Unit 3: What Mean Ye Digital Storytelling?

Not technically a course this is another experiment in offering a full ds106 experience to open participants based on previous syllabi taught at the University of Mary Washington (UMW). The first was August-December 2013 as a “Headless ds106”. This Open ds106 is a re-organization of that experience, but without references to date or time- this could be something individuals or groups could do at any time, at any pace. See the full index to learn more.

Storytelling! Storytelling! Storytelling?

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by gogoloopie

Storytelling… it’s part of the title this course, and you likely have some idea what it means from your own experiences. This unit we will explore storytelling as a framing of what you will be doing for the units in the Open ds106. You will try to hone your own understanding of what the Digital part adds, and try a few creative exercises. As always, there are Daily Creates to be done this unit. And this is where we will ramp up what is expected to be an active participant in this course (commenting on the work of others and engaging in discussions via Twitter and Google+).

You have all gotten over the wall ds106 Bootcamp, so you know the drill here– we outline all of the things we suggest you to be working on this unit, which is capped with a link to your unit summary reflective blog post on your own site.

Are you ready to create stories? This is the launch point for the rest of the journey.

Some Creative Inspiration

bill watterson

A Cartoonists Advice created by Gavin Aung Thang in the style of Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes.

What Comes to Mind for You When We Say 'Storytelling'?
The Shape of Stories
Yes, But What is Digital Storytelling?
Appreciating Past DS106 Stories
Daily Creates
Telling Stories with Photos
Commenting + Twitter (or Google+) = Participation
Unit Summary Checklist
Bonus Inspiration-- Doodling


  1. Susana

    February 19, 2015

    Hi Mr Levine

    I am going over your html course again at the Maricopa institute. I am wondering if you have a dreamweaver and CSS course that you recommend that is written in a similar way ?


    Suisana Roque

    p.s. by the way, I am also interested in digital books

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  1. Appreciating Past DS106 Stories | ds106 for TECH2002_1512-23-14
  2. Storytelling | moving constellations06-26-15
  3. On Video, On Story, On Movie Making | From the Project Community Faculty09-23-15
  4. Week 3 Round Up, Now in Week 4 | Learning Nuggets02-04-16
  5. What’s Storytelling in my point of view? – SMART COMMUNITY DESIGN11-08-16
  6. Always On, Never Ending– the Open ds106 Experience01-24-17