1. abigaild

    Ending of the radio show week

    The first thing that I did this week was my write up about our radio show. I actually enjoyed completing this project and am looking forward to another assignment like this. I really like how the radio show turned out and our group of 3 worked very well together. Here is our finished show. The […]
  2. skinzer

    Weekly Summary: Week 7

    This week, my group finalized our radio show, I did some commenting, and some TDCs were created. RADIO SHOW We completed our radio show, Silk Road. A summary as well as the audio of the show can be found here. COMMENTING I’ve (1) commented (2) on (3) ten (4) posts (5) that (6) I (7) thought (8) […]
  3. jlaszako

    We’re Halfway There: A Reflection

    I can’t believe it’s spring break and we’re already halfway through this semester. It feels like just yesterday I was struggling to set up my blog and learning how ds106 works. This week we finished up our radio show. I got my parts done on Thursday and I was happy to get to spring break. […]
  4. levitasdementia


    I’m currently writing this while on break on my boyfriend’s computer. It’s been hailing. I am iced in. Trapped. Nowhere to run. I also have no records of my comments this week so I’ll edit those in tomorrow. (Hint, I’ve been slacking this week) So this week was big for the radio show- there was Read More →
  5. skinzer

    Week 7 Daily Creates

    Wednesday- Emojination For this daily create, I had to create a story from a randomly generated set of emojis. I was under the impression that this story had to be within the twitter character limit, so mine is rather short, but I think it definitely encompasses what I was trying to express: Thursday: Deep Space […]
  6. phoenix

    Back to the Drawing Board……..

    JNRS (Jackson Noir Radio Station) This second week in creating a Radio Show has been frustrating to say the least. We created new great ideas for our radio show. However, due to timing conflicts and lack of communication. Two of our members decided to do the show without the rest of the group. This meant…

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  7. skinzer

    Silk Road- Final Product

    Behold: NeoNoir’s “Silk Road”- a radio show created by Sarah Kinzer and Jada Steward. In the show, Sophie, a hacker based in New York, teams up with Carter Smith, a determined police officer and his mentor, Tom, to catch Folami Turay, the leader of a ring of underage prostitutes operating through a deep web site called […]
  8. jlaszako

    Radio Show Update!

    This week was a busy one. I wrote my character’s monologue for our radio show. We put together the whole script in a google doc. I got my portion recorded and edited on Thursday night. I uploaded it to SoundCloud and then Tiffany put the whole thing together! Below, is the final product! Tiffany did an […]
  9. kparker3

    5 Joys, 5 Emoijs, and 1 Teal/Orange Photo

    The Daily Creates for this week were a lot of fun. Once again, they drew from several categories of creativity: videography, writing, and photography. They were all fairly easy to complete, as these are areas in which I have interest and experience. It is rewarding to work on assignments that develop creativity and technological prowess. The first assignment … Continue reading 5 Joys, 5 Emoijs, and 1 Teal/Orange Photo
  10. phoenix


    Teal Blue and Orange! I decided to use the “Expendables” movie logo to do my daily create. Because the movie is the definition of action movies. There is so much violence in the poster, it gets you pumped up for the movie. So below is the orginial poster. Then I had to change the picture…

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  11. cloehr


    I like the idea of having us comment more. It’s easy to say you like something, but it can get tricky when someone asks the “why?” I think commenting has definitely made me get more creative, whether it be interpreting someone else’s work or thinking about how I could branch off of it. These are … Continue reading Commenting
  12. phoenix

    Riley Gives Me “Support”

    Riley has always been there for me. Whenever I’m down or I need guidance hes always there. I decided to do the #heelconcept with my old, glazed, statue dragon, “Riley”. The concept was to use “everyday” items in this picture. But technically Riley has been in my room ever since I was 9. I made…

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  13. cloehr

    Horror Trailer

    Today’s Daily Create was a bit challenging! The task was to make a movie trailer of our fear. Since I am not very good at video editing, this made it more challenging for me. Also, who really wants to make a video about their fear? For mine, I did the fear that someone knocks on … Continue reading Horror Trailer

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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