1. myoung3

    My scary story

    “It’s just a vial” he told himself, as he stared at the tray full of small cylindrical glass containers. “You’ve been doing this same thing every day for years!” he exclaimed. “Today is no different” he said his final act of self-cajolement before reaching into the container and lifting the vial filled three quarters full … Continue reading My scary story
  2. myoung3

    Here is a horror experience I suggest you try

    One thing I’ve always found particularly scary are video games.  Just like film, there are many sub-genres, but my favorite has to be survival horror.  In survival horror, your character is hopelessly outmatched by some evil force, and only by running, hiding, and setting traps can you survive.  A great example of this genre is … Continue reading Here is a horror experience I suggest you try
  3. myoung3

    Hello DS106!!

    Hello DS106, My name is Michael Young.  I gave you guys a shoutout on Twitter! https://twitter.com/Michael27531088 I already have a soudcloud I use to share acoustic cover songs I’ve done.  Here’s my most popular track! I already have a YouTube channel I use to do video game tutorials and commentary.  Here’s a video of me … Continue reading Hello DS106!!
  4. silverember

    The Other Shoe

    As a chronic worrier, I have to remind myself that I have thus far survived every major crisis life has thrown at me. I could even argue that these crises have left me stronger. It's like playing a video game- every boss battle gives you XP and loots, ...
  5. azirpmoulis

    Hello world!

    This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging!
  6. headreaper

    First Post

    Hello~! This is the first post to ThatSpookyBlog! The website will be undergoing major renovations quite soon so stay tuned for a spookier theme.
  7. leila275

    5 reasons you need Digital Marketing Strategy


    5 reasons you need Digital Marketing Strategy New online technologies make a big changes to old traditional marketing solutions. These days, using of mobiles and Internets create a easy and fast way for customers to find their products, or do research about their future favorite stores. By using proper digital marketing strategy, which is different based […]

    The post 5 reasons you need Digital Marketing Strategy appeared first on Sigma Digital Marketing.

  8. silverember

    Toxic Funk

    Times like these, I understand why people believe in God. Any God. I get it. It would be nice to know that some higher, wiser force is in charge. That the madness, and the not-madness, it's all leading up to something.I could use just a moment of that ...
  9. alicemutch

    So here I am

    I’m Alice, if you want to be able to picture me I’m 5ft6 with dark brown hair curly hair, well dead darkish brown hair that i have destroyed with hair dye, bleach and the sun… I have bright blue eyes and as people say; a resting bitch face. I wish i could tell you that…
  10. silverember

    Shit Sandwich

    Bad things will always happen. It's a simple truth about life. Things break, relationships fall apart, people die.What defines us is how we comport ourselves when everything seems to be going to hell.In the dark, awful moments, it's hard to stand up an...
  11. silverember

    We’re Gonna Take This Town Back

    A lot of people talk about writing as though it's a great mystery. I always thought it was rather simple. You sit, you think, words trickle out of your fingertips. Sometimes they come together to form a cohesive thought, though nearly just as often you...
  12. silverember

    Why I Refuse to Contour

    Look, all makeup is a lie. I get that. That said, contouring is a step too far.

    Though I am a big, huge fan of makeup, I hit critical mass somewhere around 24. Before that, it was a natural progression. It started with lip gloss in middle school, mostly because Lip Smackers were at peak popularity and HELLO THEY TASTED LIKE CANDY. It was less about aesthetics than it was about being the girl with a hundred of those freaking things on a key chain. Lip Smackers were greater than currency. They were power.
    Behold, the Pokémon of beauty products.
    From Lip Smackers to eye shadow, which (at least when you're twelve) is like sparkly pixie dust and not much more serious than aforementioned tastygloss. More often than not, we applied that crap all the way up to our eyebrows and likely resembled wannabe fairy prostitutes. High School saw my discovery of eyeliner and punk rock, from which there has been no true escape. I didn't start doing sophisticated makeup until mid-college, but even that was fairly minimalist. For the most part, I used it to enhance my eyes and hide my blemishes.

