1. stephen

    My Experience With This Things Called a Camera

    To me I have always been interested in photography but I never really taken the initiative to learn more about photography until I got a GoPro; probably because I did not want to spend money on a good camera. I first got interested in photography when I took a photography class in high school. This […]
  2. jcpds106

    Film school: the intimacy and drama of noir

    The cinematography of film noir is probably the most recognizable and defining feature of noir itself. I chose to watch films that were made very far apart, and this helped me to more easily detect the aspects of noir cinematography that truly define the visual aesthetic. The similarities between Killer’s Kiss (1955) and Brick (2005) […]
  3. kkroehl

    Bubbles in Chocolate Milk

    Creating a picture using only 4 lines, 5 dots, and 1 curve seemed hard at first because I had no idea what I could create with that. However, the assignment “4 lines, 5 dots, 1 curve” (3.5 pts) asked you to do just that. However, this assignment made me think...
  4. briannarosem

    Flower Power?

    Today’s daily create was to draw a picture without picking up our pencil, so this is what I ended up with. I chose to do flowers because I really like flowers and I knew I would be able to build off of it a little bit.
  5. briannarosem

    How To Build A Stunt, Can You Tell Iā€™m A Cheerleader?

    How To Put Up A Stunt: 1. Start counting the infamous “5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4..” 2. Bases will place hands in front of them at belly button level. 3. Flyer will place arms on the bases shoulders. 4. On the numbers “5,6..” flyers will jump into their bases hands and push off of their shoulders. 5. Bases will … Continue reading How To Build A Stunt, Can You Tell I’m A Cheerleader?
  6. kkroehl

    There is a Danger Hiding in your Computer!

    There are so many warning posters out there, so the assignment “create a warning poster” (3 pts) immediately intrigued me. I wanted to create a warning poster for something that doesn’t actually happen (that I know of), and as I was staring at my computer screen for inspiration, the idea...
  7. ahowlan2

    Edieā€™s Bag

    This Visual Assignment is the What’s In Your Bag? (3 stars) Assignment required for our characters. Below is Edie’s Waz’s Bag The items that fell out are: duct tape sunglasses a bag of tissues $20 bill black ink pen a bracelet, an earring various credit cards and IDs hand sanitizer lip balm gum leather gloves (okay maybe they’re … Continue reading Edie’s Bag
  8. jcpds106

    Donā€™t lift a pencil!

      Well this daily create is a bit embarrassing – I am horrible at drawing (yes, yes, I am living vicariously through my noir character), and my lack of talent is exacerbated by the challenge of not lifting the pencil. Bonus points for trying to incorporate #noircat into this though?? Also, I’m not sure how […]
  9. stephen

    Stencil Pup

    Back to Basics: 2 points This assignment was to take a picture and make it look like you drew it. This picture is that of my dog staring out the window but yet making life easy for her by resting her head on the couch. When using the filter to change it to a stencil, […]
  10. stephen

    Storytelling Collage Duck Hunt

        Telling a story in a collage, creating a story for someone to view.  3 points This collage is telling the story of a duck hunt with my buddy before he left to Tennessee this winter break. Top right and middle top right: We left the boat launch at 4 in the morning in […]
  11. adeacons

    Safari murder

    One quiet day in a small town,  There was a knock on the door of the smallest house, with the loneliest woman  Slightly intrigued, she looked out her window. And felt her heart flutter. She beckoned him in, and they talked for a while. She felt her smile grow larger and larger. The teapot boiling, … Continue reading Safari murder
  12. kbarbeelibrary

    Lily Stencil

    For the Visual Assignment “Back to Basics” I had to find a photo I have taken and remove the color from the photo so that it would look like a stenciled image instead of a photograph. The brightness of the lily and lily pads contrasting with the dark water in this photo was the main … Continue reading Lily Stencil
  13. stephaniebwhite

    Colorize It: Shirley Mayfield Edition

    For one of my week three assignments, I chose to do the assignment, Colorize It that was submitted by Kendall Simonpietri. I decided to Colorize my character Shirley Mayfield. The assignment is to “Recolor a black and white photo using Gimp or another photo editing software to show how you imagine the photo looked during […]
  14. stephen

    Sticky Notes!

    Post-It Notes And Grocery Lists! – 2 points For this assignment, I wanted to use my character that I created for noir, James Black. Below are just some common post-its notes that James leaves around his house or his office.
  15. stephaniebwhite

    My ā€œ9 Livesā€

    For one of my week three assignments, I chose to do the assignment, 9 Lives that was submitted by Emily Deane. The assignment is to “Find nine photos of yourself in different stages of your life. Turn them into a little collage, showing how many changes you’ve gone through over the years. Change is good, […]
  16. sscott3

    Rawlen Refrigerator Notes

      For my second character assignment for the week, I chose Post-It Notes.  The thinner font, Lucida Handwriting, is Donnie’s wife’s handwriting.  The bolder font, Brush Sript M7, is Donnie’s.  The picture of the car was drawn by their son,...
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  17. jeaton

    Lets take a photo, you already know doe

    I had to go on a “photosafari” Out of this list of 9 options, I had to try and take a picture of any 5 of them dramatic use of distinct shadows lighting from one side off-kilter or unusual camera angle/framing the “Venetian blind” effect — using some repeating geometric shadow across a shot sense […]
  18. kkroehl

    Whatā€™s in Sashaā€™s Bag?

    Sasha Kellogg is a classy woman who always keeps her handbag with her. The visual assignment “what’s in your bag” (3 pts) tells more about Sasha, because her bag holds the things that she feels she could not go without. Additionally, looking up items from the 1950s was lots of...
  19. pboyle



UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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