I really enjoyed looking through everyone’s assignments. I really liked reading about people’s radio shows and seeing how every took their own spin on different audio assignments. I commented on […]
This assignment is titled “Dramatic Reading Remix” and is worth 3 and a half stars. Here’s the link to the assignment: http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/dramatic-reading-remix/ I completed this assignment from the viewpoint of Lena. For this assignment I decided that it would be fun practicing dramatic readings since I am one of the least dramatic people I know. … Continue reading Dramatic Reading Remix
My favorite part of this week was meeting up with my radio show group and planning what the show was going to be about, as well as writing and recording most of the show. Seeing all of our ideas come together in a single script was pretty satisfying and having our friends record their voices … Continue reading The Radio Show Has Just Begun!
For another post related to my character, I chose Autotune Something (1 1/2 stars), in which you have to pick something that is not generally musical and autotune it. I chose this post because i only had 1/2 star left to relate to my character and this was to fill that little gap. I also picked it … Continue reading Tune-saw→
This week was full of anticipation. The preparation for the radio show is both exhilarating and kind of nerve racking because I want it to go well, but I know it will be a lot of work. First, finding a group was pretty easy because I have lots of friends...
Spooky Sounds (4pts):
Using Audacity, FreeSound.org and sounds I already had, I created this audio of sound inspired by things that creep me out. It has a mix of a human scream with a cat yell, a cat hiss, an evil laugh, and floor creaking all in one t...
The last assignment that I did this week was the Character Call. It said to make an audio that would be an attractant to a character. I chose to do one for my character Conway who is a police officer. I used to soundbible and audacity to mash up there audio files. I used a … Continue reading Character Call→
Radio Show Progress: Week 1 So far in our radio show progress, we are trying to bounce ideas into forming into consistent theme for our radio show. We have many great ideas, however, we still need some more direction. I am going suggest to our group that we discuss our characters and their adventurers. Then…
It was a pretty stressful week, starting with picking groups. I had no idea how it was going to work out but it seems to be going alright so far! The big things for next week are going to be getting everything into script form and then finally recording and editing. Which seems like a […]
Another Audio Assignment i chose to do this week was Make it 800% slower (3 stars). I chose this because I wanted to see if a song that I slowed down would sound as good as the one that music producer Nick Pittsinger slowed down, U smile. When I first started this assignment I was trying to … Continue reading Slow-Mo→
Our Design Poster for Radio Show: This poster was designed by Sahar. We decided use this poster because it visually demonstrates all of the elements of noir. In the picture there is glamour, romance, surveillance, and drama. One of our ideas is talk about how certain movies and music showcases noir styles. From there, we…
The assignment I did last was Your Theme Song worth 4 stars about my character. What I chose was dramatic type sounds that I felt fit the image that I could see as being Caleb. I hope you like it.
Character’s Bird Calls (2pts): This call is to specifically call my character, Shadow, from hiding when needed be. It was created entirely from FreeSounds.org and Audacity. It is short because Shadow doesn’t need a long call, he is always listening. This call is a mix of a whistle and sounds from playing water glass. I … Continue reading Shadow’s Calling
This is my promo poster for “Noir Buzz,” a radio station that focuses on the latest shady doings in the headlines. From celebrities to our characters, to fictional interactions between the two, the station will be a hybrid of actual current event gossip and sensationalized retellings of those events with our characters along for the … Continue reading The Noir Buzz Promo→
I did an assignment the week where I created my own theme song. I did it based on my character, Conway’s life. I chose to use the instrumental “centuries” by fall out boys. This is a good song for him because he will be remembered forever. I added a countdown to the beginning of the … Continue reading Conway Theme Song→
After experimenting with the FreeSound website during audio week, I could not wait to get back at it! I found so many cool sounds when completing the assignments that just did not fit with what I was doing. I took advantage of them this week, however, with the “Emotions Through Sound” assignment. The prompt states: Try … Continue reading Can You Feel It!?
Me again. This is the stuff I did. Isn’t it beautiful?! Team Noirpaca Delves into the Radio Realm NOIRtorious Daddy Daughter Duets: The Loveless Edition I Bid You A Fond Farewell... Read more >
Your Theme Song (4pts): I downloaded The Pink Panther’s opening song from Youtube. I added some found effects from FreeSound.org. Throughout the song I added some symbol crashes and drumming, while also editing the sound of the original song.
One hand falling asleep and one painfully cramping from the Remix Speech & Song Assignment .. I #ds106 hard, y'all. #JustKeepSwimming Never have I ever stared at my computer for... Read more >
I only had one star left to do for my audio assignment so I chose an easy assignment- the “Based on 1-Quote-A-Day Project” audio assignment for 1.5 stars. I really liked this assignment just because I already had a great quote picked out! I usually find a quote to serve as motivation to get me […]
Weekly Summary 2/16-2/22 To start I’ll go through the assignments I created this week. Radio Show Design – http://bchristiansen.com/blog/assignments/radio-show-design/ This is the “Tune Squads” bumper sticker! It features a night sky background bringing out the Noir feel and then our name of the group, the members, and DS106 radio as well as Noir106. It simple … Continue reading Weekly Summary 2/16-2-22→
My radio show group decided to write voice messages into the script so we could complete the assignment about leaving a message. This way, we could make sure each character had enough air time and also subtly add the theme of missed opportunities and mixed messages in the show (because...
This assignment is titled “Sounds Of Your Day” and is worth 3 stars. The assignment can be found here. I wrote this post as my character, Lena. The first sound is of my alarm. Although it’s annoying, it gets me up and in the mindset that my day is about to start. The next sound … Continue reading What Did I Hear Today?
This Audio Assignment is “Movie Voice Machines” and the guidelines for it are to create a voicemail for a character in a film or TV show. I altered this assignment for our group radio show and had my character, Shelley Layton, leave a message for someone in the radio show instead. Also, instead of hearing … Continue reading Did You Get My Message?
Earlier this week, I tried to do a theme song for Isabelle for 4 stars. I ran into some copyright issues and thought I guess I just shouldn’t do this… But I still felt really inspired by the incredible job Tiffany, one of my group member’s, did with her character’s theme song so I decided I’m […]
Another assignment that I chose to do was Emotions Through Sound worth 3 stars about my character. What is going in the audio that is playing is that Caleb has came to a house that he heard noise at so when he walks in he sees someone laying on the ground with class all around […]
To be completely honest the creation of a Radio Show is very daunting. I wasn’t sure where to start or even find group members. Luckily Professor Groom suggested Twitter and I found three people that were so kind to let me join their group. At first we had no clue what to do and Geoffry … Continue reading Radio Show Progress→
One of the assignments that I chose was to do a slow motion version of a song. I picked the song by User called climax. I thought this was appropriate because of the already drug out lyrics. I used audacity to slow the song way down turning it into a 6 minute song. I then … Continue reading Usher Slow Mo→
Figuring out what Sasha Kellogg’s theme song would be was very hard! I wanted to complete this assignment in the hopes that maybe my group could use it during our radio show, because characters in shows often have some type of theme or background music that always plays when they...
This week, I tuned into DS106 radio on Thursday night. I was really excited to see that it was going to be two different stories. Although I will say, I […]