1. rlaluman

    My Week In A Nutshell: Week 4

    With a very long sigh of relief, I can finally say I’m done for the week. This week was very taxing for me. It took me FOREVER to figure out how to work Audacity. It was a processes that proved itself to be highly frustrating to me. That being said, I did finally figure out…
  2. abigaild

    Ring Ring

    The second assignment that I did was the Make your own ringtone worth 1 and a half stars. This ringtone is more of a preview for a full song but that’s what ringtones usually are, a clip of the begging of a song. It was fun to make though. The only things I used were the […]
  3. alayton8

    Eye of The Tiger

    1 star For my last audio assignment for the week I decided to record one of my favorite movie quotes and added some music from the movie to help you guess where it came from! I even added a little accent… my best impression of it, to add to the effect!
  4. lepps2

    video killed the radio star

    Sometimes grandparents are shocked if you know anything about the past. In ‘A Christmas Story’ when Ralphie listens to ‘Little Orphan Annie’ on the radio, my grandma will point to the screen and point and ask my little brother if he knows what that is and “isn’t interesting that they had that instead of tv?” […]
  5. alayton8

    Mashup Madness

    3 1/2 Stars For one of my assignments this week I decided to do the Music Mash-up which was super difficult. Not only was it difficult to have to mash the songs together but it was really hard to find songs that sound similar and wasn’t super choppy to have to mash together. For mine I … Continue reading Mashup Madness
  6. ahowlan2

    Shut up Tom

    For another one of my audio assignments I chose the Family table. This post included a dinner table conversation of your family in which you acted out every part. Although mine is fictional I think it is pretty accurate. It includes my sister Amanda, my two brothers- Tom and Matt, and my parents (me too).  In … Continue reading Shut up Tom
  7. rlaluman

    Just Listen

    For my last audio assignment I did the “Sound Effects Story” assignment worth three and a half points. For this I used my character, Jack Spencer, as inspiration. I decided to give you a glimpse into a typical morning for Spence. In my sound story the listening will hear Spence’s soft snoring before his alarm…
  8. vinci

    Weekly Summary 4


    In all honestly, I enjoyed last week a lot more than this week. Maybe it was because I already had an interest in photography and I never really dabbled in the audio field. As such, I had a little trouble getting in the swing of audio editing but it only took me a few hours to really understand it. My… Read more →

  9. rlaluman

    Hearing Emotions

    For my second audio assignment I chose to do the “Emotions Through Sound” assignment worth three points. I chose to make the emotion fear because I thought it would be the most fun emotion to do. I also felt that it was an emotion that could be done in many different ways. I decided to…
  10. stephaniebwhite

    The Daily Create: Cute puppy alert

    The daily create assignment for 2-4-2015 was to caption what the puppy was thinking. This is the puppy Well this puppy is cute, but I think that my puppy is the cutest, so I broke the rules and decided to caption my cute puppy because I think that looking at my puppy screams “cute puppy […]
  11. lepps2

    On the Radio – uh oh

    This whole day every time I think about radio I keep getting Regina Spektor’s ‘On the Radio’ stuck in my head, hence the title. Anyway, here’s my radio bumper. The music might seem a bit familiar cause I used the song Groom has on his blog trailer. I thought it sounded super spooky and perfect […]
  12. jevans5

    Double Indemnity Tweet-a-long

    I for one love live-tweeting, usually award shows, but live-tweeting the radio show with the ds106 gang was a lot of fun. Story time! #noir106 — Janaye Nichelle (@nay_nay09) February 5, 2015 I don't like the way he's breathing… #noir106 — Janaye Nichelle (@nay_nay09) February 5, 2015 Hmm what kind of accidents Phyllis #noir106 — […]
  13. vinci

    The Impact of Audio Storytelling


    I decided on doing this assignment last out of the list we needed to do this week because I wanted to have the knowledge of what I’ve done and experienced from audio before I did this.   Sound is an integral part of any piece of media. It can make or break a scene or lead up to something amazing.… Read more →

  14. jcpds106

    Seems legit

      This was a fun little challenge to do as my final audio assignment. I immediately knew I was going to use this strange text message that I received about a week ago offering – at least I think it was offering – a free cruise. I always immediately delete spam, but luckily I screenshotted this […]
  15. kkroehl

    Live-Tweet Reflection

    Participating the the Tweet-along on Tuesday was lots of fun! The radio story I was listening to was The Maltese Falcon, but I think the old commercials were just as entertaining than the show, if not more so. This was a classic noir story, with a private detective whose partner...
  16. jcpds106

    Listen to this story here…

      I definitely found the sound effects story assignment to be difficult and challenging – but of course in the best way, as ds106 assignments always seem to be. First, I took some time to figure out the story I wanted to create. In order to find inspiration I simply clicked around freesound for a little […]
  17. abigaild

    Caleb without words

    The Sound Effects Story which is worth 3.5 stars was rather difficult but fun.  Our task was to make a story about our noir character with using only sound effects. The story that I told was Caleb’s life at the end of a work day. All the sounds I used were found on my mixcraft […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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