1. iamtalkytina

    Wheelin’ that Fortune

    So Vanna was sporting my 2-gallon hat and my shooting irons when she revealed the special answer to the special question that I put on the show for guests in an upcoming episode. It was nice that today’s The Daily Create was worded the way it was, because it was just a special prompt to […]
  2. @skyhiser

    Westerns: Don’t Carve that Tombstone Yet

    The western genre, perhaps, is the narrative representation of the frontier mentality that has been a mainstay of American ideology for the last two centuries. It displays rugged individuality, bravado, masculinity, and personal and moral triumph over all that the cruel and wicked world has to offer that Americans have loved. Not to age myself, […]
  3. @its_kellbell

    Week One Reflections

    So this week was pretty interesting. I thought I was fairly computer savvy but I definitely had some trouble with embedding the links. I am pretty excited to get more into the class though; I had friends that took it last semester and loved it. I learned how to use YouTube and Soundcloud – two ... [Read more...]
  4. @gingerchic21

    Week 1 Weekly Summary

    When I first saw the list of tasks to do this week, I was definitely overwhelmed. I had trouble actually sitting down and completing everything, but I was able to once I put my mind to it. I liked making my blog and connecting it and making my social media accounts. That was pretty easy, […]
  5. @gingerchic21

    Thoughts on Westerns

    I think a Western is a look back at the history of the American Midwest in a time where it was just being settled and every day was a new adventure. It was a simpler time, one that people often look back on and think “that’s really what it means to be American”. It’s building […]
  6. @gingerchic21

    Hello ds106!

    Here are my various media introductions! Hello #ds106! I am a sophomore psych major and I look forward to the rest of this course! — Maureen (@gingerchic21) January 16, 2016 Here’s a few pictures I took of UMW
  7. @tifamonster

    Weekly Summary

    It’s the end of the week and I have done the unbearable and waited till the last minute to complete assignments, not because I was flirting with procrastination as Professor Bond stated in an email, but because between school, work, and transporting my family in need (younger siblings, grandma, etc) I got held up between […]
  8. @tifamonster

    What Western Means to Me

    Well, now that you have gotten to know me a bit better, I want to share with you all what the Western genre means to me. No lie, when I think of the West I think of gold and cowboys. I think of guns, and sometimes cowboys vs. aliens. I also typically think of Hollywood […]
  9. @tifamonster


    Hello everyone! It’s Tiffany. I’m super duper excited to be a part of #ds106 this semester and have linked below my boot camp assignments so you guys can get to know me better. I am not new to blogging, because I have a blog already where I basically spill my thoughts and emotions onto the […]
  10. @its_kellbell

    All About Me

    Here are some multi-modal introductions! Twitter: hello fellow #ds106 classmates! — Kelly (@its_kellbell) January 15, 2016 A couple pictures describing my life:   UMW at its prettiest: a beautiful waterfall from a hike with my best friend Holly: Soundcloud: [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/242173399?secret_token=s-CUzak” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Youtube: <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/mR_oGs1SDFY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>     ... [Read more...]
  11. @emily_toney

    Week 1

    Hello all, WE MADE IT! So happy that week 1 of this course is over. I have learned A LOT in the past 5 days. From how to set up my own domain, writing blogs, setting up social media accounts I didn’t know existed, and what a western really is. Blogging: Much easier than I … Continue reading Week 1
  12. @julianna_proc

    Dashing through the ocean

    Today I embarked on my first assignment bank post. I decided to go with the visual assignments, because I enjoy photography and taking pictures. So when going through the visual assignments, I was looking for a creative photo challenge of some sort, but I just had to do the winterize-it assignment because I wish it would snow SO […]
  13. @HiHoSilver_Away

    Week One Summary. Onward!

    The goal of this post is to summarize Week 1 (which for me has actually consisted of just today).  I just joined the class today, and as such, am an in a bit of a time crunch to get the week 1 deliverables together. A little about me: I am a Non-traditional student at UMW. […]
  14. @lmccuist0

    A Rocky Start

    I admit, I don’t do much with digital media aside from consume and observe, and this is my first fully online course, so this week has been more or less of a rocky start. I’ve been trying to keep up by researching, reading, and thinking, only to realize that today, Friday, I haven’t gotten around … Continue reading A Rocky Start
  15. @HiHoSilver_Away

    Fashionably Late

    Hi Everyone, I am here at last.  The road is long and uphill both ways, but I am on my way!  This is my official first blog post for ds106, coming to you from HiHoSilverAway.com, Blogging in the Western Digital Frontier!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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