1. braze

    Who Am I?

    For this design assignment I had to display who I am using the letters in my name. I treated every letter of my name as the first letter of a word that describes me and then made a collage of pictures to demonstrate those attributes. I came up with the following image: As you can … Continue reading Who Am I?
  2. braze

    Seeing Stars

    For this design assignment I had to create a maze. I wanted to try to do it on the computer so I went to word and started looking through the different shapes you can insert into the document. I decided that the coolest shape, in my opinion, was the star. So I inserted a lot … Continue reading Seeing Stars
  3. braze

    Concept Change

    For this design assignment I had to take or find a picture and change the setting or what is happening. I decided to use the following image: This picture was taken my senior year of high school when my friends and I were captains of the girls varsity soccer team. One of the girls from … Continue reading Concept Change
  4. braze

    Guess the Movie

    For this design assignment I had to represent a movie using four icons. I cannot tell you the name of the movie, but by looking at the icons you should be able to figure it out. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, mostly because it gave me an excuse to watch one … Continue reading Guess the Movie
  5. cherishamari

    Fresh start with graphic design

    This week we were asked to read and review “The Vignelli Canon” a booklet by Massimo Vignelli. I thought the little booklet offered great insight to graphic design, with me someone who knows little about. I really liked how he stated, “It is not the formula that prevents good design from happening but lack of […]
  6. myoung3

    Love at first shot

      I chose Cthulu and Zoidburg, because why not Zoidburg?  I mean look, they are both crustaceans displaced from the world they know, who are just trying to feel a little bit more at home.  They both have icky tentacle faces, so kissing doesn’t weird them out, which is a big plus in a dating … Continue reading Love at first shot
  7. gcaron

    Weekly Summary 5

    This week was not my favorite at all. I’m shy when it comes to things like audio so I did not like it. This week I did things out of order a bit. I tried to stay on the schedule map but I kept bouncing around trying to keep my interest and avoid talking which […]
  8. gcaron

    Brainstorming Ideas

    I’ve always thought it would be interesting to do a sort of talk show for a radio station. A talk show that is aimed at viewer’s questions and problems. First I would start off with a cute idea of the day or something fun to think about just as a way to try to brighten […]
  9. gcaron

    Sound Effects Story

    http://gabbing-gabi.carongabi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/022417413-heart-beat-loop.mp3 http://gabbing-gabi.carongabi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Dying-Light-Bulb-SoundBible.com-742005847.mp3 http://gabbing-gabi.carongabi.org/wp-content/uploads/...
  10. ewindley

    Radio Show Ideas

    I am not very artistic but I think it would be fun to do an old fashioned talk radio storytelling.  Something with creaking doors, slamming doors, blood curdling screams, gun shots.  It could be introduced and closed by a host character.  Something like The Twilight Zone in a radio story.  Hey, maybe we could tell one of the Twilight … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  11. audyg1rl

    Weekly Summary

    This week was soooo entertaining to me;  I listened to he “Moon Graffiti” audio about the Neil Armstrong landing outer space running out of gas and air.   It was the first time listening to it and I must say it was so surreal.  Just listening to the audio I felt like I was actually … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  12. gcaron

    Last Laugh

    For the page I selected, I would create a creepy background sound. Kind of like that building piano sound. It would lead into the next scene and the music would be a softer version of the piano sounds. Sound can change the context of the  story and I wouldn’t want the  audio I chose to […]
  13. ewindley

    Audio Storytelling

    Say What What would a horror story be without a creaking door, blood curdling scream, or sound of a gun shot blasting?  The audio can aid in storytelling in ways that even visual effects cannot.  The history of storytelling over of the radio and even the current interest in books on tape are testimonies to people … Continue reading Audio Storytelling
  14. gcaron

    Real Housewives Tagline

    Real Housewifes Tagline “Whatever you are, be a good one.” I used this tagline because it is my favorite quote. I think this quote is important and I used it as my tagline because I think no matter what, the most important thing to do is to love yourself. No matter what you are going […]
  15. gcaron

    Moon Graffiti

    In the beginning, the audio is kind of hectic and panicked which is also the scene in the story. When the spaceship crashed, the music was still panicked and worrisome. Next, the absence of sound created the spooky, ghostly feeling that something bad has happened and it’s a sense of mourning as the news is […]
  16. gcaron

    Audio Reflection

    Audio in storytelling and movies is important to set the mood for the movie. In scary movies, the audio creates the suspense and makes the viewer jump with the jump in pitch of the audio. I’ve always heard that a scary movie in mute, really isn’t that scary of a movie. An example of a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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