Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94987 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @AJSt0rm


    By now, most of you have probably at least seen the trailers if not the movie for one of the new live-action films Disney has been producing. (If you haven’t, what planet have you been living on?). One of my favorites is Cinderella. When I saw the challenge entitled, “Favorite Movie Quote,” I couldn’t resist …
  2. @AJSt0rm

    My Merch

    Have you ever tried to create a t-shirt? Perhaps your school team needs a new shirt and you are invited to help design it. Or perhaps you want to design a specific shirt for a friend’s birthday. I personally had never designed a shirt before this week (though I had helped to vote on a …
  3. @AJSt0rm

    Design Illustration

    As I mentioned in my article “Design: Taken for Granted,” there are many elements of design in the world around us that we often ignore. This week, I set out to find and capture several examples of these. I specifically looked for examples of Color, Typography, Minimalism/Use of Space, and Balance. Here is what I …
  4. @AJSt0rm

    Design: Taken for Granted

    How often have you looked at a stop sign? You’ve probably seen a ton of them in your lifetime, even if you can’t drive. However, have you ever considered that someone, at some point, had to design that sign? How about the title scene to your favorite movie? Do you realize how much thought and …
  5. @AJSt0rm

    A Third of the Way Done Already?

    Can you believe that this is the fifth week of DS106 material so far? It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come in the last few weeks. This week, with its focus on audio, was no different. Audacity, Live-Tweeting, and Audio Storytelling made up this incredible week. Let me break it down: “Moon Graffiti” The …
  6. @AJSt0rm

    If I Hosted a Radio Show?

    Have you ever thought about what kind of show you would host if you hosted a radio show? Would it be funny? Encouraging? Hard-core Rock and Roll? A countdown of the top songs of the week? The options are endless. However, until this week, I never really thought about it. What kind of show would …
  7. @AJSt0rm

    Live-Streamed Conversation

    Have you ever watched a movie with a friend remotely? It’s a strange concept that we never really considered before Covid, yet, I’ve found myself doing so recently multiple times. There are plug-ins that connect to Netflix and Disney Plus has a streaming option. Most of these offer only a text or emoji-based chat system. …
  8. @AJSt0rm

    Radio Bumper

    You may not realize it but you’ve probably heard thousands of radio bumpers over the years. A radio bumper is usually something specific to the radio that mentions the name (sometimes in a catchy tune) and station number. For example, WGTS 91.9, a family-friendly, Christian radio in D.C. might play something like this: Another example …
  9. @AJSt0rm

    A Chilling Alternative

    On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made a historical landing on the Moon. This is old news to us now. But what if these astronauts had not successfully landed? “Moon Graffiti” by The Truth Podcast explores this chilling possibility. I would recommend listening to it if you have the chance. Part of …
  10. @AJSt0rm

    Experimenting with Mobile Photography

    What makes a good picture? You would think, with an introduction like that, I would have a great answer. Maybe some tips and tricks. A fabulous example. Something! Well, that’s the problem. I don’t know what makes a good picture. I’m still learning myself. I know some of the key elements are lighting, perspective, and …
  11. @AJSt0rm

    Experience? Non-existent

    Do you know those people who take pictures of everything? Or the ones who have really detailed Snapchat, Instagram, or are photographers? Yeah… that isn’t me. I rarely take a picture. I think most of this comes from my perfectionist nature. I don’t like how my pictures turn out so I don’t take them. Usually, …
  12. @AJSt0rm

    Best Week Ever!

    Week 3 baby! This has honestly been my favorite week so far (excuse me if I say that for every week). The main topic for this week was writing and, as an author, I LOVED IT! A chance to write stories, read about stories, talk about stories, yes please! Let me break it down for …
  13. @AJSt0rm

    Story Mechanics

    Have you every thought about all the elements that combine to make a good story? Plot, Characters, Setting, Theme, Conflict, Resolution, etc. A story must have these and more to be a good story. Yet, even with all of these elements sometimes a story can fall flat. So, what is it that keeps a reader …
  14. @AJSt0rm

    Down the Rabbit Hole

    A person could easily get lost down the rabbit hole of Wikipedia articles. There is so much information there to browse through and read. The writing prompt “Random Wikipedia Writing” takes advantage of all these options (3 stars). The challenge is to take a random page (a special Wikipedia link allows you to do this) …
  15. @AJSt0rm

    We Have Survived Week 2

    Times flies. I can’t believe we are already at the end of week 2 and I am writing another summary post, yet here we are. This week was completely different than last week but very similar. Let’s start at the beginning. Daily Creates! This week, we started working with The Daily Create (@ds106dc on Twitter). …

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