1. @rgrotans2

    Week 4 Story Critique

    While looking for something different to critique this week I ran into this short video which caught my attention because of the unique way it is told. It relates to my focal theme and is somewhat recent so I thought Read more...The post Week 4 Story...
  2. @lakaha77

    An Iconic Design Project

    The goal of this design project was to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons – four of them.  I chose this assignment because it is something that I could see myself having my students do when they have completed a book. […]
  3. @AmyLGonzales1

    Vintage – Mt. Falcon

      For the ds106 design challenge, I chose to work on DesignAssignment 1770 – Vintage-ify a place.  My theme for this semester is exploring your own backyard with your children.  We had recently hiked Mt. Falcon in Indian Hills, Colorado (about 20 minutes from our home) and I thought it would be a great “memory” type piece […]
  4. @nbstphotography

    INTE 5340: Week Four

    Daily Create TDC 1633: Octopus Encounter. Selfies are funny. Why do we take them? I don’t know, but apparently people will go to great lengths for one! Reading Response: The World, Published From a survey of new literacies, to remixing, to DIY media, the topics we’ve covered week by week are pretty distinct, and yet […]
  5. @mzclare

    Daily Create 1633

    Daily Create 1633 #tdc1633 Octopus Encounter What is the back story between the octopus and the person? Who is behind the glass? How did they get here? What happens next.
  6. @L_Raz0829

    Week 4 Motivational Poster

    This weeks creation was to create a motivational poster that focused on my story telling theme. My theme is “Through the Eyes of a Toddler” so I knew right away that the photo would be of my daughter. Not sure what photo I wanted to choose quite yet I decided to look through quotes first. Dr. […]
  7. @kopeckaci

    Academic Blogging

    Check out our weekly reading! I think a big takeaway for me was how multifaceted blogging really is. It is so multidimensional as opposed to simple text or journals. As stated in this chapter blogging is complex because, “of the capabilities offered by hypertext. New affordances include textual connections with others on and offline; the&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  8. @rzezfez

    Carrot Assimilation

    For today’s Daily Create, we were asked simply, “What would Carrot People look like?” I had to ask myself, “Why would a carrot want to look like a person?” And then the answer occurred to me: Because they’re ready to rise and take over the world! Here’s the short story of the Carrot Uprising: Have …
  9. @kopeckaci

    You Know Why!

    Check out the assignment that sparked this creation!   I chose this pictures because first I am a 100% dog lover! Second I think that my dogs have really given me a lot of perspective and life lessons on growing up. I learned a lot about responsibility and dedication after owning my two dogs. They&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  10. @cshermanread

    Movie Underdogs

    In this week’s survey (Please vote. See lower right sidebar poll.), we look at where heroes come from. For most people I speculate that heroes come from our daily lives: family, neighborhood, school, the office. But we also find heroes in literature, online, and in movies. As much as I regret lowering the level of conversation […]
  11. @rzezfez

    Steampunk Apartment For Sale!

    For today’s Daily Create, I was prompted to describe what the above picture was of and what kind of ad may move it quickly! So I created the below ad: The value is unknown – I suppose it depends on how much you liked Wild Wild West! Who can resist owning a Steampunk apartment?! Looks …
  12. @L_Raz0829

    Week Three Reflection

    Each week seems to be getting better than the last! I feel that I completed the tasks this week in a more timely manner than the last two weeks but I still need to get stuff done a bit earlier. I felt like I was just behind the curve on a couple of assignments and […]
  13. @L_Raz0829

    Digital Story Telling Critique Week 3

         This week I decided to critique a video on sign language for kids. I ended up finding a video that focused more on babies than toddlers but I figured the signs are the same right? I ended up finding this video to critique. I have to admit that this video was not one of my […]
  14. @lee_sam86

    Week 4 Reflection

    What a week! I learned so much more new technology this week. I LOVE VINE!!! I have so many great ideas for using this in the classroom. I want to use this to have my students create introduction videos of themselves. How fund would it be to have them make a 6 second video to […]
  15. @rzezfez

    Moving Right Along

    Week three has come to an end and I am beginning to feel comfortable in the Learning with Digital Stories cloak. The process now feels familiar and the routine of the weekly assignments set in a reliable structure helped me plan the completion of assignments as I returned home from vacation a few days ago. …
  16. @L_Raz0829

    Week 3 Reading Reflection and Scholarship

    This week we read Chapter 1: DIY Media: A contextual background and some contemporary themes. I truly really enjoyed the subject matter of this article. It was all about aiming to introduce ourselves to DIY or do-it-yourself media. It discusses how today’s youth is doing a lot of “digital media” and having ourselves as educators […]
  17. @dusenberyart_k8

    Digital Story Telling gets a little Basquiat, a reflection of week 3

    Charles the first, Jean- Michael Basquiat, 1982

    Jean-Michael Basquiat's artistic endeavors were short lived, as he left this earth prematurely at the age of 28. His work exploded on the New York seen only shortly before his untimely death, but in that short time he took the art of graffiti leaps and bound beyond, blurring the lines between street and high art. Homeless when he was discovered, and taken under the wing of famed Pop artist Andy Warhol, Basquiat was instantly thrown into the lime light of the creative industry in the middle of the art mecca of the time.His alias SAMO, tells of his beliefs of the art world; "same old, same old".  His work tells an important story of poverty, race and culture of his time.  

