Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92895 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @8footbullshark

    Final Crisis Post #3

    Hello Everyone, I decided to combine both my third and fourth posts into one; I thought it would be easier and more effective to include the conclusion at the end of this post. For this post, I decided to focus more on the image telling aspect of our course, I really enjoyed the assignment earlier Read More
  2. @8footbullshark

    Final Crisis Post #2

    For my second post, I made use of FMT software, free as well as other screen recording devices to develop this post. This post is centered around the audio aspect of our course but will be supported through web narration as well; just to give the audience some background contact of the actions that Read More
  3. @8footbullshark

    Final Crisis Post #1:

    Hello Everyone, For my final project, I will be focusing on my my superhero Brantford Titansworth, who I created out of inspiration earlier this semester who has been continually developing throughout the semester. Brantford will save Fredericksburg from disaster after the iconic bridge collapses after a massive earthquake shook the east coast, specifically Stafford county. Read More
  4. @8footbullshark

    My Character Tattoo

    This portion of the assignment was definitely my favorite! I was able to create/locate an icon which accurately reflects my fictional superhero- Brantford Titansworth. I chose this design to convey his overall dominance, as Brantford is a beast and he ...
  5. @8footbullshark

    Washington D.C. Postcard

    For this portion of the assignment, I created a postcard for my favorite and hometown city, Washington D.C. I created this using Unfortunately, the website would only give me a fractured sample of my template unless, I signed up for a year...
  6. @8footbullshark

    Guess that Movie!

    For this visual assignment, I decided to use four separate icons in order to convey a title of one of my favorite movies. I was able to complete this project with the help of thenounproject, which provided me with many icons to make my design. The ...
  7. @8footbullshark

    Week 5 Reflection

    Today I finally wrapped up with week 5 for my DS106 Digital Storytelling class. It was Audio week, so this past weeks assignments were very entertaining! The first thing I did was download Audacity. I watched some youtube videos on separate tutorials for working with the software. After doing this, I listened to “Moon Graffiti”. … Continue reading "Week 5 Reflection"

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