Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @amick_hailey

    Dear Diary

    The prompt was to write a diary entry from your favorite Disney Villain’s perspective. Donna Murphy – Mother Knows Best (From “Tangled”/Sing-Along). YouTube, 2 July 2020, Try this #ds106 Assignment Dear Diary…. Dear Diary
. — Hailey Amick (@amick_hailey) January 29, 2022 Dear Diary, Mother knows best. Rapunzel wanted to leave the tower because the lanterns are calling her. She can never know what it is like to be out of the tower or else I will vanish into nothingness. Her beauty makes me shine as the young flower I am on the inside. I wish that she would be able to come to her sense and realize that I know best. I am the one who has raised her. I am the one who has brought her to all of her senses!!!!!!!! Goodnight,  May I shine just as bright tommorrow. 
  2. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    This week I had a lot of fun really thinking about stories in a way I had never thought of them before. It really is much more of a structural, thought out thing rather than just trying to tell a story. I loved getting to do the assignment banks again and loved collaborating with dear
 Continue reading Weekly Summary
  3. @mellis_5

    Story Analysis

    One of my favorite stories to read is Harry potter. After reading and watching these videos it did open my thinking to ask, what makes it such a great story? If I could graph its shape each book starts relatively low because Harry is unhappy without his school friends then he goes back to Hogwarts
 Continue reading Story Analysis
  4. @mellis_5

    Assignment Bank- Writing

    A Story in Alphabet  A better cat dragged eggs for gators. Happily I just killed larry michaelson not oprah, phew! Quite right she told, “um violet? Wheres Xavior younis Zamborini?” #WritingAssignments, #WritingAssignments1616 Dear Diary
 Dear Diary, Ariel is so beautiful and her voice is remarkable. Not to mention she’s the kings daughter. Adding her soul
 Continue reading Assignment Bank- Writing
  5. @aliboo1432


    Today, I was thinking about a story to write up for this class and discussing what I should pick from a girl I had never met before visiting Mary Washington this weekend. In this story, Sam, which we will be referring to her, and my roommate gave me different suggestions about what to write about,
 Continue reading Outline
  6. @amick_hailey

    My Fortune Cookie

    This life is yours. This life is yours. Some of it was to you; the rest you made by yourself. This fortune cookie is speaking to me in the fact that this life is mine. I CAN do anything I want in this life. The part that was given to me was the life that has been laid out for me by my sweet parents giving me lessons, putting me through art classes, dance, girl scouts, and sports. The rest of my life is made by me and I want to take these beautiful things that I have been through and use my creativity to make myself and others happy.
  7. @wade_764

    I learned a lot this week! – Weekly Summary

    This week was busy as usual for me, but I got it all done! Go me! I tried to approach this week by getting the daily creates out of the way first. My favorite of those assignments was to develop a decorative letter for my first name. I used Gimp to do this, and the bucket tool was beneficial. I think had I used a clearer image, it would have turned out a bit better tho. There was a lot of writing this week, and my favorite post was about finding three songs that capture an emotion. I thought that

  8. @nalujoprojects

    Zombie Apocalypse Terms of Service

    Last updated before the end AGREEMENT TO TERMS These Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and the hospital staff trying to maintain order (“we,” “us” or “our”), concerning your participation in the zombie apocalypse as well as any other activity or 

  9. @wade_764

    To Blog, or Not To Blog
 Nah, I’d like to pass this class!

    Whew! So much reading this week. If you are like me, this week has been a challenging one. Learning more about how stories are told is a lot deeper than I had imagined. The article about hyper-linking and how digital conversations can be transformed into works of art was fascinating. When I first heard about Netflix’s idea to transform a movie into a digital narrative in a “Choose your own adventure” style called Bandersnatch I was elated! Even more so when I heard it was in the Black Mirror world. (Complete detour, but if you like that show, check out Inside No. 9,

  10. @myclassaccount

    Week 3 Summary

    What a week! After a couple of weeks in Applied Digital Studies of us becoming familiar with everything we really got things going this week. We’re taking action now. We are learning all about the coding behind websites. The idea of all of this sounds pretty stressful, but during class we were able to go through it all to ensure that we have it all down. At times I worried that I wasn’t getting ahead enough, but then realized I 
 Continue reading "Week 3 Summary"
  11. @aislingberri

    To My Mom

    Mami, te quiero mucho. Pero la cosa es, aunque yo te amo demasiado, quisiera que fueras mejor madre. Eres mejor ahora, pero porque no fuiste mejor antes? Porque me hisiste tanto daño cuando era pequeña? Me has dañado permanentemente, y ahora soy una persona que no puede gritar sin llorar. No puedo discutir sin lĂĄgrimas. No puedo decirle “no” [
  12. @JHolburd

    Weekly Summary–Week Three

    This was a much more manageable week. I got an earlier start, figured out how to do hypertext links and didn’t have problems with my laptop’s performance. I spent a lot more time on my Daily Creates than is expected but it’s still not easy for me to just throw something together. I wish it [
  13. @wade_764

    Writers’ Block and the Problem of Where to Start

    This week I have tried to think of various approaches to and on what I would like to do for the final project. I am still undecided at the moment, but I know that I want it to focus on something technology-related! Another aspect I would like to incorporate into my project is music, and I will keep my mind open for what I finally decide to work on until I begin to have a better idea. I think back on the past few weeks and reflect on two particular posts that I completed. I had one with a short

  14. @JHolburd

    Kindred Story Analysis

    The novel Kindred by Octavia Butler, published in 1979, is a science fiction/slave narrative about Dana, a young African American woman and aspiring writer, who finds herself shunted between her home in Los Angeles in 1976 and a pre-civil war Maryland plantation, back and forth, over multiple time-travel trips, where she meets her ancestors. This [
  15. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, [

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