1. bellekid

    Technicolor Life: A Six Word Memoir

    I went to bed last night and everything was ok. The world was at peace, the twins were happy and sleeping well and David was at my side. This morning I woke up to gray…   The first part of NPH and the Search for Color is a Six Word Memoir, stating “My life was once […]
  2. bellekid

    YouTube is the Devil, Video: Weeks 11-12

    This week, I learned to hate YouTube. I did not mean to end up hating YouTube, it just happened. After uploading two of this week’s videos and getting copyright violation notices, which I then fought due to Fair Use, I logged into YouTube to discover I had been sent to YouTube’s Copyright School. Copyright school […]
  3. bellekid

    The Rebirth of Owen Harper

    The Rebirth of Owen Harper from bellekid on Vimeo. When I set out to do the Return To The Silent Era assignment, I did not plan to include fanservice in my video, but as I started working on my title cards, I knew that it had to be done. As a Torchwood fan, I know that one […]
  4. Seth Goodman


    During spring 2013, I used this blog to host a project I executed for a graduate school course, in which I investigated the practice of a select population through their online activity during a period of time that roughly began … Continue reading
  5. Emily Strong

    Regretful Revenge

    I was more than a little horrified when my intended-to-be-silly, inspired-by-The-Princess-Bride daily create about revenge was posted last Monday. But such is the nature of terrorism – you can’t anticipate and plan your week around it. So I decided to … Continue reading
  6. karenatsharon

    Post ETMOOC -April

    So I promised a more analytical response of why etmooc was so valuable as a learning process and here it is. What is interesting is that even though I am no longer in the weekly/biweekly task mode for etmooc, as a post etmooc blog group member our grou...
  7. sabofsg

    Stop killing your metabolic rate!

    This was written by personal trainer Joey C Donnelly and I would share since it contained useful advice that dispels certain misconceptions people may have with regard to dieting and exercising for a better body: Photo of Joey Donnelly and girlfriend Chady Dunmore Do you ever wonder why the majority of competitors/ fitness models gain […]
  8. sabofsg

    Supper and this week’s updates

    It’s been such boring week. Couldn’t hit the gym all week because I had a flu and a cough and was feeling all chilly and feverish. Instead, I stayed home and researched on nutrition. Yes, can you believe it? I’m still at it after several weeks. I can’t seem to get enough of reading information […]
  9. Giulia Forsythe

    Moving Mashup

    In Doctorow’s novel Pirate Cinema, the main character is obsessively driven to create and transform a video “mashup from something trite and obvious to something genuinely moving”. It’s a great complement to this week’s ds106 remix challenge. Jonathan Worth, the brilliant prof behind #phonar, has released all his great Cory Doctorow photographs under a creative […]
  10. Hatchet Jack

    Hatchet Jack Needs Some Help.

    The official lookin fellas that come up here on the mountain the other day says Hatchet Jack needs some “verification” as they said as to why he is here else they are gonna remove me. That got Hatchet Jack to start to wonder why the hell he IS here anyways? And it reminded Hatchet Jack […]
  11. sabofsg

    Random Musing: Pumped-up Kids

    I felt really uncomfortable when I first had a glimpse of these photos.. Soft winsome faces atop chiseled frames were OTT odd for me (More photos here). These photos made me recall how much I abhorred muscularity and vascularity as a kid. Perhaps I thought bodybuilders looked scary and intimidating and gave me an uneasy feeling. But as I […]
  12. sabofsg

    Popeye: Cartoon Inspiration for Muscles

    Protein is typically the nutrient associated with muscle-building and recovery amongst weight-lifters. There are tons of protein options available (chicken, beef, tofu…), but I began to wonder if there were any non-proteins which can be beneficial in my weight-lifting journey… The immediate imagery was of Popeye popping a can of spinach and growing all big […]
  13. jaapsoft



    Een gedeelte van een werk van Picasso om de techniek te laten zien van lijnenspel en kranteknipsets, beeld en tekst. Waarbij de tekst hier voornamelijk (maar niet uitsluitend) een picturale funktie heeft.  Ik heb Picasso op z'n kant gezet. 

  14. Hatchet Jack

    You Are Always Sunny to Me!

    Hatchet Jack says that while he has had some difference with that gal Talky Tina, he also says that she is his only friend. And a friend is a friend Jack says. And clearly that gal gots some issues. Being small is hard. Being frozed to death is harder still. So Hatchet Jack says he […]
  15. Hatchet Jack

    Hatchet Jack’s Early Years with White Top Tom

    Hatchet Jack says that Hatchet Jack has discovered a couple items from Hatchet Jack’s youth. The photo was found under the leather insole of his boot last night when the sole itself had worn to the point it was ahurtin his foot. So talking off his boot, he sees this paper. Below is the photograph […]
  16. karenatsharon

    A Wonder for My Mental Beach-ETMOOC

    As Christina Hendricks first said "This is my love letter to ETMOOC"It is hard to believe that three months have gone by and that ETMOOC has passed so quickly. If you had said to me on New Year's Eve that, "2013 would be the year you fully reconnect wi...
  17. maddiekp

    #edcMOOC Blogging Survey: Please join in!

    Hello again edcMOOC bloggers! Many of us in #edcmooc either blogged throughout the course, or used quad- blogging to connect with other edcMOOCers. Whether you were a new or experienced blogger, what role did blogging play in your overall edcMOOC experience? Did blogging or quadblogging in #edcmooc enhance your learning or help u build a PLN? Please […]
  18. imaturestudent

    Further reading recommended by EDCMOOC tutors


    On Saturday Martin asked during the Twitterchat about further reading for those who have been on edcmooc...

    Q3 Would like an extended reading/viewing list from the 'professors'. #edcmchat
    — Animal My Soul (@MisterSoul2) March 9, 2013

    Some were unaware that Sian Bayne had already posted "A short reading list for continuing #edcmooc" on Feb 28th. All her suggestions are linked to make it easy.

    Since then, both Hamish Macleod and Jeremy Knox have responded to the question...

    @elenizazani Reading?"Rainbow's End" comes recommended.:-) "Natural Born Cyborgs" by Andy Clark @andydmmitchell @j_k_knox @jar
    — Hamish Macleod (@hamacleod) March 10, 2013

    More details can be found on Wikipedia for Rainbow's End and a video of Andy Clark speaking about 'Natural Born Cyborgs' can be found here on Vimeo.

    RT @andydmmitchell: further reading #edcmooc what about 'Alien Chic: posthumanism and the other within' Neil Badmington
    — Jeremy Knox (@j_k_knox) March 11, 2013

    Alien Chic can be found on Amazon.

    RT @andydmmitchell: further reading @elenizazani or perhaps 'Actor-Network Theory in Education' Tara Fenwick and Richard Edwards (2010)
    — Jeremy Knox (@j_k_knox) March 11, 2013

    A quick search reveals a YouTube video in 'Plain English' about Actor-Network Theory, plus Wikipedia has an entry for it. I haven't watched it all yet so please let me know if it is worth keeping. If you prefer to go straight to the book, it's here.

    If any more tutors respond then I will add them to this post... or if you have your own suggestions, feel free to add them to comments and I will add those to the blog too :)

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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