1. bbrady

    Iā€™ll Trade You Escape from Hell for the One Where Heā€™s Drinking out of a Skull

    For my 4 star design assignment, I chose to make trading cards for the movie Drive Angry. The assignment page can be found here. Here are the cards I created. I chose to use Drive Angry because I love ridiculously terrible movies and this is the best ridiculously terrible movie to grace mankind since the Sci-Fi original Sharktopus was released Read More →
  2. myoung3

    Get out of my dreams ::dance moves:: and into my showcase. Starring: Spooksy!

    Good afternoon childrens’s! Spooksy here coming to you liiiiiiiiiive from the insane clown murderer fun zone for kids!  I’d like to start this evening’s show by reminding everyone we’re having a half priced sale on children this week at the mansion.  You bring us your children, and we’ll pay you half price!  Am I right … Continue reading Get out of my dreams ::dance moves:: and into my showcase. Starring: Spooksy!
  3. flear

    Weekly Summary, Week 6

    Another week, another lesson, this time in Design. It was a pretty interesting week, since I’ve never thought about design before now. I learned a lot, I think, although in the end I’d have to say that design? Not really my thing. But it’s always fun to try new things, and I think I’ll be […]
  4. flear

    Lets DesignBlitz!

    So, for this designblitz, I decided to stick to the variety of stuff I have around my apartment, because it is gross outside, and I have a lot of stuff in my apartment. It wasn’t too difficult to find designs that captivated some of these concepts. Let’s begin with: Typography This is my roommate’s big Hershey’s […]
  5. mdavis101

    Package Yourself Daily Create

    If I could package myself, I would come as Batman. He is my favorite “superhero” even though he does not have super powers. I like to pretend that I have the same qualities as Batman. Here is the link to my twitter and flickr.
  6. sanctum

    Through My Window

    Here is the original assignment. I walked out from my room. A long hallway stood between me and happiness: a window that peered off my deck onto the grassland and roads below. How could I cross this impeccable distance? There were so many distractions in the way. First, I stumbled over my cat. Meooow! “Jeter, what … Continue reading Through My Window
  7. sanctum

    Apple + Amazon = Applezon

    Here is the original assignment. If I could merge two companies together, I wouldn’t merge Apple and Amazon. The two companies provide vastly different services and products to their customers. I would, however, combine their logos into an epic melding of the two. Behold all that is Applezon.
  8. cmoton18

    Radio Show

    This week’s group work on our radio show consisted of us creating a logo for our show. The name we chose was Wacky History and Rachel created a logo. The kind of show we decided to do was to each have a separate segment talking about a specific item.
  9. mirandaskin

    Weekly Summary 6

    This week was all about DESIGN! I had a great time with my design assignments, and also I learned so much more about each element. Daily Creates: Combining 2 logos: Which Mexican restaurant will you choose? Upside Down Day: I chose something that looked cool upside down. Daylight Savings Time is soon approaching, and for … Continue reading Weekly Summary 6
  10. flear

    A Reflection Vignelliā€™s Canon

    This little booklet explains the what design is and how to work with design in order to create something amazing and timeless. That’s one of the first points I noticed that really stood out: a rant on how design is made to withstand time and despises obsolescence. I found this statement to be a little […]
  11. bbrady

    The Vignelli Canon

    I spent a half hour or so reading through The Vignelli Canon. I liked that the book was split into tangibles and intangibles. The organization was appropriate for a book about design. He first wrote about the three most important aspects of design – semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics. What stuck out to me here was that Vignelli took Read More →
  12. mdavis101

    Chocolate Sin

    The Work Itself  This assignment was a required design assignment. It is one of five design assignments for this week. Its difficulty is rated three stars. My project is a Microsoft Word document.             The Story Behind The Story  This past weekend while at home my mom baked chocolate chip … Continue reading Chocolate Sin
  13. cmoton18

    Letā€™s Duel

    Having to design a movie trading card (4 stars) I decided to use inspiration from one of my favorite movies, Forrest Gump. I started by gathering my images from Google. First I got a template of a blank Pokemon card and found the picture from the movie that I wanted to use. I put all … Continue reading Let’s Duel
  14. kstanbro

    Vignelli Reflection

    While reading Vignelli I thoroughly enjoy the quote he uses in the second paragraph of his book which states Creativity needs the support of knowledge in order to perform I think this is a great quote for this course. Although most of the students enrolled are either creative or have some interest in the topics, doing […]
  15. rachstanford77

    Fall is Here and So is the Rain

    http://theprosperousdaisy.com/daily-create/tis-the-season-to-get-sick/ #tdc1360 My response for Today's @ds106dc #ds106 Daily Create is I wasn't feeling too great today so I bought this. pic.twitter.com/aSwAJ997Af — Rachel Stanford (@rach_stanford23) September 30, 2015 Monday’s Daily Create asked us to draw something that we bought that day. There were many people that drew pictures of their groceries. Unfortunately for me, […]
  16. kstanbro

    The Assignment is Suspect

    The chocolate milk at New Kent Middle School has gone missing and it’s up to the falculty and staff at the school to solve the crime and collect the clues. The principal Mrs. Frizzel and the teacher who is in charge of overseeing the milk deliveries, Mr. Feeny, are the lead investigators on the case. […]
  17. Downes

    Back Yard Again

    October 3, 2015. We went into the city to run a bunch of errands. Andrea now has internet and telephone again. Got back in time to enjoy this lovely fall view in the back yard. From Flickr http://ift.tt/1WFTx9R
  18. Downes


    September 2, 2015. This is my new office in building M-50 at NRC in Ottawa. It's actually a lot brighter than the photo makes it look. I haven't moved anything in yet. But I have inherited an unusually large fire extinguisher. From Flickr http://ift.tt...
  19. Downes


    October 1, 2015. Back home (where 'home' is now Casselman). This is my new kitchen, as seen from what has become my usual spot in the dining room (where it's nice and sunny and bright). From Flickr http://ift.tt/1WFRcvF
  20. Downes


    September 30, 2015. One last photo from Naples. This is some artwork from the airport. Today would be a day of three flights and a drive home back to Casselman. Photos are ready for uploading but I need bandwidth. Coming soon. From Flickr http://ift.tt...
  21. jgieseking

    Slides from ā€œQueering the Mapā€ Talk


    My slides from my Futures Initiative talk, “Queering the Map: Theoretical Reflections on Spatial Methods,” at the CUNY Graduate Center this Friday (October 2nd) can be found below, and the Storify, notes, and photos from the talk can be found here on the FI blog.

    As is the usual (and never the norm, wrote the queer theorist) for my approach, I drew upon both feminist and queer approaches for this project. While this talk highlighted the queer aspects of my project, an earlier talk this year at SDSU. “Personal/Political/Feminist Maps,” focused on the feminist dynamics and those slides can be found here. A number of paper are forthcoming from the intersection of both talks, including the piece I am presently working on: “Size Matters to Lesbians Too: Feminist and Queer Contributions to the Scale of Big Data.”

    My thanks …

  22. kochnick

    Week 6 Summary!

    Got er done at the last minute! Talk about a crazy week, both with school work and personal life. Wheew! Let’s get down to business and see how this week went. 1. Read and Reflect on The Vignelli Canon: To get more of an insight about this, read my blog post here. 2. Complete a DesignBlitz: … Continue reading
  23. kochnick


    For this assignment, we were to write a poem by hand post it online! You can see the details here. To be honest, the poem is one of Bo Burnham. One of my favorite comedians.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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