Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ari_squared

    ds106 Recruitment

    Assignment For my last remix of the week I chose to complete the Combophoto assignment under Visual Assignments. Summary: Use photo editing software of your choice to splice pairs of pictures into single images. Play with scale in delightful ways. See artist Stephen McMennamy’s great collection. Remix: Use this assignment to create an advertisement or […]
  2. @ari_squared

    Luigi’s Crossing: Animal Mansion 3

    Assignment I chose to complete the Mashup Assignment Video Game Cover Mashup for 3.5 stars. This assignment caught my attention as I had already done a video game related post this semester: Animal Crossing New Horizons: Video Game Review. Summary: This assignment will be completed through the use of photoshop. Take two existing video game […]
  3. @ari_squared

    Weekly Summary: Week 11

    Comments Daily Creates The three daily creates I completed this week were #tdc3371, #tdc3372, and #tdc3373. I was able to incorporate my video project, Let’s Talk About Plants, into #tdc3371. Whenever I get to tie my weekly assignments into my daily creates I get really excited. I feel like the students taking #ds106 this semester […]
  4. @ari_squared

    Premiere: Let’s Talk About Plants

    Behind the Work I used iMovie to put my video together. I describe how I made the intro and outro in my last video project progress post: I used Canva again to make section transitions. I made three for each plant care item I touch on: watering, soil, and propagation. These were not originally my […]
  5. @ari_squared

    Dear Mama Nara: Rework

    Assignment For week 9 of #ds106 I was tasked with re-working 2 past assignments. The first assignment I re-worked can be found here: The second Assignment I chose to re-work is Dear Mama Nara. I completed this writing assignment during Week 4 of this semester; the requirements and prompt can be found under the 3 […]
  6. @ari_squared

    Next Time Won’t You Write With Me: Rework

    Assignment For week 9 of #ds106 I was tasked with re-working 2 past assignments. The first Assignment I chose to re-work is Next Time Won’t You Write With Me. I completed this writing assignment during Week 3 of this semester; the requirements and prompt can be found under the 3 star assignment A Story in […]
  7. @ari_squared

    Radio Bu-Bum-Bumpin Pt. 2

    Assignment For my first Audio Assignment of week 7 I chose to re-do my ds106 radio bumper: Radio Bu-Bum-Bumpin. Summary: Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with […]
  8. @ari_squared

    Radio Show Promo: Ariel

    Assignment My first and only Design Assignment for week 7 is not in the #ds106 Assignment Bank. Under Radio Show Design Project on the weeks 7 & 8 assignments post each student is assigned with creating a promo poster for their radio show. Summary: A blog post for your radio show poster/bumper sticker/logo etc. Write […]
  9. @ari_squared

    Design, Create, Imagine

    Provided Design Resources The Vignelli Canon A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd Movie Poster Expert Explains Color Schemes How Stranger Things got its retro title sequence The Art of Movie Posters: View Online 40,000+ Movie Posters and Learn How They’re Made My Thoughts/Reflection Out of all the provides design resources, […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]