1. @mattmilesds106


    For this assignment we really had to use all of our abilities and try and talk about the cinematic elements we learned while editing a scene so that we could voiceover what was happening. I found this assignment to be incredibly difficult because I had never done such a thing like this. It was a ... Read moreVoiceOver
  2. @Katie73536604

    Video Essay

    This assignment was interesting! It felt very awkward to talk about the scene as it was rolling but I think it turned out pretty okay. This scene is hilarious, the whole movie is really, but I tried not to chuckle too much during recording. ...
  3. @caholt2000

    Interview with a Spy

    This week, we had to answer questions in an interview. The answers I provided go with my character Sammy A. Squirrel, however, he is not pictured in the video. The interview questions were interesting, but they were actually not too difficult to answer. I answered seven questions, and the answers all go with my secret

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  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Creates

    I am back to my old ways, I started my week off with some daily creates!! For my first daily create, I shared a Tolkien quote. I decided to make a visual on canva. All in all, it took about five minutes total. The directions for this daily create were: “Read some of Tolkien’s works
  5. @madeleine_ds106

    Week 10 Summary

    Another week has come to an end in DS 106. This week was all about video editing and creation. If I’m being honest, this week was hard. The assignments weren’t difficult, it was the technical side of it that gave me problems and really tec...
  6. @madeleine_ds106

    Where my Shoes take me!

    In this final assignment for this week I chose an assignment that required me to record where my shoes take me in a day. I had to record myself walking all day and then edit all the clips into one video. In the video you see me getting breakfast, walking to class with my cup of coffee, walking to my car after class to go to work, and then coming back from dinner with my friends! This was my favorite assignment of the week because it was fun to make. Having to record little videos throughout the day was enjoyable. I recorded each video on my phone then uploaded them onto my computer and edited it all together into iMovie. I also used the song “Sunset Lover” that I mentioned in my previous post.
  7. @madeleine_ds106

    Observe Something Grow

    In this assignment I had to observe something grow! The assignment’s details gave the examples of a flower or a dog, but I decided to do my cat Ozzy. I got Ozzy in August of 2018 and he will be one in June. I have so many videos of him from when he was a small kitten to the fat cat he is now and it’s sweet to have a video of him growing up! To make the video, I used the app “Video Editor” on my phone. I uploaded the videos to the app in the order I wanted them to appear and then added some music overtop. I chose “Sunset Lover” by Petit Biscuit. I have ben having some trouble with iMovie this week, but was told about Video Editor by a friend and it is a life saver!
  8. @madeleine_ds106

    Tell Your Character’s Story

    This assignment required me to tell the story of my character through video. However, I decided to change it up a little bit and talk briefly about myself! I used the whiteboard my roommate and I have on our fridge to draw my life. My roommate also recorded this for me so a quick shoutout to her! It was pretty easy to make: I uploaded the video to iMovie and did a quick voiceover with the voice memo app on my phone! In the video I talk about being born in California and then moving to Virginia, then starting college at UMW, and now graduating in May! I’ve seen a lot of Youtubers doing this in videos and thought it would be cool to do my own version!
  9. @KendallResnick

    So Long Week 10

    This week was a culmination of many of the things we have been learning in DS106 this semester, from sound to design. The assignments were video based, and we spent time looking at cinematic camera work and the ways that films are made. After reading/watching various articles and videos, I created this video essay that […]
  10. @bfrullads106

    summary – Week 10

    Hey there everybody, thanks for tuning in again for another weekly summary. Here, you’ll be able to find Rich’s most recent job interview, a video essay on Wes Anderson’s Rushmore, a western motorcycle movie storyboard, and some other fun items. I hope you enjoy them. A time lapse of a motorcycle build (2 stars) Some […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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