Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @girlycurlyfries

    here’s some advice

    The beginning of this class was definitely overwhelming. For one, this was my first go at an online course. Understanding the necessary requirements, and needed accounts via many readings is what began the worries. But during the course of understanding the structure and how to complete a weeks worth of assignments, I began to appreciate… Read More here’s some advice
  2. @girlycurlyfries

    photo through a different lens (part two)

    So I created this gif (if it doesn’t play, click it and then it definitely should!). One of the options for remixing an assignment is to “Bootcamp it,” which basically means make it trickier. I decided to use a past web assignment called Photo Through Different Lenses, which consisted of collecting images of the same… Read More photo through a different lens (part two)
  3. @girlycurlyfries

    Holidaze Mashup ft. a ‘Stache

    This assignment was called Holiday Mashup and it consisted of combining some of your favorite holiday’s to make one piece. It was definitely not cohesive besides the fact they’re all holiday’s. I decided to combine things that symbolize Christmas, Birthdays, and Valentines Day. I have a lot of favorite holiday’s so narrowing it down was… Read More Holidaze Mashup ft. a ‘Stache
  4. @girlycurlyfries

    Ramsay is ready for his close up

    So I guess this obsession with Gordon Ramsay is continuing throughout each couple weeks.. because here he is again, in what I would believe to be a nightmare for him. Here Gordon Ramsay is shown stuck in a field of flowers. It seems as if he is calling for help because he doesn’t like this… Read More Ramsay is ready for his close up
  5. @girlycurlyfries

    week 9!!

    Week 9 has been all about Broadcasting and Web Storytelling. You may be wondering, what is web storytelling? Well, from my understanding it is the creation of a piece made through manipulating or recreating a live piece of work into a different entity. For example, using “X-RAY Goggles” to change the web layout of a… Read More week 9!!
  6. @girlycurlyfries

    daily create story time

      listed below are my daily creates in order: i drew a groovy fox #ds106 #tdc2115 — Alaina Archie (@girlycurlyfries) October 24, 2017 well it's already pretty close to this, but hey they probably won't even need a teacher… #ds106 #tdc2117 — Alaina Archie (@girlycurlyfries) October 27, 2017 Raging Rabbit is my name.… Read More daily create story time
  7. @girlycurlyfries

    canvas catering to me

    So far I’m really enjoying these web assignments! It’s pretty neat to be able to manipulate something that you might not be capable of otherwise. I love that so many people used the idea of manipulating Amazon by catering to their interests like Morph Shadow’s costume, or the resume our professor mentioned. I decided to… Read More canvas catering to me
  8. @girlycurlyfries

    week 8

    This week consisted of putting together a concise and consistent script. We first began by organizing our google doc on what exactly we planned to record. After communicating through email, we finally met up at the HCC to get to know each other as well start adding more content for the podcast. Then we planned… Read More week 8
  9. @girlycurlyfries

    Week 7

    For week 7 we’re exploring and creating in the world of Radio! My group members and I have decided to create a podcast full of activities, themed games, news about our superheroes and some musical content all relating to our superheroes/villains. We decided our group name will be Distress Signal, you’ll understand why when you… Read More Week 7
  10. @girlycurlyfries

    distress signal outro

    From using the bumper assignment out of the assignment bank, I created an outro for our Distress Signal radio show. I first found a free song online that felt very superhero like. It’s entitled epic, how we depict our show to be. I coordinated with my group member, Ashleigh to agree on this “theme” song.… Read More distress signal outro
  11. @girlycurlyfries


    Here is a promo I’ve created for Distress Signal, a podcast where we plan to feature games and activities related to our superheroes, and include information on news about the superheroes (us) to help the listener understand the hosts more and be able to connect as if they are living in a superhero world. For… Read More DISTRESS SIGNAL PROMO

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