Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #6

    Below are my three daily creates that I decided to participate in! The first one is about my concertina that I never play anymore or do I rarely see people in the bands play anymore. The second is the creation of my dogs name written with his name to create the full letters. The third daily create was a by far the best one I did this week. I really enjoy doing crafty projects, hands on projects, so this was right down my ally. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do! Below is my blog post
  2. @ds106_mckayla

    Design Reflections.

    Massimo Vignelli was an Italian designer who designed from furniture to package designs to graphic designs. Within his booklet called,  The Vignelli Canon, he first wrote about his perspective on design. On page 14, “We design things which we think are semantically correct and syntactically consistent but if, at the point of fruition, no one understands the result, or the meaning of all that effort, the entire work is useless.” Design is created with intent. We create design with power, intent, and force. I also picked out another quote by Vignelli about discipline. On page 16 he wrote, “The attention
  3. @ds106_mckayla

    My DesignBlitz!

    I decided to create my DesignBlitz around my house. I chose to focus on my animals and decorations around the house. There are ten concepts that I learned about within reading this design resource page. The ten concepts are color, typography, metaphors/symbols, minimalism & use of space, form/function/message, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity. I decided to pick 5 of the ten to focus on within my photos below. The five I chose are: rhythm, dominance, color, balance, and typography. My favorite picture taken was the Balance picture with the beer and coke cans. I think all my designs were
  4. @ds106_mckayla

    Contradiction Creation.

    This is the original link to the assignment. This assignment is worth 2 1/2 stars. I decided to add the 80s theme within this assignment. This assignment asked for me to create the graphic to convey a theme and the text convey the complete opposite. Obviously the graphics convey the 80s theme with the image of Micheal Jackson, the girl with the big hair, and the radio box and the text that reads “THE 2000’s” conveys modern day. If you look closely at the radio box, I added a small image of Micheal Jackson dancing in the speaker. I thought
  5. @ds106_mckayla

    Hanover Humane Society.

    This is the original assignment link. This assignment was worth 3 1/2 stars. I decided to create a poster for the Hanover Humane Society that is located in Ashland, VA. I have been there myself and I really appreciate this place and what is stands for. I chose to create this poster on Canva and used photos and images of the dogs and cats from the internet. I think the background used is the perspective of a poster on a board. If you want to visit this amazing place visit the link provided on the poster below. It will give
  6. @ds106_mckayla

    George Strait is coming into town!

    This is the link to the 3 star original assignment. I decided to create an advertisement for George Strait’s upcoming show at Innsbrook After Hours. One of his songs came out in the 80s and is one of my all time favorite country songs. I created this advertisement on Canva. I got the picture of George Strait from the internet. I think this turned out great, with the background yellow and looks like a barn, creating the country tone. I added a cowboy hat to add to the country 80s theme as well. Strait has retired and does not do
  7. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #5

    This week getting used to audio and creating my own audio has been tricky. I had to make an appointment with the DKC to let them help me navigate Audacity. I figured it out and that is the platform I used to create my audio assignments. Overall, this week has been the most challenging week yet, but I expect that it will only become more challenging as the weeks go on. Below are my three daily creates that I participated in on Twitter during this week. I enjoyed finding a picture from the 80s and creating a caption for it.
  8. @ds106_mckayla

    Ideas for the radio project.

    I was thinking for the radio show idea, since it has to involve our theme which is the 80s, to produce a narrative from someone who lived in the 80s. It could be a living person, a dead person, a famous or non famous person. I really do not have a strict idea, but I think this radio assignment could be a lot of fun if we picked the best way to go about it. I am up really for anything for this assignment. I only brainstormed two options below just to see what everyone thinks about it. I am
  9. @ds106_mckayla

    Ds106 radio live!

    I participated in a live “tweet-along” with ds106 radio this week on Wednesday at 8:30-9:30pm. I heard my bumper on the radio twice! Which made me happy. I screen shotted some of the tweets below from our discussion on Twitter. Professor Bond tweeted, “We’re listening to a podcast, produced from old time radio shows, and listening for how it uses sound to convey information – senses of action, place, mood…” Overall, the sounds used within this podcast did convey the information of the place, mood, or action. The sounds helped paint the picture in my mind from the crickets, to the speech,
  10. @ds106_mckayla

    DS106 Radio Bumper.

