1. jevans5

    House of Noir is BACK.

    The cast of House of Noir is reconvening to create a TV show like nothing you have ever seen before. This trailer is focused on the story line of Melody Bay. Tune in March 29,2015 to see the pilot and the stories of Jeff, Spence, Sebastian, and Melody unfold. Our show will allow you to […]
  2. jevans5

    Daily Creates

    My blurry picture staring myself entitled Whose that Girl? My poem about rain entitled Go Away Sinking deep into my bed Covers wrapped around my head Today’s a day to waste away Tomorrow I will raise and play For rain is not my forte
  3. rlaluman

    Daily Creates Week 9

    March 19: The daily create for today was to make an artfully blurred photo. Luckily my boyfriend dodges the camera every time I try to snap a picture anyway. Here’s a picture of him caught in the action! Here’s a link to the original assignment: http://tdc.ds106.us/tdc1166/ March 20: First day of Spring! They say spring showers…
  4. jevans5

    Radio Listen to Noir Buzz

    This group had the challenge of overcoming being a two person group. Knowing that the groups were supposed to larger I can imagine that these girls had to overcome some group drama to create this radio show, so props for producing a show despite the stress you’ve must of felt! I absolutely loved the set-up […]
  5. jevans5

    A Farewell to House of Noir

    I am very upset to say goodbye to audio. I was also disappointed to not be able to hear my radio show, but I was in a night class on Monday and did not get back to my room until our radio show was over. Janelle however was able to be present to listen to […]
  6. rlaluman

    Final Radio Listen

    On Thursday I listened to Dinner Party at 6 and participated in a live tweet-a-long. I love the idea of a Clue themed dinner party. I also really liked all of the sound effects that went along with the show. I got a little confused about who each character was though. It was never clearly…
  7. jsteward

    Arty Blur

    Today’s Daily Create (3/19/15) was to make a blurry photo. Instead of taking  new photo, I used a favorite that I’ve always wanted an excuse to put online and turned down the ‘sharpness’ using Aviary photo editor.
  8. athacker

    Arty Blur photo

    This daily create was interesting. I took a picture of the carpet at work.  It looked like scales of a snake to me. I was moving around when I took the picture. Here is the blur and the non blurred pictures.
  9. rlaluman

    Painting On Stage: The Beginning

    Yesterday I began applying paint to the set. It is always exciting bringing color to the world we are creating! I began by painting the pinkish cream on the back wall set piece. I believe this piece is the “ladies parlor” or something like that. After painting almost all of the right side of this…
  10. rlaluman

    Paint Inventory

    I started this week off by calculating the amount of paint we will need for the show, getting quotes, and inventorying our current supply of what we need. I had a lot of trouble trying to calculate the amount of paint we were going to need. With help from Niffer, the end result was: 2…
  11. rlaluman

    The End of House of Noir

    In a way I’m kind of sad that House of Noir is over. I had a lot of fun working on this project and putting myself in the mindset of Jack Spencer in a different way than I had been. I have never done anything with radio before so this was definitely a learning experience.…
  12. rlaluman

    Paint Samples

    Last week after I color matched paint I began applying it to a sample of luan and styrofoam. After priming this piece Niffer asked if we could make the styrofoam look a little less styrofoamy. I went in the next day after the paint had dried and filed it down a little bit. It actually…
  13. tyowell

    Get A Clue – Final Reflection

    So tonight, St. Patty’s Day in 2015, Get A Clue aired on DS106 radio. Here is how I felt before the show in a nutshell… I'm actually nervous and my heart is beating really fast LOL #noir106 #ds106radio — Tiffany Yowell (@tyowell29) March 18, 2015 I wasn’t sure how everyone would follow the show or … Read More
  14. tyowell

    Vixens Ventures

    The sound effects in this radio show were so on point it’s ridiculous. They went along so well with each scene and the one in particular that stuck with me was during on scene while following Vixen through the swamp, the bugs in the background really made it feel as though I was in the … Read More
  15. bgoulet

    Talking to Myself

    This video assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/have-a-conversation-with-yourself/ I am not a big fan of this video but I needed it to complete the assignment. In this scene, I am basically just talking to myself about fake problems I have about a fake girl and I continually tell myself that I can do better. Process: I … Continue reading Talking to Myself
  16. rlaluman

    A Week in Summary: Week 8

    Due to technical difficulties, I am just getting around to posting my weekly summary from last week. Sunday night right when I began writing this my blog crashed. It’s finally up and running again though so here we go! I started off this week by listening to the broadcast of D&D. I really enjoyed their…
  17. tyowell

    Creation : A lyric video (3 stars)

    I chose option 1 to do 8 stars of video assignments with 4 being attributed to my character and another character from the class. So for my first video assignment for the week I chose to create a lyric video (3 stars). I decided to sort of connect this with our radio show which airs … Read More
  18. tyowell

    1 assignment submitted..only one more to go

    Although English is my least favorite subject and I actually hate writing when I have a specific prompt to write about, I really enjoy free-writing and being able to let my creativity thrive through words. For that reason, I have created a writing assignment in the assignment bank titled “Your Last Words.”  As you will … Read More
  19. bgoulet

    Sterling James’ Twitter

    Say hello to my character dossier, Sterling James. Follow him on Twitter: Shoutout to @GoodLookBrian for showing me how to use twitter, he's the man. #FirstTweet — Sterling James (@TheSterlingJ) March 10, 2015  

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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