1. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates

    #tdc1359 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/Z9X6dAYjoP — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 28, 2015   http:// #tdc1360 @ds106dc minute maid pic.twitter.com/ckg3QhpABd — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 29, 2015 http:// @ds106dc #tdc1361 pic.twitter.com/LAub3E8xUE — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) September 30, 2015
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Go Jim! it’s yaaaaa birthday!

    When I saw this assignment I got kind of excited.  Well I became even more excited when I realized that the assignment was worth 4.5 stars!  Malibus most wanted is easily one of my favorite movies, soooo of course I had to edit Jim’s face into this scene.  As you can see JIM is currently […]
  3. scottc1094

    Vintage-ify a Place

    Assignment (2 stars) For this assignment, we had to pick a popular landmark in our hometown, and make it look retro. I chose the Mill Mountain Star, found in my hometown of Roanoke, VA. It is the largest man-made freestanding star in the world.   To complete this assignment, I first determined that I wanted to… Read More
  4. scottc1094

    Black Sabbath Design Reflections

    For this assignment, I chose to watch the movie Black Sabbath on Netflix. This movie, an Italian horror film, has three separate stories, “The Telephone”, “The Wurdalak”, and “The Drop of Water.” This is an older film, which is evident by the quality and dialog of characters. There are some interesting design aspects of this… Read More
  5. scottc1094

    Daily Creates for Week 6

    This week, I completed 3 daily creates. These were: Designing you own road sign, @ds106dc #tdc1358 A common occurrence in #ds106 pic.twitter.com/to6eOIGEOh — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 27, 2015 combining you favorite logos, @ds106dc #tdc1359 Combining Disney and Universal Studio logos #ds106 pic.twitter.com/csHsSLzORR — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) September 28, 2015 and upside down day. @ds106dc… Read More
  6. scottc1094

    Love at First Shot

    This is a picture of my grandparents, Peggy and Gene, shortly after they were married in 2009.   My maternal grandfather passed away when I was around 10 years old, and I was never convinced that my grandmother would find someone else again. However, these two first met at a dance one Friday night, and… Read More
  7. ahardy2

    Daily Create

    Forgot to post this one yesterday My daily create for today @ds106dc #tdc1359 pic.twitter.com/Cziligb5Vs — Audrea Hardy (@AudyG1rl) September 28, 2015
  8. scottc1094

    Vignelli Canon Reflections

    The Vignelli Canon was an informative read for me, and had many design tips and elements that I had never thought of before. As for the booklet itself, I thought it had an interesting look, and I like how some of his design elements were placed on the pages themselves, such as when he talked about… Read More
  9. mmiranda

    True Love

                            Summer of 1938, Caroline (aka Repasg) is currently a nurse in North Carolina. She arrive two years before to a small town in NC where she meet her 10th love Noah. She fell in love with him at first size. He was sitting … Continue reading True Love
  10. silverember

    Hanna Hovarth is Not the Fucking Poster Child For Millennials


    Actual picture published in "Move Over Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z", via the New York Times because apparently you no longer have to be a remotely talented journalist to write for them.

    In Googling the exact birthdate parameters for "Generation Z" (creative name incoming, I'm sure) I came across this festering piece of garbage.

    To quote Alex Williams,

    "There’s Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, in his hoodie, earning his first billion by the age of 23.
    There’s Miley Cyrus, preening for the cameras in a flesh-baring act that recalls a Snapchat sexting session.
    There’s Lena Dunham, TV’s queen of overshare, spiraling into navel-gazing soliloquies that seem scripted from the therapist’s couch."

    What you have done, sir, is you have taken an entire generation and boiled it down to three very exceptional, very rare, very particular human beings. Shall I cherry-pick 3 infamous people from Generation X and do the same?


    There's Kanye West, in his leather jogging pants, whose actual talent has been completely overshadowed by his bid at being dubbed 'Biggest Assclown of the Centry'.

    There's Charlie Sheen, pissing his career away from one tabloid bender to the next.

    . . . I can't do this anymore. It's wrong.

    I'm pretty sure the over-generalization of millennials as "brash", "narcissistic" and "entitled" started when some Baby Boomer ran into a handful of people born between 1980 and 2000 who just plain sucked and thought, "You know who I hate? Young people. Fuck them!" Oh sure, there are plenty of millennials who are--in fact-- brash, narcissistic and entitled. There are also plenty of people from every other generation who share the exact. Same. Flaws.

    This journalistic tendency has taken an entire generation and tossed it in the trash. And now, Mr. Williams is holding up Generation Z as this newer, better version of the Millennial without all of that whiny entitlement. They're tech natives. They're entrepreneurial. They're responsible. They will save us all (and be the richest generation in ever, apparently.)

    I have no doubt that Gen Z is going to be fucking fantastic, because I have worked with and befriended those kids. I actually know what they're all about (unlike the lazy fuck reporter who inspired this article) because I've taught them, listened to their fears, and guided them through moments like Sandy Hook. I'll tell you, they're rad. Sure, some of them have been sheltered by helicopter parents, and that worries me a little. But you know what? Unlike aforementioned Lazy Fuck reporter, I won't presume to judge the many based on the few. The eldest Gen Zers are (depending on who you ask- the cutoff from Millennial to Z is rough) either still in high school or just barely heading off to college. They have yet to really shape this world. Frankly, I look forward to shaping it with them.

    I can only take solace in the fact that since Z is the new "it" generation, Y will be left to our own devices. Those devices, if you haven't noticed, are fixing the bullshit economy we inherited, scrambling to save the planet from utter destruction, attempting to save enough money to purchase homes and start families sometime... maybe? We've done a lot of amazing, notable things, and we'll continue to do so in spite of the bad press. Moreover, we'll be doing it without taking a big steaming shit on every generation that comes after us, because we won't leave the world in a giant trash heap for them to clean up.
  11. mmiranda

    Who I am?

    This assignment is call Who I am ? and it is worth 4 stars. I have to basically describe myself using picture. For this reason, I decided to use my name and find a characteristic that represent me and tried it to match it with pictures. Mannered, I appreciate a person who knows how to … Continue reading Who I am?
  12. nforknal

    My Friday Nights

    For 2 stars this week, I completed the ds106 Post Secret assignment. It’s time to get real! Design your own ds106 themed Post Secret postcard. Use photo editing software to experiment with different fonts and layering images. My life thus... Continue Reading →
  13. braze

    The Vignelli Canon

    This reading pointed out many things that I have never really thought of when it came to design. I never thought about letters having a design to them but realize that because I am a perfectionist mine follow one of them. I never intentionally followed a design but did unconsciously. That’s pretty cool while also … Continue reading The Vignelli Canon
  14. braze


    Ok, I literally just paused the movie after the title sequence because it was so cool. The way the word “ALIEN” is being spelled out slowly was just mind boggling. I guessed that it said “ALIEN” after the first three lines but it kept me interested, mostly so I could figure out if I was … Continue reading Alien

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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