1. maddiekp

    Why #edcmooc worked! – Reflecting

    Following on my previous post, here is my deeper analysis and reflection on why this course worked for me and my peers. To start with, below is the #edcmooc course details as mentioned on Coursera site: “This course will not be taught via a series of video lectures. Rather, a selection of rich resources will […]
  2. Giulia

    Drive by learning

    Evidence that learning cannot be contained within the boundaries of a course, I’ve taken a couple double takes reading both Audrey Watters’ and Mike Caulfield’s excellent critiques about Sugra Mitra and his Hole in the Wall project in India. Caulfield also tweeted a link to this excellent essay by Morozov touching on the topic of […]
  3. imaturestudent

    Report Writing Study Guide

    In my last blogpost I showcased a Mindmap for sections of a report, so I thought it a good opportunity to share a related study guide I created last year.At university Report Writing was a real problem for me.  It looks easy enough, but under...
  4. maddiekp

    When the student is ready, the teacher will appear #edcmooc

    I am reading a lot of negative comments about the course on the forum and in some posts. Participants are complaining about “absent teacher”, “no videos and quizzes” and no “formal assessment”. I am thinking MOOCs are not for everyone, especially not for those who think MOOCs can be compared with face to face learning. […]
  5. imaturestudent

    Sections of a Report

    Today I have been procrastinating.  The way I often do this is by playing with webtools. Yesterday I came across Spicynodes, an interactive mind-mapping tool.  It offers a free, basic service to individual users so I thought I ...
  6. Giulia

    Data Mine

    Another great #etmooc session this eve. Audrey Watters dropped some awesome thought bombs. She posed some challenging questions, as we move beyond the analog manilla envelope (like her mom collected of her school artefacts) into the digital realm and quintillions of bytes are collected daily. How do students, teachers, administrators, schools, and governments decide who […]
  7. maddiekp

    #edcmooc final artefact

    This is my artefact for the final assessment in the E-learning and digital cultures mooc #edcmooc   Audio source: https://soundcloud.com/wilsontne All images are from www.pixabay.com under CC license  
  8. Hatchet Jack

    The Ballad of Hatchet Jack and Talky Tina

    Wimmin will make a man do amany things. Even sing.  Hatchet Jack says this whole thing with Miss Talky Tina has b gottn jus a bit outta hand. With them darn books getting in the way. Colt Wyoming?  Who ever hear a such a name  Well we was up at the chalet as she like to call […]
  9. karenatsharon

    Who is Digital Literacy for?

    So I am stuck in last week's storytelling mode because I am still working with Popcorn Maker. While you can turn the sound off on the video you've downloaded, you can't seem to be able to replace the sound track with another track ( I was thinking o...
  10. Hatchet Jack

    Ro Sham Bo with Talky Tina

    Hatchet Jack has been thinking about stuff a lot lately. @iamtalkytina and @olhatchetjack make such a cute couple. — Alan Levine (@cogdog) February 14, 2013 He has been hearn big words and stuff. Hatchet Jack has been hearn a whole lot about this an that. Hatchet Jack says he likes a simple life. Playin ol […]
  11. timmmmyboy

    This Web Brings Us Closer

    I had a very cool moment a few nights ago when I was sitting in my graduate course on learning theory. As a part of the course we've all been assigned a particular theorist and we're asked at some point in the semester to give a short 15 minute present...
  12. timmmmyboy

    This Web Brings Us Closer

    Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher by Giulia ForsytheI had a very cool moment a few nights ago when I was sitting in my graduate course on learning theory. As a part of the course we’ve all been assigned a particular theorist and we’re asked at some point in the semester to give a short 15 minute presentation. The first round was Thursday - Read More -
  13. kelcym

    Temporarily disconnecting from #edcmooc during week 2

    Last week I was in a F2F class thinking about asymmetric warfare and looking to the past for lessons that could be used to explain the conflicts of today. This clashed with the #edcmooc class requirement to look to the future to understand how utopian/dystopian stories shaped our understanding of technology and education. So this […]
  14. Giulia

    #ds106, valentine edition

    Lots of funny #ds106valentine caption assignments seizing the moment today. I know everyone is working hard on their #ds106 Valentine Day Caption Challenge http://t.co/GjZ8VxGq #ds106 #etmooc — Alan Levine (@cogdog) February 14, 2013 How could I not oblige? After watching smart librarians attempt to engage in civil, meaningful debate on twitter I thought I should […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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