Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Daljit Singh

    Final Project

    Yo Adrian, I did it!! I really did, for my final project I set my goal to create five animated GIFs, which to some of you is an easy task, but I really had a hard time with them, you can say they were my Apollo. In all seriousness, as you can see I have … Continue reading
  2. Daljit Singh

    Final Reflection

    The semester is coming to a close, which means I’m no longer required to post on the DS106 site; but that wont stop me. Iv’e learned so much and grown so acustom to posting work I no longer need that feeling of “this is something I am required to do”, to do it; rather I … Continue reading
  3. Daljit Singh

    Digital Archiving

    After watching Jim Grooms lecture on ones digital self and what they need to do to archive it, I have learned it is very important to save anything you post in order to maintain your digital self; not only for personal reasons but others as well. Firstly I feel anything you create is precious and … Continue reading
  4. Daljit Singh

    Postcard from Magical Places: “Uncle Bob” Remix

    Assignment: Postcard from Magical Places Remixed                                                                 Worth: 4 Stars For this assignment I was required to remix a postcard and incorporate a weird family member such as a “Uncle Bob”. I chose this postcard created by Scott Wilson Plunkett, because I feel it was very creative and witty. Here is both the original and remixed … Continue reading
  5. Daljit Singh

    Animated Music Video: “Whats the Prequel?” Remix

    Assignment: Animated Music Video Remix                                                                                  Worth: 7 Stars For this assignment I was required to use the Remix Card: “What’s the Prequel?” to remix an AMV assignment, done by norihide. The original video had a theme of love and I figured a good prequel would be about feelings one usually had about a person before … Continue reading
  6. Daljit Singh

    Remix Reflection Post

    After watching “Everything is a Remix” by Kirby Ferguson, my whole outlook on the re-use of work has changed. No longer do I feel bad about taking another persons idea and twisting it making it my own, because admittedly it is something I do allot. I was glad to learn that copying had been the … Continue reading
  7. Daljit Singh

    Video Assignment: Movie By Numbers

    Assignment: Movies By Numbers                                                                                               Worth: 3 Stars This assignment me to express one number, of my choosing, and make a video where it is expressed using images of nature and everyday life. The number I chose was 13, here is how it turned out: For this assignment I used Windows Movie Maker, to put … Continue reading
  8. Daljit Singh

    Video Assignment: One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

    Assignment: One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds                                                    Worth: 3 Stars For this assignment I was required to create a video clip averaging about 5 seconds. The archetype I was assigned was, mean teachers, one that I found would be a little hard to do but fun at the same time. The way I chose … Continue reading
  9. Daljit Singh

    Video Assignment: One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds

    Assignment: One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds                                                    Worth: 3 Stars For this assignment I was required to create a video clip averaging about 5 seconds. The archetype I was assigned was, mean teachers, one that I found would be a little hard to do but fun at the same time. The way I chose … Continue reading
  10. Daljit Singh

    Video Assignment: Animated Music Video

    Assignment: Animated Music Video                                                                                   Worth: 4 Stars This assignment required me to create a Animated Music Video or AMV, which is a video which includes some sort of animation, mostly consisting of cartoons or anime, and music with a similar theme. For my AMV I chose one of my favorite anime’s growing up, Dragon Ball … Continue reading
  11. Daljit Singh

    Video Assignment: Return to the Silent Era

    Assignment: Return to the Silent Era                                                                                  Worth: 5 Stars The difference between Silent Films and the movies out today are huge, they have developed so much and for the better. So the idea of making a new age movie resemble a silent film would be a task in itself; which is exactly what this assignment … Continue reading

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