week topic was design, which at the beginning I thought it was boring and simple. However, after reading the guide  by Vignelli I really appreciate all the work that is done. Design is not as easy as it look because they have to think of … Continue reading Week Six-Design
  10. kmgeckle

    Missing RVA

    Wow this assignment really made me homesick! I’m from good ol’ Richmond, Virginia. There’s really quite a lot to see there! And this really got me thinking that there’s a lot that I haven’t seen!   First off, on the...
  11. kmgeckle

    Birthday Cat!

    This has to be the most silly but fun design assignment there is out there! But here we go! So I went through the iPhoto on my computer, and found this old picture of my cat, Aurora. The way she...
  12. kmgeckle

    UMW Dance Team T-Shirt Design

    This assignment couldn’t have come at a more convenient time! Just now on dance team, each member was assigned the task of designing a piece of spirit wear for the team to vote on! So of course I decided to...
  13. kmgeckle

    Tattoos 4Life

    I got pretty excited when I saw this assignment! I’ve wanted tattoos for years, but have never actually gotten up the nerve to go out and get one! One of the tattoos that I have always wanted is the saying...
  14. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was pretty much a breeeeeeeze for me. I love anything that involves taking pictures of random things but never really thought about the concept until taking this class. I decided to watch Black Sabbath and was not too thrilled by the film. As I said in my previous post, I really do not […]
  15. jamerive

    Who am I?

    This assignment revolved around expressing who you are in a single image. I find myself to be very complicated, so this took me a while. Most of the time actually went into trying to hone myself and accurately portray myself. As far as introductions go, I’d say this one was a fairly decent product. I … Continue reading Who am I?
  16. scottc1094

    Week 6 Summary

    This week was all about design, so I spent many hours in the ITCC trying to learn how to use Photoshop. I had some challenges with some of the concepts this week early on, but it all turned out fine. This week, I reflected on the Vignelli Canon, and how some of the elements discussed in… Read More
  17. scottc1094


    For this assignment, we had to take pictures of things throughout the week that illustrated different design concepts. I chose to focus on color, minimalism and use of space, form/function/message, and rhythm. After I took the pictures that I wanted to use for each of these concepts, I uploaded them to Flickr, before moving them over to… Read More
  18. nforknal

    Bon Voyage, Jim!

    For 4.5 stars this week, I completed the Professor Groom Poster assignment, buuuut I didn’t follow it exactly…  The instructions said to paste Jim’s head into a TV show, or movie, but instead I just made him into a movie star!... Continue Reading →
  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Black Sabbath

    The movie that I chose to discuss this week is Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath is an older Italian-French horror film that was produced in the 1960’s. Italian horror films were much different than horror films that were being produced in America at that time. Films overseers were more violent and sexual. As we all know, […]
  20. headreaper

    ~“I am God“~

    So for this Assignment Bank project called “Create A T-Shirt“, I created a t-shirt… yay! (2.5 stars) Context: The girl is god in the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The whole show revolved around 3 high school students desperately trying to entertain Haruhi and have her stay happy so she won’t destroy the world. … Continue reading ~“I am God“~

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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