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  1. @


    In the spring of 2021 I participated in “Elder Circles: Fierce Words of the Third Age”, StoryCenter’s ( first workshop for those over 60. I joined founder and Executive Director Joe Lambert and Linda Parris-Bailey, playwright and Founder of, who also served as the Executive/Artistic Director of the Carpetbag Theatre for 45 years, in […]
  2. @eafinto

    Goodbye, DS106

    It’s about that time, fellow survivors! We have reached the End of the End. Can you believe it’s been 16 weeks? I can’t! These last two weeks, I have completed seven Daily Creates and finally finished my final story, which I worked on with my friend, Taylor! It took us quite a while, but it […]
  3. @

    Can Democrats learn from President Macron’s example?

    French President Macron snubs Donald Trump at the new NATO headquarters.  At the 2017 ceremony to open the new NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, French President Macron demonstrated how to communicate with a bully. I added the Belgian national anthem, performed by the US Navy band, for atmosphere. And a fake news ending. If the video player isn’t working for you, you can watch President […]
  4. @

    Further Education Adventures of an Adult Student Spring 2018

    A mashup I made from a google map image of Berkeley City College, a picture of the Campanile at UC Berkeley and an inviting meadow leading into a thicket.Above – Stay on the Path A mashup I made from a google map image of Berkeley City College, a picture of the Campanile at UC Berkeley and an inviting meadow leading into a thicket of distractions. One year ago (April 2017), having struggled with the culture of incompetence across the Peralta Community College District […]
  5. @jetjenk43

    Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!

    Week 11 In a Nutshell So this week I feel like I was more prepared and less rushed to complete all the video assignments.  I hope it shows in my work.  At first I was kind of dreading doing video work, because I knew it would take a lot of time to edit our assignments …

    Continue reading "Oh Thank Heaven We Made it through Week 11!!!!!!!!"

  6. @eafinto

    Movie Time!

    This week, we continued our unit on video! One of the first assignments was to watch another apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic movie! Last week, I watched The Quiet Earth. This week, I watched a movie that I really, really enjoyed, The Day the Earth Stood Still (the 1951 version). I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this movie! […]
  7. @keyris22


    When I watch movies, I more so theorize than analysis. I always have some kind theory on why and how an event occurred in a movie, but I do analysis some to come up with my crazy conspiracies. So I found the How To Read A Movie, fun to read. It is abou...
  8. @jetjenk43

    Count to Ten and do it All Over Again!!!!!!

    This week was probably one of the hardest weeks yet for me.  I won’t say it’s hard due to the work load, but last Thursday a good family friend had passed away.  Due to this family friend being so close to our family it was only right for me to get in my car and …

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  9. @esanbornumw

    Reflection & Essay Video

    Reading How to Read a Movie written by Ebert was very intriguing! I found his rule of thumbs to be the most influential so that is what I made my video essay about mainly! I liked his article a lot, because even though I am in Intro to Cinema Studies currently at UMW, I learned even […]
  10. @umwequestrianista

    Reading Movies I Am Legend Video Essay

    Kubrick // One-Point Perspective The Shining – Zooms Examples of Editing Techniques (*Jump Cut) Top 20 Amazing Cinematic Techniques Part 1 (*Long take, steady cam) I watched the above short videos about filmmaking and I never realized until after how filmmaking techniques really make a huge difference in how we view a movie. While watching …

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  11. @jetjenk43

    How to better Watch movies by knowing the Details.

    How to Read A movie well what I learned from reding this article: I read the article by Robert Ebert: How to Read a Movie.  I never knew the details of how a movie is put together or how it was shot.  After reading this article my eyes are opened to some of the techniques that are used.  …

    Continue reading "How to better Watch movies by knowing the Details."

  12. @umwequestrianista


    Video Assignment 2058 I really enjoyed doing this video assignment, it gave me time to reflect on some of my most favorite pictures and memories and tell you guys a little bit about my life! Video Assignment 2031 This is a video collage of all my favorite pictures from my last year at UMW!  I …

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  13. @eafinto

    Learning to Read Movies

    The first task of Week 10 has been to learn how to read movies. We all know how to watch movies, but can we all read them? I’m a Communications and Digital Studies major. For one of the elective requirements, I took Intro to Cinema Studies here at UMW last semester. Here I thought that […]

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