1. phoenix

    We Will, We Will ROCK YOU!!!

    Daily Create: How music changed your life We were down eight points and very behind, Our team was exhausted, and also whined, All hope was lost, we didn’t know what to do, Then someone blasted the song, “We will Rock You” We had spirit, we had hope in our hearts, We played hard, despite our…

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  2. cloehr

    Week 8 Down

    This week I listened to DS 106 Radio on Thursday. “NOIR Not The Father” and “NOIRTalk” were on that night. Both of the shows were phenomenal! Here’s my write-up about both of them: http://ds106.christineloehr.org/radio-show/ds106-radio-listen-along/ The next task for the week was to submit 4 different pieces of work on the DS106 IN[SPIRE] page. 1. The … Continue reading Week 8 Down
  3. abigaild

    90s movie

    I found this picture on someones flicker and loved it. I looked at the daily creates and found the picture that I liked under My different sides. It is called Self portrait by Maxwell Johnson. I love this picture. It is so different than anything I’ve seen by anyone else in the class. I love how he […]
  4. srechter

    Week 8 Summary

    Interesting work this week further creating my character, Jack Neff, and bringing him to life a little bit more. I added to Spencer Scott’s song “Donnie’s Zen” on a fun theme music hybrid assignment. I added depth to Jack’s back story with the old postcard assignment. I did the whistling song assignment as my character, … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  5. pboyle

    Most Wanted

    Abigail created this poster of my character on a wanted poster. I picked out the picture and she created the background. If I was really Rex, I think this is what I would look like because he is tough, but simple. I might be lacking hair but I always get what I want because I … Continue reading Most Wanted
  6. pboyle

    The VoiceMail

        So Rex and Delilah have a bit of an argument over this voice mail. Rex is the one that calls to say, where you at, then he leaves this message like only Rex can. Rex also calls again and then finally Delilah picks up and they have a conversation about what happened the … Continue reading The VoiceMail
  7. kbarbeelibrary


    Today’s Daily Create was to Create a Lesson, so I decided to create a pictorial lesson on How To Draw a Cute Frog. This type of frog is very easy to draw and I doodle them a lot in my notebook. They are inspired by the design of the frogs in a manga series I … Continue reading Ribbit!
  8. pboyle

    Post Card

    So the assignment here was to find an existing post card/card/note and create your own story surrounding it. This card was discovered by this guy who found it in his Grandmothers belongings. It was a cryptic letter that’s taken him 20 years to figure out the pattern. The pattern is that she uses the first … Continue reading Post Card
  9. abigaild

    Mobil sign

    Another picture that I chose to add to the inspire page is called Intergalactic Gasoline by Kim. I really liked how it looks so different than everyone else. She did not combine two common logos but rather two completely different ones. I also love how well the logos go together and how they look like […]
  10. levitasdementia

    Week 8 Puns

    Wow, we did a lot this week, huh? Okay let’s run down the list: 1. Listened to a radio show. D&D Noir. Pretty good, my thoughts are there. 2. Inspirational things. 3. Collab assignments. I didn’t actually involve other classmates, but I did a lot. Here is my magazine cover, audio remix, and video. These Read More →
  11. cloehr

    Final Inspiration

    LOGO DESIGN – THE ASCENT: OPERATION EVEREST (By: Brian Goulet) I really liked Brian’s post because of how much he focused on simplicity. He designed one simple image to go along with all of his assignments for the week. I like how he plans to bring everything together through one simple design. This inspired me … Continue reading Final Inspiration
  12. cloehr

    Inspiration #3

    Here’s the original post. And here’s the inspiration post. This post really inspired me because of the first statement that opens the post. “We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key.” It’s really hit me recently that I’m growing up really quick and reading this was just another reminder. I really … Continue reading Inspiration #3
  13. kparker3

    Give Me Your Money! Seriously…Here’s an Invoice.

    After viewing the video this week, I thought that the “Design an Invoice” assignment would be perfect for the work that Julia James does for women who are verbally abused by their degrading husbands. She has to get paid for her services, so an invoice is crucial. The prompt states: Create an invoice for a transaction that … Continue reading Give Me Your Money! Seriously…Here’s an Invoice.
  14. abigaild

    Caleb and Shadow forever

    The last assignment that we did was called Make My Day worth 3 stars. Chelsea and I did this one together as an alternative ending to our radio show. This would be as if Shadow and Caleb did not die and they did one more heist together so they could run away and live happily. […]
  15. chelseairizarry

    OMG DS106!

    106 Horror! (1 star) This is our idea of “DS106″ in the genre of a horror movie featuring Caleb, Harvey, and Shadow which can be seen in the background of the poster. This was a collaboration piece with Abigail Dunn. We took a picture of shadows and Photoshopped “DS106″ into it. This was inspired by … Continue reading OMG DS106!
  16. kbarbeelibrary

    Inspired by: Mia Boleis and Kelsey Roach

    Mia and Kelsey’s You’re Invited design assignment inspired me through their successful use of the design elements of color and typography to greatly enhance a design that was already considered professional. They collaborated on this assignment so well together and their designs are so cohesive with each other that they inspire me to collaborate with … Continue reading Inspired by: Mia Boleis and Kelsey Roach
  17. chelseairizarry

    The Little Groom

    Professor Groom Poster (4.5 stars) Here is a poster of Jim Groom created by Abigail Dunn and myself. In this poster we have Groom day dreaming about my character Shadow because that bad boy is just that attractive, how don’t you dream about him? We decided to put Abigail’s character Caleb as Sebastian because Caleb … Continue reading The Little Groom
  18. tdaig

    Whats the Meme?

    For this assignment, it was to take a picture a create a meme out of it. I used a picture of Stephen Weidman’s and my “characters” shooting their weapon. This is to represent their target practice for their job. There is a saying that states aim small miss small, meaning aim at a small target … Continue reading Whats the Meme?
  19. abigaild

    Hazel Eye

    Another image that I loved and decided to post up in the inspire page was another daily create. The image was called My Hazel Eye by Janelle Pierangelino. This eye picture looks so interesting. There is shadows around her face that just looks so mysterious. The eye itself looks like it is changing and hiding […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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