1. braze


    Bloody Face is a character on American Horror Story Asylum who skinned people and used the skin as a mask to hide his face. He has a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it in my own “words”.
  2. silverember


    You know you're in trouble when you don't know how to start.I feel as though- in hindsight- I'm always seeing the past as strange, or disjointed. The past couple of months have been just that, and more. They have been happy, busy, and full of change. G...
  3. silverember

    Shake, Rattle ‘n’ Facebook!

    In defense of everybody (myself included) who hopped on social media mere moments after the earthquake this morning, I have this to say: In California, we live in constant fear of "the Big One".I very firmly believe that you pick which natural disaster...
  4. silverember

    I Call Bullshit on Adulthood

    I'm not sure what heralded my (long overdue) emergence from the happy waters of childhood into the super lame ocean that is adulthood. It could have been the first time I asked for an appliance for Christmas. Or the first time I GOT one and was excited...
  5. silverember

    Why I May Never Lose Weight, Part 1

    Let's cut right to the chase: salads bum me out.There's nothing worse than toiling through a morning at work and having nothing to look forward to but a pile of vegetables for lunch. Give me a sandwich and a bag of chips any day. Heck, just give me the...
  6. silverember

    Creative Differences

    A few months ago, I bought a pair of concert tickets.This was a big deal.See, I haven't been to a "buy tickets ahead of time" kind of show since 2007, when Serj Tankian went solo (which, despite my initial misgivings, was totally awesome). Since then...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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