1. emorelleum

    Shadows on a Graph

    Vonnegut’s story curves all share one thing in common, by the time the story reaches “electricity” the character is in high heaven. That is where horror often deviates from the typical story. Shadows on the wall starts with a Cinderella beginning, that is,  life is horrible for the main characters, but things get steadily worse […]
  2. braze

    Host Character Intro

    Hello everyone. My name is Eve Winters and I am Lana Winters’ daughter. For those of you who don’t know, Lana was once a patient at Briarcliff Manor, an insane asylum. While she was there, Oliver Thredson was her psychiatrist. Little did anyone know he was also the mass murderer Bloody Face. My mother was kidnapped from … Continue reading Host Character Intro
  3. emorelleum

    And the Enemy is Us

    For this post, I read Last Respects and the Lottery, figuring I could not simply ride my way through the week with my preference of old thrillers. Both stories share a lot of similarities.  Neither one really brings the supernatural to play, only bona-fide just slightly over the edge human. The fact that these stories […]
  4. emorelleum

    Morlium’s Storied Mausoleum

    As I have mentioned before, I am a fan of old media. What I remember from Rod Sirling and Alfred Hitchcock are hosts who let the show do the thrilling. They would dramatically give the same style of introduction, and you might not see them again for the rest of the movie. Granted, some you […]
  5. emorelleum

    Morlium’s Lunch

    I am not a fan of instagram. I AM a fan of assignments poking fun at instagram. I am not a fan of people describing food. I AM a fan of food in general though, so I figured I would have to compromise. Besides, the ol’ vocabulary could always use a workout, and this assignment […]
  6. braze

    The Shape of Stories

    I like Vonnegut’s method because it shows very clearly the happenings of a story. It demonstrates the depth of a story and what happens in it. I decided to apply Vonnegut’s method to Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and came up with: As you can see the story starts out pretty good. Everyone in town is gathering and conversing as if … Continue reading The Shape of Stories
  7. audyg1rl


    Meet 5: she is 5yrs old and she is from India… There is something a little different about 5 though… I mean away from the fact the she is a soft speaking child… But that she is a ghost…Soft spoken child. She’s a thousand years old ghost
  8. emorelleum

    What a Square

    As will be a theme in my posts, I feel that authenticity is a hallmark of good stories (Seriously, I read non-fiction for fun when I was in elementary school). As a result, I jump at opportunities to explain my actions. As a weird personality quirk, I don’t like talking about who I am, but […]
  9. audyg1rl

    Shape of a Story

    In the story Last Respects, the character Anthony never really went above the midpoint line. He started out sad because his beloved was dead. When he made it to her grave he couldn’t open her coffin so he just sat there in the rain. He got locked in the grave and he died there because … Continue reading Shape of a Story
  10. emorelleum

    Schoolyard Politics

    For this assignment, I wanted to do the opposite of what was implied in the description. Rather than describe someone who shouldn’t be teaching because they are incompetent or inappropriate, I wanted to put someone in who was overqualified for the position, and simply couldn’t tone down for the audience. What topi could be more […]
  11. cherishamari

    Rough week

    Week three has been a rough one, I wouldn’t just assignment wise but sadly I got some sort of bug thats been going around, and it just seems to get worse and worse every day. I was fine up until Wednesday, luckily I start my work typically on Sundays so by Wednesday I was practically […]
  12. adyke

    Week 3 Summary

    This week was all about writing. I did three writing assignments from the assignment bank: a diary entry from a Disney villain point of view,  a story about a picture of a dog in a very small doggie bed, and thoughts about a life in a different persons body. These were all interesting and made … Continue reading Week 3 Summary
  13. gcaron

    Weekly Summary Week 3

    This week was not as challenging as the previous weeks in my opinion. I enjoyed learning what a host character was and coming up with one of my own. The writing assignments were tough and I found it difficult to come up with a couple things but it wasn’t too awful. My favorite part was […]
  14. adyke

    Last and Furious

    I changed up one letter in the title of a movie and it changed a great amount. I present a piece of the story board for “Last and Furious” "The Last and the Furious" @ds106dc #tdc1342 pic.twitter.com/wcJCVzWHkW — Aaron Dyke (@datdyke) September 11, 2015
  15. gcaron

    Host Character

    My name is Gory Collins. I was born in Nebraska in the woods. My mother and father went missing when I was seven so I was raised by my great-uncle and second cousin. I enjoy walking through cemeteries and eating brunch with different tombstones. At night, I sing carols to my mirror while I drink […]
  16. jamerive

    An A-Z Story

    A bald crow dared eat from God’s hand in Judas’ kitchen. Likewise, making no option present, quiet rarities sit tentatively under vehicles while xylophones yell “Zebra!”   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  17. jamerive

    Go the Echidna (Try to guess the 10 random words!)

      In a land filled to the brim with magic and wonder, it was no surprise that some creatures found themselves more well-adjusted than others. One such creature was an incredibly intelligent echidna named Go. He was a simple mammal that spent most of his time combing his mohawk and doing pushups. Whenever he wasn’t … Continue reading Go the Echidna (Try to guess the 10 random words!)
  18. gcaron

    Watching TV for Homework

    This writing assignment caught my eye because I just recently started the Grey’s Anatomy series after finishing One Tree Hill so I figured I had to do it! Grey’s Anatomy is a series that captures the life of surgeons and interns becoming surgeons. Throughout the show, the cast is seen inside of the hospital and in […]
  19. gcaron

    Haiku about Haiku

    Haiku About Haiku  Haikus are so fun. Japanese form of writing. Counting syllables. Five, seven, then five. Three verses per each stanza. Capturing feeling. Prompts to inspire. Used to create an emotion. A Haiku for you. #WritingAssignments #WritingAssignments1764
  20. gcaron

    A Vonnegut Approach

    Kurt Vonnegut was an American writer who published many books and articles. The youtube video we watched on his was about him explaining how all stories are virtually the same and follow the same pattern on events depending on how the story starts out. He starts by drawing a line and calls it the B-E […]
  21. gcaron

    Reading Some Horror

    The two different horror medias I read/listened to were “Last Respects” by Tales from the Crypt and a Berenice reading by Dr. John audiobook. First and foremost, both medias displayed creepy media. The Edgar Allan Poe reading was made on a picture that can be seen at the bottom of this initial description. The Tales from the Crypt […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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