This week we were asked to do a “designblitz” where we take pictures of ads, signs, etc. that illustrate principals/elements of visual design. So, in the spirit of noir, I took to the streets one cold, rainy night (Monday) to see how businesses use signs and lights to reach through the darkness and capture the eyes of passers-by. These signs… Read more →
Well, I didn’t get it all done this week, but I had a lot of fun! We learned all about audio storytelling this week, in general and as it is used in noir film and radio. I really enjoyed the fact that our explorations involved Ira Glass, from This American Life, Jad Abumrad of Radiolab, and Prairie Home Companion, all… Read more →
This is my “bumper” for ds106 radio, posted on soundcloud. Read more →
We have been tasked with “discussing audio in storytelling”, a vague, possibly momentous undertaking which leaves me unsure where to begin. So rather than an ambitious explanation, I’ll just sort of keep to what I looked at/listened to, and what I think/thought. Now first off, I watched all for sections of an interview with Ira Glass, host of This American… Read more →