1. cmattes2

    Radio Bumper

    This radio bumper assignment was a great way for me to get used to audacity. I really enjoyed making this and getting creative with the combination of Kayne West and my voice on what could be an intro to a radio station.
  2. adeacons

    Week 4…

    I’m not gonna lie, this week has been really rough. Since last Friday, I’ve been battling strep, an ear infection, sinus infection, and a head cold. This is where an online class becomes a life saver, cause while I’ve had to miss my other classes, I’ve managed to stay mostly on top of this class… right? … Continue reading Week 4…
  3. amaratel

    Daily Create

    Today I did the daily create for International Dot Day. International Dot Day is about how one small dot can become so big (I had no idea about today until googling it).
  4. bgoulet

    Sound Effects Story – Beach Photography (3.5 Stars)

    This Audio Assignment can be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/sound-effects-story/ The Story: The setting of the sounds heard above is at the beach, around the time of sunset. My Character, Sterling James, enjoys taking small ventures by himself to natural landscapes in search of solace. He finds beauty in nature as it is one of the few things that … Continue reading Sound Effects Story – Beach Photography (3.5 Stars)
  5. krivera

    Lukas Jones’s Trip to the Past

    Here is my Sound Effects Story that is 3 1/2 points. It was really fun to make but it was definitely harder than the radio bumper. I had to search for sounds on freesound.org and it was hard to find the exact sounds I wanted. I got all my sounds and began importing them into...
  6. mariamk

    Audio Reflection

    This week our focus is audio in storytelling and more specifically the use of audio in noir. Audio is another form of communication that used to convey an idea or a thought. What I think makes audio storytelling interesting that it enhances the story. Last week we focused on the visual aspect of story telling […]
  7. adeacons

    Raindrop on a Sunny Day

    The daily create for today was to make a dot to celebrate…National Dot Day!!! My “watermark” I chose to identify myself with was a raindrop with a reflective rainbow inside of it. Enjoy!
  8. briannarosem

    Why Did You Wake Me Up?

    Here is my audio storytelling assignment with just sounds. It was supposed to be someone woken up from snoring with large noises, then a door slamming because they went to go see what it was, then they went walking and ended up finding a flood, hence the water flowing. http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/sound-effects-story/ (3 1/2 stars)
  9. tyowell

    Reading about Audio

    Oh my goodness I didn’t think that reading was ever going to end.  Reading “Radio Noir in the USA” made me realize how much I hate reading (lol).  I wasn’t very interested in the piece at all but got the gist of what was being said.  Radio dramas are made for people who have a … Read More
  10. krivera

    DS106 Radio Tweet- Along- The Butterfly

    I did the ds106 radio “tweet- along” on Monday. I was curious about the radio show and wanted to start on Monday. The show was very eventful. I started off not really invested in the story. The story was called the Butterfly. It was about a girl named Katie coming to meet her “father” Jess....
  11. krivera

    Radio Bumper- I hope you enjoy

    Here is the radio bumper assignment that is 2 1/2 points. I have a very soft voice and can usually make it sound creepy when I want to so I wanted to do that for the ds106 radio bumper. I started saying “ds106 radio” but I felt that I needed to add more to what...
  12. jsteward

    Emotions Through Sound

    This is an audio assignment for the week of 2/2 to 2/8, and is worth 3 of 8 points. For this prompt, I attempted to recreate the feeling of falling in ‘like’ with someone. To me, this sounds like nighttime skateboarding, children laughing, and Wes Anderson films. There are a few more sounds in the track, […]
  13. krivera

    Radio Show Brainstorm

    We were asked to make up some radio show ideas this week. I have a few that I thought would be fun to do in a group. Since we have characters that we have created and the concept of noir as a element of our class, I wanted to create ideas that could use those...
  14. bburns

    Daily Creates!!

    This week I did two daily creates. On Tuesday I made a picture with words on it, or a meme as it is commonly known, with the theme of “I’m sorry”. In light of the Superbowl being last Sunday, I decided to pick on Seattle Seahawks Cornerback Richard Sherman. Here’s my meme. The second daily… Read More
  15. bburns

    Audio Reflection

    The first audio that I reflected on this week was the Touch of Evil opening shot. The restored version begins with theme music almost right off the bat, with a rhythmic drumming in the background. In the original shot, there is no extra audio at all in the beginning except for the street sounds. Then,… Read More
  16. bgoulet

    “Being A Music Producer” Assignment

    This Audio Assignment may be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/being-a-music-producer/ This assignment basically asked to record multiple tracks of audio in order to produce a little diddly. I decided to approach this little project my covering the song Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. I began by playing an ukulele to begin the base for my rhythm. Because I am … Continue reading “Being A Music Producer” Assignment
  17. jsteward

    Art Van

    The Daily Create for today (2/5/15) was to make an art car! Here is my horrible interpretation. I used the ‘Sticker’ tool in the Aviary photo editor to give this VW van some extra personality.  
  18. jevans5

    Radio Show?

    Title: Ask a femme fatale Tagline: Find out what you are dying to know. Premise: Mostly men but some women will call in and ask questions about supposed femme fatales in their lives. Sample questions could be Will she ever settle down? Would she really murder her husband for me? Why isn’t she happy to […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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