1. bgoulet

    Switch Up The Mood

    Assignment may be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/switch-up-the-mood/ At times, Sterling’s life seems bright and filled with opportunity until a depressing moment appears and places new obstacles in the road ahead, feeling cold and bitter.
  2. stephaniebwhite

    Week Three Summary

    This week has been EXTREMELY busy! I am so glad that I was able to get all of my work done. It was a struggle, but #ds106 is #4life, right? After watching the weekly video, I decided to start organizing my blog website. I created categories for each of the assignments. I also created some […]
  3. hungrymax

    Daily Create 2/1/15


    Drawing without lifting the pencil is harder than it looks or sounds, you really have to plan it out or it’s gonna look weird, but at the same time you have can end up with a really cool messy kind of look. Here’s my twisted attempt. Read more →

  4. stephaniebwhite

    Noir Photo Safari

    I have to admit, I could have put a lot more effort in this photo safari, but to be honest I didn’t even know where to start. I haven’t had an assigned subject for photography since high school, so I have lost a bit of my imagination spark. I was not ecstatic about the results […]
  5. athacker

    Week 3

    This week I had some fun with the daily creates and visual assignments. The doodle daily create was fun. I actually had been working on that for several days. The other daily creates had me thinking. Even the one for instructions on a daily item. Never really think about how you use an item that you … Continue reading Week 3
  6. bgoulet

    What’s In Your Bag?

    This assignment link may be found here: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/whats-in-your-bag/ As previously discussed in my blog, my character dossier is Sterling James and seen below is what you would find in his daily backpack. Sterling is a producer of digital media within various fields and among his strong suits is photography. Wherever you see him, you will most … Continue reading What’s In Your Bag?
  7. amaratel

    Photo Safari

    Photo of Grittiness (brick) Picture of Dramatic Shadows Picture of Urban Nightscape (taken on Eagle Landing bridge) Picture of Side Lighting (using lamp) Unusual angle  
  8. krivera

    What’s in his bag?

    Here is the what’s in your bag? assignment for three points. This assignment we were supposed to image what are characters would carry in their bags on a daily basis. In this, he carries eight items. The list includes a cellphone, an iPod with headphones, a Swiss army knife, a notebook with a pen attached,...
  9. philipdorch

    Poetry Art

      So for my poetry art I decided to dedicate my poster to the development of my noir character. I chose a poem that would fit him as a character as well as his timeline. The poem is “Stopping by Woods on a Snowing Evening” by Robert Frost. The poem speaks of a farmhouse in … Continue reading Poetry Art
  10. hungrymax

    Wanted Poster


    WANTED poster visual assignment, 2.5 stars.   This mysterious online presence has recently opened a slew of social media accounts and has begun blogging about fictional characters and all kinds of random stuff, posting pictures and sometimes other media all over the internet. It has come to our attention that this individual, calling themselves the “Wildwood Blogger”, has been operating… Read more →

  11. jsteward

    Noir: Kubrick and Polanski

    In this post I will detail my reaction to the films Killer’s Kiss  and Chinatown, particularly in regards to their noir style cinematography. Killer’s Kiss (1955) I was excited to find out that this was a Stanley Kubrick work before viewing the film. Kubrick is known for his perfectionist style of filmmaking, and I have great […]
  12. krivera

    Noir Character Story Collage

    Here is the digital storytelling collage assignment that is three points. I wanted to do a story assignment with pictures for my character Lukas Jones. I went through the character travel to the past and the characters he meets.
  13. bgoulet

    Photo Safari

      It was  a very cold day of photography, so cold in fact that none of my friends enjoyed shaking my hands afterwards. Or were they friends? Just kidding, but nonetheless the weather did not stop me from a fun little adventure. I felt that this picture would satisfy the distinct shadow requirement as the … Continue reading Photo Safari
  14. mariamk

    Jeff’s to do lists!

    Post-It Notes and Grocery List -2 Stars http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/post-it-notes-and-grocery-lists/ For this assignment you had to make a to do list and grocery list that your character would make for themselves.
  15. jevans5

    Photo Reflection

    I TAKE ALOT OF PHOTOS. Mostly of my face, and mostly on snapchat. So they disappear in less than 10 seconds. My approach is one of two things; its either how attractive can I make myself look or how unattractive can I make myself look. Sometimes I try to capture how upset I am over […]
  16. amaratel

    Daily Create

    Daily Create – Draw without lifting the pencil For Today’s (Sunday) Daily Create, I drew the lamp that was next to me on my desk without lifting my pen. Not lifting the pen also worked with the lamp drawing because I had to draw the power cord.
  17. amaratel

    Visual Assignments

    Car Lust – 1.5 This car makes me feel adventurous. This car makes me feel like I can eat granola while driving around a mountain and listening to mixed cds. This car makes me feel like I can be young forever.
  18. jsteward

    Noircore: Photography

    I am very excited to display all of the noir esque photos I have taken for this weeks “Noir safari assignment. They were a joy to take. Here they are, in order of my most to least favorite: “Tableau of characters caught in an intense moment” “An overall sense of drama/ moodiness” “Lighting from one […]
  19. amaratel

    Lexy Maratellos 2015-02-01 19:49:50

    Adventure in a day – 3.5 STAR In my “adventure in a day”, I was acting as my Noir Character, Claudia Rose. Where I left off in my description about Claudia, she had just recently killed her husband to be with another man. In this picture, Claudia has taken her husband’s private jet to paris … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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