1. rlaluman

    Thoughts on Scenic Artists and Scenic Charges

    In my first meeting with Niffer to discuss my senior project she asked me what I wanted to take away from this project and what I want to do after graduation in May. Both of these questions have been heavily weighing on me for the last few weeks. I knew when I picked this project…
  2. rlaluman

    The Aesthetics: Wallpaper and Paint Research

    My first task on my journey in my senior project was to research wallpaper for one of the wall panels along with finding the best gold paint for our money. I began this task by contacting Rosco Paints about getting possible paint chips and samples of their gold paints. I am looking into getting samples…
  3. hungrymax

    DesignBlitz: Signs


    This week we were asked to do a “designblitz” where we take pictures of ads, signs, etc. that illustrate principals/elements of visual design. So, in the spirit of noir, I took to the streets one cold, rainy night (Monday) to see how businesses use signs and lights to reach through the darkness and capture the eyes of passers-by. These signs… Read more →

  4. bgoulet

    Sitcom of My Life

    If we had to make an introductory song to the Sitcom of our Life, if our life was a show, what would your song be? Above is my response. I tried to make it as cheesy as I possibly could and I even improvised the lyrics along with the rap. (excuse my t...
  5. philipdorch

    Weekly Summary

    This weeks assignments were all largely audio based. This was exciting for me because I have to previous experience with audio editing software as well as digital audio workspaces. In the past I have used Audacity,Virtual dj, Traktor, Reason, and FL studio. I am most familiar with FL studio and prefer it over most other … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  6. bburns

    Four to go

    This concludes another week in ds106! Let’s take a look back at what I did this week. 1. Thought about audio storytelling The first thing I did this week was explore audio storytelling. I compared the original and the restored versions of “Touch of Evil” opening shot, and I explained why I thought the original… Read More
  7. jevans5

    Week Four:Audio

    Creating audio pieces is a lot of fun, and I have to say that this been the best week yet. Long, but great. I started with my audio assignments which you can find at the following links: http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/melody-bay-at-the-beach/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/coming-out-and-how-it-ends/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/taylor-swifts-greatest-hits/ http://sayheyjanaye.com/assignments/radio-bumper/ The bumper assignment was a little intimidating because all the bumpers sounded so good! […]
  8. mariamk

    Weekly Summary; Week 4

    This week our focus was everything audio. When I first watched the introduction video I realized what a difficult week this was going to be for me. Mostly because audio is something I have never really worked with, but I guess there is always a time to learn. The first thing I did this was […]
  9. hungrymax

    Week Four Summery


    Well, I didn’t get it all done this week,  but I had a lot of fun! We learned all about audio storytelling this week, in general and as it is used in noir film and radio. I really enjoyed the fact that our explorations involved Ira Glass, from This American Life, Jad Abumrad of Radiolab, and Prairie Home Companion, all… Read more →

  10. jsteward

    Hitchhiker’s Guide to Noir

    Here are a few ideas for a noir106 20-30 minute long radio show: 1) Noir Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy- There actually is a radio version of Hitchhiker’s Guide somewhere, that Douglas Adams worked on when he was still alive. Perhaps we could take one of the episodes and give it a noir feel? This […]
  11. bgoulet

    Radio Show Ideas

    Here are some ideas I have for a 20-30 minute radio show: Fictional News Emergency - I always thought it would be entertaining (not just for the audience, but for myself) to reenact an emergency news situation and to say the famous lines “This Just in!…” and then rant about something completely random while pretending … Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  12. mariamk

    Audio Reflection-DS106 Radio-Twitter

    For the listening part of understanding audio storytelling I tuned into the ds106 radio on Thursday night. We listened to two pieces, in which one was an older story and one was a newer story. When I tuned in I was a little anxious because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything and […]
  13. hungrymax

    Audio Storytelling


    We have been tasked with “discussing audio in storytelling”, a vague, possibly momentous undertaking which leaves me unsure where to begin. So rather than an ambitious explanation, I’ll just sort of keep to what I looked at/listened to, and what I think/thought. Now first off, I watched all for sections of an interview with Ira Glass, host of This American… Read more →

  14. jsteward

    Best Buds

    Here is my daily create for 2/8/15. All of the work I have done in my life has led to this one fateful Daily Create. It is my crowning achievement.
  15. jlawumw

    Audio in Noir Media

    We had a great week in DS106/Noir106 this week! We took on the challenge of interpreting the use of audio in all sorts of noir settings. I digging into our assignments: […]
  16. mariamk

    Radio Show Ideas

    One concept I have used for my character dossier is the Jerk with the heart of Gold concept that is conceptualized in Noir film. For a radio idea I was thinking maybe having a real Jerk with a heart gold on the show and people could call in and share experiences they have had with […]
  17. jsteward

    Bumper With a Touch of Evil

    This is a required audio assignment for the week of 2/1 to 2/8, but it does not count for any points this week. For my ds106 radio bumper, I put in the a bit of the score from the opening shot of Touch of Evil, and referenced a quote from the film 99 River Street- […]
  18. bburns

    Radio Show Ideas?

    This week I began thinking and brainstorming potential ideas for my upcoming radio show assignment. Nothing I am thinking about right now is final, but I do have some loosely developed ideas. I think it could be cool to do a noir-themed talk show. On this talk show we would have discussions and analysis of… Read More

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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