    Just a Basquait blurred the lines of what the meaning of art and value was in New York City in the 80's, my lines of understanding and acceptance become blurred once again. I continue an inner struggle with technology and the digitization of our world. The allowances of 'creativity and artistic ability are judged through my passion for a craft that is seemingly being borrowed every second of the day. This week, I let my passion for a community of people that struggle to become known, to make their art their life's work without starving, close my eye's and shut out acceptance. 

    My head gets a little crazy...

    Head, 1983
    There was a line in our reading that I had to read several times, up to that point I was had become a head nodder, in acceptance, feverishly taking notes of things that struck me in awe, that I LOVED, Then there was this line:" the possibility of drawing on existing media to resourceDIY media projects mean it is quite possible for the everyday person to cre-ate a polished product without necessarily being “artistic"( Lankshear and Knobel. (2008). WHAT? Yes, it is true, all the technology and digital Apps and programs make just about everything accessible to everyone, but creating polished products without being artistic? NO! What is happening is that people are being led to believe that they are suddenly artists, without any creativity. And that lack of creativity is what will always separate those who possess artistic talents and those that are just riding coat tails. An app, a program only allows you to create what the creator of that app or program allows you to create, you are constrained to the creators ability and creativity. Without artistic ability, you will have a sub-par product, this is the difference between the business cards you can't seem to stop looking at, and the ones that get lost in the bottom of your desk. 

    I struggle through the rest of the reading, ever present is this notion of art and artistry that I can't let go, I feel myself falling apart and regressing to my younger self pre-technology. My second daily create reflects my mindset as I use the opportunity to inform my peers of the creator of stop motion film, re-birthing Muybridges walk, whilst everyone else uses the technology of the day to create 'cute' little films of themselves walking around. My music is purposeful- 'I walk the line", striped of color and feeling, this is where technology started. 

    Simplicity and Focus regained- " I don't think about art when I am working, I  try to think about life" Jean -Michael Basquiat. 

    Untitled (Sugar Ray Robinson)-1982

    Sometimes we become so focused that we actually loose focus. It was at the Tedx conference this weekend that I am reminded how important that all this technology stuff is, that we continue to grow and develop as a community and species rather than lying stagnant. What would graffiti look like if the art never progressed past Taki183? Noted as the 'first' graffiti artist, Taki simply wrote his name, with a goal to have his mark in all 5 burrows of NYC. I see now the connection, we are all Taki's, and some of us are even a bit Basquiat creating better and more artistic marks that we leave behind. We all just want to share what we can do, to be noticed, and for someone to leave a comment. 

    In an expert talk, practical futurist Taylor Romero outlines he and his wife's success, all at the hands of technology and the digital age, because they opened their minds to the endless possibilities of being connected. He reminds the audience that anyone that doubts technology and 'hates' it should be riding a horse naked, and to that he would tip his hat, oh wait he couldn't because that would bring manufacturing into the conversation, and he would hate to offend. The crowd laughs hysterically, and there I realize that I have been kind of an ass this week. 

    I don't 'hate' technology, I am just getting used to the change. I have to remember all of the things that technology and being connected has brought me, my students and my craft. As my list of followers grows, the connections that I make become more valuable, conversations are used to help myself and others grow. This week I made a 'handshake' on twitter with @dogtrax, to the first person to figure out how to make a gif, a real one, not copy and paste, would teach the other person. This is what I need to remember about technology and artistry as I read about the accessibility of becoming a non artist.  

    Throughout my struggle with the topic, I continue to participate, though I still don't think that I have fully tackled the possibilities of what hypothesis is. I know that I write comments that I want to post to twitter, but then can't find them because they are part of a reply? I love connecting each week to an artist, and have not duplicated yet- there are so many to share, and inform the non artists and learning artist about, and remind the artist of the rich history that ha made so many changes to our culture. Basquiat is especially important, his work really impacted the art world, racially, economically and socially, which is a goal of mine with my students everyday. 

    I was a really lousy artist as a kid. Too abstract expressionist; or I'd draw a big ram's head, really messy. I'd never win painting contests. I remember losing to a guy who did a perfect Spiderman. 

    Do you think that the non artist drawing someone else's Superman is remembered by anyone? Use your own creativity to leave your mark, if you wish to be remembered. 

  18. @janetmemerson

    Week 3 Reflective Summary

    It is hard to believe that Week 3 is finished. I feel I have completed the requirements of this week’s assignments with not as much frustration as in the past! I think I am starting to get the hang of this stuff. I responded to other Tweets this week – that was an accomplishment for […]
  19. @AmyLGonzales1

    Busy, Busy! Week 3 Reflection

      This week was full of unexpected guests and musicals. Sometimes you just have those weeks that make it difficult to get things done in the timely fashion you had planned.  But, everything did get done.  The video assignment was fun and I found more places for my family to visit over the summer.  For […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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