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    Can Democrats learn from President Macron’s example?

    French President Macron snubs Donald Trump at the new NATO headquarters.  At the 2017 ceremony to open the new NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, French President Macron demonstrated how to communicate with a bully. I added the Belgian national anthem, performed by the US Navy band, for atmosphere. And a fake news ending. If the video player isn’t working for you, you can watch President […]
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    Further Education Adventures of an Adult Student Spring 2018

    A mashup I made from a google map image of Berkeley City College, a picture of the Campanile at UC Berkeley and an inviting meadow leading into a thicket.Above – Stay on the Path A mashup I made from a google map image of Berkeley City College, a picture of the Campanile at UC Berkeley and an inviting meadow leading into a thicket of distractions. One year ago (April 2017), having struggled with the culture of incompetence across the Peralta Community College District […]
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    I made a digital postcard to commemorate students in dozens of cities in all 50 states staged demonstrations and observed a moment of silence to honor the 14 students and three adult staff killed a month ago at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.I made a digital postcard to commemorate the students from Granada Hills High School in Southern California (and in cities in all fifty states) who walked out of their classes, staged demonstrations and observed a moment of silence in honor of the fourteen students and three adult staff killed a month ago at Marjory Stoneman […]
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    Mark Corbett Wilson 2018-02-23 17:20:35

    1979 archive photograph of Devil's Slide on former California Hwy 1 used as a background for a gif made with text from Nick Montfort’s dynamic poem generatorI used a 1979 archive photograph of Devil’s Slide on the former California Hwy 1 as a background for a gif made with text from Nick Montfort’s dynamic poem generator to complete today’s Daily Create for Digital Alchemy in the Open Education course Networked Narratives at Kean University in New Jersey. #dda165 Visualize Taroko Gorge This […]
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    Here we go again! Taking Year 2 of Networked Narratives for a spin!

    What The Heck Kind of Course is This? At the core this is a bonafide on the ground course in Networked Narratives at Kean University, with registered students who will spend some time each week in a classroom. Last year it was co-taught by Mia Zamora at Kean join via the interwebs by Alan Levine […]
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    Further Adventures of an Adult Student

    I’m completing a Bachelor’s degree online at Metropolitan State University’s College of Individualized Studies in St. Paul, Minnesota. I chose Metro State because they were originally a University Without Walls when created in 1971. I’m also a student and worker at the Western Institute for Social Research in Berkeley, California, which grew out of Berkeley’s […]

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