1. clothesmindedx3


    “Hell No We Wont Go,” was the chant heard across the East River Waterfront where dozens of Williamsburg residents, community leaders, elected officials and city wide house activists rallied on May 22nd, on the 8th anniversary of Mayor Bloomberg’s 2005 rezoning. Angry residents feel like the Mayor has been incompetent because he has not lived ...
  2. clothesmindedx3

    LIC ARTS OPEN 2013

    If you’re an artsy New Yorker, then I’m pretty sure you heard of the LIC Arts Open that ran from May 15th to May 19th.  This Art festival features over 200-art galleries open to the public free of charge. Other exclusive galleries required a small donation or admission fee. One of which was The Jeffrey ...
  3. clothesmindedx3

    Cool Kids Only.

    “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids, Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we ...
  4. clothesmindedx3


      The May-Labour Day Rally held yesterday in lower Manhattan called all minority workers, immigrants, labor unions, students, worker centers, social justice groups, the unemployed, and the community organizations to vindicate their rights and raise their voices in unison to demand immigration reform. This came after city the immigration reform proposal by the “Gang of ...
  5. clothesmindedx3

    Media Coverage: The Art and Sound of Video Games

    York College held it’s Fourth annual Student Research Day last Thursday, where all the departments came together to display information about their field. Our online journalism class covered of these events, the choices were an English presentation hosted by Professor Michael Namphy, an African American presentation and a video game discussion. Being an avid player of  classic ...
  6. clothesmindedx3

    Boston Bombing Suspect charged

     Boston Update Friday evening, neighborhoods in Boston were locked down after the tedious “manhunt” for the remaining suspect of the Boston Bombing: Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Authorities say, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev and his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev were behind this deadly act, leaving three people dead and over 200 people injured.   Before being ...
  7. clothesmindedx3

    CUNY chancellor steps down

    After leading and transforming the City university of New York for 14 years, Matthew Goldstein, chancellor of the City University of New York, is stepping down. He helped the CUNY school system in its’ progression in establishing a dozen 4-year colleges, 6 community colleges, and over half a million students in degree programs or continuing education. ...
  8. clothesmindedx3

    Todd Maisel inspires York Students

          Right in the midst of spring break, York students (online journalism students to be specific) got the chance to have a Q & A with one of the cities most influential photographers Todd Maisel. He has been covering news for almost three decades. Maisel majored in journalism at NYU and worked as an editor for ...
  9. clothesmindedx3

    Step into spring

    Spring is finally here which means we can ditch the Uggs and Snow boots and step into the season with style with the lastest trends Platform Sneakers We first saw Platform sneakers make a debut nearly a decade ago with Spice girls but they have recently made a comeback. Some might think they are reminiscent ...
  10. Renae

    Final Project

    This was the most entertaining project for the semester. I enjoyed recording this and making it my own. Audio books are pretty cool when you’re the one who’s voice is on it. The best part was deciding what I wanted my audience to hear while I said certain things. I hope I pulled it off [&hellip
  11. Renae

    Sound Production – Midterm Make-up

    This is the a cool sound production project I did. It is basically a story made from sounds. It begins with me coming into work and proceeds into my morning procedure for opening my store. I walk in put in my alarm code, begin to count all the registers and even microwave some breakfast
  12. Renae

    Project 2

    This is a remake of the sounds from a scene of Jurassic Park. This was a fun project to do and it was a little bit challenging
  13. Kat Thompson

    sound project 1

    I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with this project, so I basically just collected various sounds with my phone recorder for a few weeks. I just recorded several sounds from my life for about a week and a half trying to figure out what to do. I just played around with Audacity… Continue reading →
  14. Daljit Singh

    Final Project

    Yo Adrian, I did it!! I really did, for my final project I set my goal to create five animated GIFs, which to some of you is an easy task, but I really had a hard time with them, you can say they were my Apollo. In all seriousness, as you can see I have … Continue reading
  15. Daljit Singh

    Final Reflection

    The semester is coming to a close, which means I’m no longer required to post on the DS106 site; but that wont stop me. Iv’e learned so much and grown so acustom to posting work I no longer need that feeling of “this is something I am required to do”, to do it; rather I … Continue reading
  16. Daljit Singh

    Digital Archiving

    After watching Jim Grooms lecture on ones digital self and what they need to do to archive it, I have learned it is very important to save anything you post in order to maintain your digital self; not only for personal reasons but others as well. Firstly I feel anything you create is precious and … Continue reading
  17. Daljit Singh

    Postcard from Magical Places: “Uncle Bob” Remix

    Assignment: Postcard from Magical Places Remixed                                                                 Worth: 4 Stars For this assignment I was required to remix a postcard and incorporate a weird family member such as a “Uncle Bob”. I chose this postcard created by Scott Wilson Plunkett, because I feel it was very creative and witty. Here is both the original and remixed … Continue reading
  18. Daljit Singh

    Animated Music Video: “Whats the Prequel?” Remix

    Assignment: Animated Music Video Remix                                                                                  Worth: 7 Stars For this assignment I was required to use the Remix Card: “What’s the Prequel?” to remix an AMV assignment, done by norihide. The original video had a theme of love and I figured a good prequel would be about feelings one usually had about a person before … Continue reading
  19. Daljit Singh

    Remix Reflection Post

    After watching “Everything is a Remix” by Kirby Ferguson, my whole outlook on the re-use of work has changed. No longer do I feel bad about taking another persons idea and twisting it making it my own, because admittedly it is something I do allot. I was glad to learn that copying had been the … Continue reading
  20. Kat Thompson

    final project

    I love Game of Thrones, it’s a great show with a great cast. It’s a television adaptation of A Song of Fire and Ice, George R.R. Martin’s medieval fantasy novel series. I’ve used this fantastic map found on the ASOFI wiki to illustrate locations in the series.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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