1. mburtis (Martha)

    Card Play

    I decided to tackle a design assignment today: Create Your Own Business Card which was dreamed up by one Lauren Brumfield in a previous ds106 job. I wanted to develop a calling card for Bond, Black, Groom and me — we’re getting more and more informal requests for our services and it seemed like maybe it … Continue reading Card Play
  2. phoenix

    Understanding Copyright…..

    Originally, I didn’t give much thought copyright. Before I did any research, all I knew about copyright was the symbol; a c with a circle around it. Afterwards, I finally learned its a process when someone creates something and wants the government to protect their right to make a profit from it. Throughout history it…

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  3. bchristi1361

    Business Card

    Create Your Own Business Card We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key. Use photoshop to create your own business card to advertise who you are. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-your-own-business-card/ 2 Stars! For this assignment I chose what i want to do later in life and that is open a guide service for redfish … Continue reading Business Card
  4. mrosengrant

    Wanna Play A Game?

     Victoire Absinthe, like many of us, find the movies to be a place to forget everyday worries and woes. This movie is one of her favorites. It soothes her, in a strange way. She’s often thought about why such a...
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  5. bchristi1361


    Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From? Photoshop someone(s) (or something(s)) into a picture that isn’t supposed to be there. Here’s the original inspiration for the project: http://www.zonaeuropa.com/20110629_1.htm http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/wait-whered-that-guy-come-from/ 3 stars! When i saw this assignment i knew i had to do it. Photoshopping someone where they don’t belong is always hilarious and i picked professor … Continue reading THE GROOMFATHER
  6. rlaluman

    Four Icons One Spence

    For my last design assignment this week I did the “One Story Four Icons” assignment and dedicated it to my character Spence. This assignment is worth two and a half points and fulfills the six required character assignment points for the week. My first step in this assignment was to decide what aspect of Spence’s…
  7. lepps2


    Alright there’s a lot here because I love design a lot, so brace yourself. Also I didn’t realize that we were only supposed to do four, and I… well I did all but one. opps. Guess I’ll read more carefully next time, but I really didn’t mind because I enjoy design so much. And another […]
  8. Christina Hendricks

    Noir106 photo safari

    I’m participating as much as I have time to in #noir106, the ds106 iteration for this term, focused on noir writing, radio, film, etc. For week 3 (yeah, a couple of weeks ago…I’m behind) we were asked to do a noir photo safari:   I kept meaning to do this for over a week, and […]
  9. rlaluman

    Highland Corporation Annual Charity Benefit

    For my third design assignment this week I decided to do the “You’re Invited” assignment and dedicate it to my character Jack Spencer. This assignment is worth three and a half points out of the six required character points. For the event I created I decided to draw from Jack’s history with cancer and use…
  10. gyeorelee

    Super Power

    If I would have a super power, I want to have control over fire. It would be really good to have it so I can fire some candle and stove whenever it needs to turn on.
  11. mrosengrant


         MAGIC is in the air! Or rather, Magic the Gathering. I’ve played the game before, so I got a giggle out of the fact that I could make my own cards. I had a lot of fun picking...
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  12. alayton8


    4.5 Stars The assignment I chose was to make a poster for the search of Professor Groom using a famous media. I chose to use the “Where’s Waldo” idea to put a funny spin on Groom’s missing and the actual assignment! To do this I used powerpoint, cropped the photo of Professor Groom using the … Continue reading WHERE IS GROOM?!
  13. sgrubbs2

    Design Blitz

    My design blitz incorporates four different concepts in the field of design. This photo shows dominance because the vine and moss are taking over the tree and living on its surface. I think dominance is effective in photos because it shows strength and power. This photo of my drawing shows rhythm because the shapes and … Continue reading Design Blitz
  14. janellegelino

    My Design Blitz

    1) Stars sign: https://www.flickr.com/photos/janellegelino/15884668134/ With this poster, I particularly noticed the idea of a symbol/ metaphor being utilized. The statement “Not all stars belong to the sky,” is referring to Virginia Beach since typically beaches have many starfish as do many … Continue reading
  15. sgrubbs2

    Jim Cowell

    Here we see Jim Cowell judging American Idol, he can be pretty harsh but he knows good talent when he sees it. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/professor-groom-poster/ (Four and a half Stars)  
  16. cheyannenicole291992


    My first DesignBlitz photo reflects the “color” concept. I think this photo is effective when it comes to color. It is effective because the picture displays a bright mood through the different colors displayed in the lamp shade. Also, each color in the lamp shade draws your attention to it when illuminated to the various colors that […]
  17. bgoulet

    What Superpower Would You Choose?

    I have been stuck between choosing either Time Traveling or Teleportation as my power of choice, so I decided that I would do both. In reality though, nobody really knows what they appear like, but here is my interpretation of how they may look in act...
  18. shargis

    What’s My Super Power?

    For this daily create we were asked what would be our super power of choice. Mine would be the power to stop time! I can only do it on a small scale for now, but it’s a work in progress.
  19. kbarbeelibrary


    I was very excited about the Daily Create for today, titled “What’s your super power?” where you have to show your superpower in a photo. I also found this assignment to be difficult because of the super power I would want. If I had a super power, I would want to have the power of … Continue reading Teleport!
  20. krivera

    Daily Create- Walking Through Walls

    For Wednesday’s daily create, the assignment was to share our superpowers in a photo. I have always been interested in characters that can walk through walls. I wanted to find a cool picture to go with the idea of phasing. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan so when I think of phasing through walls, I...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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