1. @kspeonygarden

    Weather You Like It or Not: a Photo Gallery Sum-Up

    Hello, everyone! When I visited the Abandoned America page, I looked through the photo gallery of the derelict St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, located in Germantown, PA, all taken by photographer Matthew Christopher. The first few exterior shots establish a subtle sense of dread or foreboding, with the exception of the second image, titled “Beneath the... Continue Reading →
  2. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Thinking About Photos

    Everyone needs the most advanced DSLR to properly take pictures, right? It’s actually a myth. You can take some stunning, meaningful, and perhaps convincing photos by simply practicing a few simple techniques. Granted, having a really expensive camera is helpful, but your phone is also up to the task. First, stop. Just stop. Look at […]
  3. @dsamanda2

    A BERRY Sad Story

    This Visual Assignment tasked me with creating a story using only 5 frames. I decided to show the sad story of two strawberries as they become breakfast. This assignment was really fun and definitely pushed my creativity. To create a story using just 5 frames is a difficult thing to do. The story must be […]
  4. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2362

    Brawndo (noun) /brôn-dō/ – 1. The thirst mutilator. 2) It’s got electrolytes. Brawndo, the thirst mutilator has got what plants crave – electrolytes.  Origin of Brawndo: From the proto ‘Murrican dialect, circa 2505. Used colloquially to refer to a thirst quenching liquid which would also sate the needs of local flora via specialized hydration nullifiers […]
  5. @dsamanda2

    Word Illustration

    Did you know that the first noun on the tenth page of my Business Law textbook is “clock”? This daily create instructed me to illustrate a specific word from the nearest book. When I picked up my Business Law textbook from next to me I thought this assignment would be impossible and I would have to […]
  6. @dsamanda2

    Sister Wars

    My very first Assignment Bank photo! This Assignment Bank has TONS of creative ideas for storytelling with photos. The one I chose instructed me to recreate a famous movie scene. The movie scene I decided to recreate is from Star Wars where Luke is fighting Darth Vader. This a famous scene from the Star Wars […]
  7. @Sujik0

    The First Trek

    There are Three pictures there so you’ll have to click into it. Thats my instagram, i am suji.anumnum @ds106dc #tdc2360 Its a day late but my #ds106 Daily Create is pic.twitter.com/QilmabeQCY — Suji(anumnum) (@Sujik0) June 28, 2018 A link to my Twitter and the Daily Create! This Week i set up my account and worked … Continue reading The First Trek
  8. @jasmxlon

    Midweek 1: Hump Day

    Featured Image: Created by me/Inspired by Daily Create on 6/26/2018 Welcome to my Blog! The following are the links to all of my accounts: For this course I have created a Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud , and YouTube accounts. Process I have prior experience with Domain of One’s Own since it is a very common tool used in classes at Mary …

    Continue reading "Midweek 1: Hump Day"

  9. @jasmxlon

    What Lucy Saw; Question of the Week

    Featured Image: https://rarbg.cc/tvshows/the-magicians/ What is your favorite type of story? Why? My favorite type of story contains fantasy. When I am reading a story, it transports me to wherever the plot is. The best type of location to be transported to contains magic, fairies, and mythological creatures. Fantasy worlds do not compare to other worlds, because …

    Continue reading "What Lucy Saw; Question of the Week"

  10. @marvelmonkey34

    It’s Wednesday my Dudes

    Howdy everyone! The first few days of class have been pretty fun, if not confusing. I’m still not sure that I set everything up properly. First things first, I created my Instagram, Soundcloud, Twitter,and YouTube accounts. Other than YouTube and Facebook I don’t use much social media so it took me a little bit of time to make sure...
  11. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2361

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a bot program write along with you? I haven’t, but I tried it out. Check out this link to see it in action. It sounds impressive at first – I mean, hey, you can have the likes of Edgar Allen Poe proofread your work and make […]
  12. @marvelmonkey34

    A Wild Instagram Appears

    Congratulations everyone! You get to be the few people to take a look at my first (and probably only) Instagram account! Here ya go: https://www.instagram.com/ducksarecool2/     A post shared by Andrew Barnett (@ducksarecool2) on Jun 27,...
  13. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 27-JUN-2018

    Ah, yes. It’s time for the midweek post of a sixteen week course compressed into a five week time frame. It’s like the difference between an audio video interleave (.avi) file and a moving picture experts group four (.mp4) file. You get all the necessary good stuff you were after, without the extra stuff to […]
  14. @ds106_aaliyah

    Instagram Post (26 June 2018)

      Currently, I am in California and I have been making it a habit to walk two miles every morning before it becomes scorching hot. The first photo was taken a couple of minutes before I finished my walk. The last photos were taken as […]
  15. @dsamanda2

    Rush Rush Rush

    This assignment was stressful! When given a time limit and instructions to “capture as many of the following photos as you can” I go into rush mode! There were sooo many different ideas and items to photograph and I did not get to all of them. I found myself taking probably too much time than […]
  16. @dsamanda2

    Tips to the Test

    The Abandoned America sight has a huge gallery of photos that give a sense of abandonment, loss, and desolation. These photos give this sense to those who view them because the photographers utilized some of the tips that I talked about in my last blog post. These photos are so successful in the feeling that […]
  17. @dsamanda2

    Photography and Me

    I really enjoy photography and I appreciate the art, but I am not very good at it myself. This is mostly because I do not take many pictures so I have very little experience with photography. Since I am so interested in it though, I am excited to learn how to be a better photographer. […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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