    Skip back to critical mass at 24. We're talking foundation, blush, bronzer, lipstick, falsies, the works. I was fake as hell and (insofar as I can recall) likely resembled a drag queen. I had gone from enhancing what I had to just straight up face-paint. In retrospect, this was problematic for two reasons. One, I was relying too heavily on these things to feel attractive and two, I looked like a freaking clown.

    This is why I take issue with contouring.

    It's not so much the padded bra argument, but it shares some philosophies. First, I believe that (with very few exceptions) all people are beautiful and interesting in their own ways. And that goes for everything. Lately, the popular body obsession has been big giant lips and asses (neither of which I possess.) Before, it was giant Pam Anderson boobs. Having a dark tan has come and gone in and out of vogue. But I don't think that going to great lengths to achieve these looks is in any way desirable.

    Let me put it this way: how many steps from your true self have you gone when your makeup routine requires a diagram?

    And what was wrong with the woman in the above picture? What is contouring really giving her, other than alien-perfect cheekbones and pancake face? And seriously, what sort of life are you living where you feel compelled to contour your boobs to make them seem bigger? I wish I could find this girl and tell her that her boobs are beautiful and perfect as is.

    Besides, how long can you keep the giant boob facade up anyway? I feel as though this is an optical illusion that any sincerely interested party would see through fairly quickly.

    The mindless pursuit of looking fashionable has firmed my certainty that true beauty is diverse, and diverse beauty is fantastic. Contouring- while perhaps less homogenizing than bleach blonde hair, giant fake boobs, dark tans and Kylie Jenner lips- is just another beauty fad that takes focus away from what's truly important. And if you guessed that BEING YOURSELF is the most important thing, you win. Yes, it's a timeworn lesson we've been hearing from go, but it's absolutely true.

    Makeup is a tool that I use almost daily to feel more confident, but its powers only go so far. Would I look good if I contoured? Probably (if I could get that technique down right, and it looks seriously complicated.) But I refuse to take that step, because at the end of the day there are things that matter much more to me than looking flawless. Plus, I think I look alright the way I am. I don't have giant lips or crazy cheekbones, but I've got my own thing going. Anyone who uses makeup has their own balance to strike with it and the lengths they're willing to go to. I just urge anyone who's seriously into this contouring thing to reconsider. Natural beauty is something to cherish.
  13. silverember

    Why I Gave Up on Being Cool

    Confession: I am not cool. There was a time when I tried, and I cared, and you know what? It was a complete waste of time. I don't have the best taste in music, the most exciting interests and hobbies, or the most fashion-forward taste in clo...
  14. silverember

    Shoulds and Wants

    There have been a series of moments that I've held up to the light and examined closely for clues that I am truly a fully fledged adult. Most of them were superficial.I've mentioned before that I showed signs of real adulthood when appliances and other...
  15. silverember

    Answers to Questions Nobody Asked

    Here we are again. I'm banging my head against a wall trying to dream up content and my thoughts kind of feel the way a child's playroom looks. I'm the exhausted mother kind of stumbling around picking things up and having no clue where to put them.Thi...
  16. silverember

    The Exhausted Blog

    I've had one of those weeks where you hit a brick wall and just say, "No thanks. I need to be alone." Some people call it being "socially bankrupt". I hear that. I need a minute.Writers are observational by nature, so maybe what I'm going through is no...
  17. silverember

    The Graveyard

    I don't know what this means, or if it has to mean anything, but I've written and abandoned six different pieces on this blog. They sit in limbo, waiting to be either finished or deleted, and will most likely sit there forever.I think the hardest thing...
  18. silverember

    Live From My Death Bed

    The idea of a sick day is always rather romantic in theory. Tea and blankets, books, Netflix, someone to take care of you and all the guiltless napping you can muster.In reality, being sick is the worst. Being home sick would be pretty swell if only yo...
  19. braze


    Bloody Face is a character on American Horror Story Asylum who skinned people and used the skin as a mask to hide his face. He has a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it in my own “words”.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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