Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. David Gallagher

    @pianoman tweets: ds106 FanFiction

    Ah, fandom. I considered doing some Star Wars fan fiction since I watch the whole prequel trilogy last week (so bad, but still so good) but deemed SW fanfic to be too cliche, not that it isn’t awesome. I though and thought and thought about what I really loved in life, the reason I get ...
  2. David Gallagher

    Buy the ticket, take the ride.

    Dear Future ds106er Steve Perry, ds106 for life. you will here this many many times over the course of the semester. it will be imprinted in your mind like the multiplication tables or the pledge of allegiance. you will think that jim groom is crazy. you will know that jim groom is crazy. you will ...
  3. David Gallagher

    Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride.

    Dear Future ds106er Steve Perry, ds106 for life. you will here this many many times over the course of the semester. it will be imprinted in your mind like the multiplication tables or the pledge of allegiance. you will think that jim groom is crazy. you will know that jim groom is crazy. you will ...
  4. David Gallagher

    Happy Hour Special Guest of the Month Award

    We at the Happy Hour Special Radio Show are prepared to announce our first award of this awards season. Without any further ado, I am pleased to announce that this year’s Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to Dr. Drexel Pocketlove for his fantastic contributions to Happy Hour Special. Please join me in giving Dr. Pocketlove ...
  5. David Gallagher

    Happy Hour Special Guest of the Month Award

    We at the Happy Hour Special Radio Show are prepared to announce our first award of this awards season. Without any further ado, I am pleased to announce that this year’s Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to Dr. Drexel Pocketlove for his fantastic contributions to Happy Hour Special. Please join me in giving Dr. Pocketlove ...
  6. David Gallagher

    Watch Leo Grow: El Mashup

    Finished el mashup. I decided to go with Leo. I love him. You love him. We all love him.   Leonardo: Watch Me Grow from David Gallagher on Vimeo. All of the videos I used for the mashup were from youtube, as were all of the songs I overlaid. I used for downloading, which ...
  7. David Gallagher

    Watch Leo Grow: El Mashup

    Finished el mashup. I decided to go with Leo. I love him. You love him. We all love him. Leonardo: Watch Me Grow from David Gallagher on Vimeo. All of the videos I used for the mashup were from youtube, as were all of the songs I overlaid. I used for downloading, which was ...
  8. David Gallagher

    Mashup Possibilities

    So far, I’ve had three ideas for a mashup possibilities. As follows: 1. I considered mixing clips from Martin Scorsese movies to just include swearing and gunshots. Youtube videos by That Guys With The Glasses that were going to be helpful but it seemed like an awful lot of editing. 2. I considered mashing up ...
  9. David Gallagher

    Happy Hour Special Paraphernalia On Sale Now

    Here’s a brief update on the Happy Hour Special Clothing Line that is currently being developed as part of our final project. We’re currently offering T-shirts, long sleeves and tanks with original Happy Hour Special designs. Prices vary. So far, pictures of our guests are available along with the Happy Hour Special and ds106 logos. ...
  10. David Gallagher

    I Have Prior Business: True Grit Video Essay

    For my video essay, I choose to use the new Coen Brothers movie, “True Grit.” I was originally planning to do “No Country For Old Men,” but my first rip didn’t work and I immediately gave up on it. Luckily, I had True Grit on my computer so I decided to save myself some time ...
  11. David Gallagher

    Web story for Happy Hour Special Radio Show

    This is my web story for the Happy Hour Radio Show. The site serves as a home page for all things Happy. Here it is: Boom. (Part of this was assignment was horrible. Getting something done, and then forgetting to save the html made me want to kill myself. It happened a couple of times ...
  12. David Gallagher

    ds106 Final Project Proposal/Web Stories topic

    I will be doing my final project with my partner in crime, Cheeky Hudson. Starting with our radio show, Happy Hour Special, we’ll be extending that theme to all aspects of everything ds106. We’ll be combining audio, images, drawings/designs, T-shirts ideas, video and web stories. We’re both working on our webstories right now actually. I’ll ...
  13. David Gallagher

    Happy Hour Special Radio Show

    Here’s the final half hour of Happy Hour Special. We’ve decided to continue with the Happy Hour Special for the rest of the semester as our final project, me and AztecHandGrenade that is. We’ll be doing a couple more 10 minute episondes, bumpers, bumperstickers, Tshirts and other art and possible video if we can. Hosted ...
  14. David Gallagher

    Hit it.

    It’s 106 miles to Chicago. We’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses. Hit it. (My first try at an animated gif. Used Mpegstream clip and Photoshop Elements. It took me a loooong time. I downloaded Gimp but it wouldn’t open properly. I was first ...
  15. David Gallagher

    A Failed Adventure: Five Card Flickr

    a Five Card Flickr story created by d7gallagher flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by katerha flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by spacedlawyer This morning we boarded the ships to continue our journey to Nebraska. We were in search of a lost treasure pig which, according to legend, held over ...
  16. David Gallagher

    Some Art, Dammit

    Here are my first two attempts at a submitted assignment for ds106. I like the idea of The Big Caption but it is really hard to figure out how to remix a photo of something really important without mocking those in the photo. Click em for the big versions. The photos (from are of ...
  17. David Gallagher

    My Problem With ds106 Radio (Sorry Jim)

    For the past week, it seems like 90% of the tweets in the #ds106 feed are about ds106 radio. It seems that everyone who is tweeting regularly is in love with the radio station. I, too, like it and think it is an awesome, unprecedented (for me) addition to a class. I scoff at my ...
  18. David Gallagher

    A California Waterfall: Intro to Digital Storytelling

    Escondido Falls likes just a mile in from the ocean in Malibu, California. Less than an hour hike past a street littered with old Spanish-style mansions overlooking the ocean, a set of three waterfalls fall into tiered pools. I flew out to CA to visit a friend from high school for spring break a few ...
  19. David Gallagher

    Temporarily Done.

    It’s the end of week two of ds106 and I believe I’ve got my blog temporarily (almost spelled that wrong) finished, if that point of no return even exists in the blogging (I don’t think it does.) I’ve got all the necessary plugins/widgets in place. As everyone else found, Google Analytics was a pain to ...
  20. David Gallagher

    Is that a bag of gold Gardner? Why yes Jimi, yes it is.

    My first attempt at what seems like it will be a common experiment in this experimental class: the mashup. According to wikipedia, I’ve created a new derivative work. After watching the Gardner Campbell video, the image that most stuck in my head was of Jimi Hendrix playing the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock. Jimi, probably ...
  21. David Gallagher

    No Girls Allowed?

    I realize it’s not very PC, so I’ll explain that I really don’t mean “No Girls Allowed” in a malicious way. It comes from a favorite book from my childhood. I used to burn through Berenstain Bears books like there was no tomorrow. Around the time that my mother was pregnant with my younger sister, ...

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