Week 6 feels more like week 16 but that’s ok! I’d like to think I should be enjoying these last few weeks as an undergrad as much as possible. Overall this week was MUCH better than the previous two weeks and I couldn’t be happier! This week we had four daily creates, a Design Blitz, 12 stars of Design assignments and finally our design thoughts. We will start with the Daily Creates: 18th: Create a secret agent name by what you last ate and your middle name! Secret Agent Ann Strawberry ready for her next mission! 20th: Make a picture look old! This picture I took this summer at a summer camp, I used an app called Aviary to make it look older. 21st: C64 picture! My dad took this photo of me flying a Cessna 150. 22nd: Whiteboard app, added to it. I didn’t know what to draw so I drew the only thing I knew best, a flower. Assignments Assignment 1: 3 stars A post card from my character. This assignment was a lot of fun because I was able to include my character, Nadia. I even added to her story. Assignment 2: 3.5 stars: for this assignment we were asked to create a minimalist poster for a book or movie. Chose one of my favorite series, Harry Potter! Assignment 3: 3 stars: This assignment was also exciting because I was able to integrate our character! We had to create an outfit for our character. I chose to put my character in all black to go with the secret agent theme. Assignment 4: 2.5 stars: Got DS106? This assignment was awesome! I got to recreate a Got Milk? ad. that represented our DS106 course. Design Blitz The Design Blitz assignment was very interesting and I was able to gain some valuable information about design and photography. I chose photos that represent color, typography, form/function/message, and dominance. I chose these because these are things that I believe are most important when it comes to design. All of the principles and concepts are important but these are the ones that stuck out to me. Design Thoughts I really enjoyed this reflection post about design. I actually took a course in Psychology that talks about the brain and visual perceptions, so I found this topic of design interesting. I even related it to something we learned in psychology, Psychology of Gestalt. I also have a huge interest in possibly being a UX designer one day and this week got me looking more into it! Overall this week was much better than the past two weeks, as I said! I really enjoyed this weeks topic of design. My favorite and I believe to be my best works this week was the 4th assignment and reflection post. Can’t wait to see what is in store for next week!