    I really enjoyed creating my first bumper ever!! I used my voice memo on my phone to record myself, and uploaded it onto my computer. Then I imported that to Audacity and went to free sounds online and chose a guitar playing for background music. I found the hardest part of this assignment was what to say for my bumper. This is what I decided to say in my bumper: “Hello everyone! This is Mckayla Washington from DS106. I hope you are enjoying the music you are listening to today, and remember that you are listening to DS106radio!” I am excited
  11. @ds106_mckayla

    Audio storytelling.

    Sounds drive stories by allowing the listener to understand where the story took place at. Sound gives the story the ability to listener and almost live the moment within the story by just listening. The videos that I watched with Abumrad explaining how radio creates empathy really opened my eyes or I should say my ears, to how sound really does create more to the story. If there was no sound, a lot would be lost, the tone, attitude, personal connection within the story would not be developed with the listener. It was neat listening to Abumrad talk, because it
  12. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #4

    This week had some interesting readings. I enjoyed them a lot and also got to take away some new information from them. The daily creates were also fun to participate in. I enjoyed creating the visual assignments, this week we had to reach up to 12 stars. I completed 12 stars total. I love looking at what everyone else creates on the assignment pages. It always gives me a great idea for my next visual assignment creation. I tried to take photos with the thoughts of the article about telling stories in photos. With the picture of my pencil, I
  13. @ds106_mckayla

    My Photoblitz!

    This is the screenshot of my photoblitz! I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I have learned that I actually love to take pickets and now I view images differently because of this assignment. I have learned to appreciate photos and how to understand and read the story within the image itself. This photo is taken outside, during sunset and I decided to create a different silhouette than usual. I liked how his hand came from above the sun and look as if he was going to touch or grab it. The contrast here is between the suns
  14. @ds106_mckayla

    80s pictures–>broken down.

    This is the website where I chose the pictures to focus on. The tactics taken into account when viewing and evaluating these images were selection, contrast, perspective, depth, balance, moment, lighting, and foreground/background. Within this photo, I first see the main object, which is the singer Freddy Mercury. The contrast between the black and white really pops here. The dark background of the crowed makes the singer pop because he is in all white. I also see another focal point in this image other than the singer. The bright white light on the left is the sun coming into the
  15. @ds106_mckayla

    My photography experience.

    I love taking photos but I have only taken photos off my iPhone. I have never owned a nice camera that takes the extremely focused photos. I take a lot of photos now, usually involving my friends at events with me. I really never just take a photo to take a photo, usually it is with friends or family. I really have never taken a selfie before, or have posted a selfie on my social media accounts. I am a social photo taker if that makes sense. I am starting to enjoy taking photos of objects, or beautiful sunsets. This
  16. @ds106_mckayla

    Flowery shadows.

    This is the original link to the assignment. I was told to focus on the shadow as the main subject. Also, how the lines are defined between the shadow and the light. This is a photo off my front porch where the sunset is setting soon, giving this shadow a long narrow view from the actually object giving off the shadow. This vase of flowers are very colorful and give off a sense of happiness. When you look at the shadow, I have a sense of peace. Peaceful is what I feel when I look at the shadow. The black
  17. @ds106_mckayla

    The Goonies poster.

    This is the original assignment link. I chose to involve the 80s within this assignment. Above I took an 80s poster of the movie, “The Goonies,” and made it silly just like the assignment asked. I used Canva to create this. I decided to add the social media link images at the bottom of the poster to make it look like the goonies have social media. I also added the location symbol at the top to show that the goonies also have their location on where they are. I had fun with this assignment. This assignment was 3 1/2 stars
  18. @ds106_mckayla

    Weekly Summary #3

    This week started out with creating my daily creates which we had to complete three for this week. I love daily creates because they make you appreciate the artwork around you. It also allows you to keep in tuned with what everyone else is viewing and enjoying as well. These post are perfect because they help keep me engaged within Twitter. I am starting to enjoy tweeting tweets especially the daily creates. I find myself excited to see what the daily create is going to be for the day. I love viewing everyone else’s tweets and love to explore their
  19. @ds106_mckayla

    Karate Kid!

    For this assignment I chose to analyze the animated gif. that was about the Karate Kid. Gifs are interesting to view and analyze to try and understand what the underlying message is. It could be a gif. about a movie, something comical, or just someone created it for fun. Gifs can have lots of meanings and the message is viewed differently by whoever is analyzing it. Photography has always been about capturing the moment. A gif. is about telling a deeper story within the picture, by freezing time. It allows the viewer to really embrace the moment being portrayed in

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