1. @gannon1980s

    Week 4 – Photography and the Visual Image

    This week was a pretty good one. Photography has been a skill that I have known a little bit about but have yet to really get into it. Overall, I enjoyed the assignments for this week and here’s my work: A Day of My Life: https://gannonradenberg.home.blog/2019/09/25/a-day-of-my-life/A Day of My Life: ds106 Photo Assignments: https://gannonradenberg.home.blog/2019/09/25/a-day-of-my-life/ds106 Photo […]
  2. @Michael63961786

    Photography in the 1980’s

    I’ve looked at some photos from the 80’s on google and I found a lot of pictures with a political agenda. You can definitely see there was some conflict in the political landscape back then. Of course even today there is still conflict when it comes to politics. I also saw a lot pictures showcasing […]
  3. @gannon1980s

    Photography Tips

    While I’m by no means a pro at photography, there are a few basic tips about photography that I know are extremely helpful when trying to get good photos. The first tip is using the Rule of Thirds. I learned this back in high school when I started taking a video production class. The rule […]
  4. @gannon1980s

    ds106 Photo Assignments

    This week I was tasked with completing 8 stars worth of assignments involving photos on the ds106 assignment bank. Here’s my results: 9-Step Photo Collage (3 Stars) Cropped Signs (2 Stars Create A Game of Thrones House (...
  5. @shealanclark

    In History

    Since it is hard for me to take a full-body picture of myself, I decided to use an old picture of me doing a bigfoot pose for this little project. I would like to tackle this assignment again with a little help in taking a better picture for the task....
  6. @Michael63961786

    Week 3 Summary

    The writing wasn’t so bad. I had some trouble trying to loop in the 80’s theme into them but overall I feel like it went well. I also commented on one shea’s tweets I thought was funny.
  7. @shealanclark

    Summary week 3

    Storytelling is something that is all around us. It is something we need to familiarize ourselves with in order to compete and stay relevant. Although stories do follow the same overused outline there are ways to brand a story in a way that makes it refreshing. It is no secret that Hollywood isn’t producing “new” … Continue reading Summary week 3
  8. @shealanclark

    Writing Advice

    I ran across this article a couple years ago and it helped me to practice better writing. https://www.writingforward.com/writing-tips/the-22-best-writing-tips-ever This article contains similar advice but geared towards fiction more. https://www.iu...
  9. @Michael63961786

    Writing Assignment: I’m a real boy

    If I was to spend a single day as someone it would be Arnold Schwarzenegger. He may be older now but he’s still physically stronger than I’ll ever be. I would spend a good part of my day seeing what I could lift. I would then spend the rest of my day saying random things […]
  10. @shealanclark

    Happy music

    For this assignment I debated about using the emotion “inspiring” since the songs I find that make me happy, pumped, or just plain emotional I find them to also be inspiring. So I decided to just go with happy to narrow it down. The first song is called Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic … Continue reading Happy music
  11. @gannon1980s

    Week 3 – Shape of Stories

    This week had pretty simple tasks but they still kept me busy. For starters I went onto Twitter and participated in some Daily Create activities. My twitter handle is @gannon1980s After that I watched a couple videos. One was over good forms of storytelling and the other was over how we use the web and […]
  12. @gannon1980s

    Writing Advice

    This week I have been tasked with finding a couple good resources for advice on writing. I myself am not great at writing but am trying to get better so researching advice should also help me as well. For my first resource I found an article from Goins, Writer: How to Be a Good Writer […]
  13. @gannon1980s

    ds106 Writing Assignments

    One of my assignments this week was to complete 10 stars worth of assignments in the writing section of the ds106 assignment bank. This week I completed: assignments.ds106.us/assignments/instagram-is-done-describe-your-lunch-to-me/ (3.5 stars) For lunch today I made a sandwich. This sandwich was made with rotisserie seasoned sliced chicken breast, pepper jack cheese, mayonnaise and lettuce on two […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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