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  1. @BegaKayla

    Week 6 Down

    This week we focused on Design and how certain elements may make or break a picture. I started off the week doing my daily creates which I found to be very exciting and I learned a lot of new techniques. After this I posted my reflection to the Brain Pickings Article. I found this assignment …

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  2. @BegaKayla

    Week 5 Down

    This week was a STRUGGLE. At first even just looking at the assignments for this week gave me anxiety. I have never been good using software and I was so paranoid I’d never finish all of the work. I started off with the daily creates since I had already known how to do those. These …

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  3. @BegaKayla

    Daily Creates Week 5

    This week we were challenged to do 3 daily creates. Like always, these seem to amaze me in the ways that we can take simple tasks and turn them into creative thinking. It really got me thinking about symbolism this week and how things in our lives can often be put in categories.
  4. @BegaKayla

    Blitz Fun

    Welcome to my photo blitz! At first I was very confused with this assignment but upon talking to others in the class I decided it could be fun! (1) Confusion- Take a picture of confusion: Here’s a picture of my friend Emily when she was confused about an assignment. HCC doesn’t have the best lighting …

    Continue reading "Blitz Fun"

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