Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @imatutu_

    Final Project

    I hope you enjoy looking at/listening to my project! I decided to dial back and not use video for this project, as my scavenger hunt idea didn’t really work out so I decided to just basically reflect on my life during this semester taking DS106 and the impact this class had on my life. I […]
  2. @imatutu_

    Week Thirteen Progress Report

    Man, this week has been tough trying to come up with ideas for a final project that would equal the amount of work of a 30 star assignment. While I don’t think I’ll come up with anything that will satisfy all my needs and fulfillment for this project, I think I have decided on doing […]
  3. @imatutu_

    Week Twelve Summary

    This week was also pretty enjoyable! It’s interesting to go back to a previous assignment I’ve already done to do something completely the opposite or something different, and the mashups and remixes were a cool part of editing across all platforms! The mashup assignments (1, 2) and remix assignments (1, 2) were pretty cool to […]
  4. @imatutu_

    Week Eleven Summary

    This week was also a ton of fun to complete in terms of assignments. The future in terms of the final project is really looking bright for the ideas that I came up with or proposed for what I would like to do, and I really enjoyed making the video assignments (1,2) that were assigned […]
  5. @imatutu_

    Thinking Ahead

    I think this final project for this class should be something that I really enjoy making and or the subject of the project is something I would enjoy learning about, and that’s why I like the idea Marche had with cryptocurrency. Not much is known about cryptocurrency and how such a intangible item became so […]
  6. @imatutu_

    Week Ten Summary

    I really enjoyed this week overall. I found doing the assignments for this week not too tasking in terms of workload, but also a lot of fun to complete and it gave me a chance to be creative in what I wanted to show on my blog for this class, specifically there were a lot […]
  7. @imatutu_

    Video Essay

    This week’s emphasis on video is right up my alley. I think video editing and video in general is a fantastic way for telling a story, and only one scene in a movie popped into my mind when I read we had to create a video essay on editing and such: Baby Driver’s title sequence. […]
  8. @imatutu_

    Week Nine Summary

    This week was a much needed break from the time consumption that this class really does well at achieving for me. Apart from that much needed break with the reduced workload I found it a lot of fun to listen to mine and other’s radio shows and take part in the tweet along for it! […]
  9. @imatutu_

    The Daily Create Thread

    This red panda’s name is Mark. He is currently traveling on a beach chair with a battle-ax to Mr. Craff’s house, but he instead ended up arriving in the simulated world of Minecraft. Once he realizes this, he calls for help and is soon put on the right track to Mr. Craff’s house, another 500 […]
  10. @imatutu_

    Looking Ahead at Our Stories

    With projects like the radio show, in which a longer narrative was employed to tell a story to the audience in an auditory reception to engage and entertain, so as well is it equally if not more effective in the form of a video, which involves both visual and auditory reception. It would be interesting […]
  11. @imatutu_

    Radio Show Tweet Along

    Never have I ever cringed as hard as I did listening to myself on the radio show my group and I completed. I realized just how inarticulate I can be when I am thinking and trying to come up with what I want to say, but wow the other group’s radio shows were fantastic! The […]
  12. @imatutu_

    Week Eight Summary

    Oh boy, this week was probably my least favorite out of all of them. It was such a struggle trying to find a time with a group of four to record the radio show with, and the HCC struggles we encountered along the way as mentioned in the radio show post did not help either. […]
  13. @imatutu_

    DS106 Quarantine Radio Show

    It’s FINALLY done! It took a ton of planning and annoyance with the HCC staff and overall hardship and struggle to finally get this thing completed with the whole pandemic occurring, but we finally got it. We (our group) first planned on Saturday to meet at the HCC with the Vocal Booth in the Multimedia […]
  14. @imatutu_

    Week Seven Summary

    This week was a lot of fun to complete. Not only is the prospect of creating a whole segment of a radio show very exciting but also the design element and the audio assignments (1, 2) that will help craft the radio show were a lot of fun to complete. I am super excited to […]
  15. @imatutu_

    Radio Show Week 1 Progress

    It’s been a great week in terms of Group 2’s progress on the methodology of our radio show. We plan to spend around 2 hours in the vocal booth at the Hurley Convergence Center on Saturday to get it all recorded and then edited over the course of next week. We also seem to be […]
  16. @imatutu_

    Radio Show Poster

    This was really a lot of fun to make, I used photos from online and Photoshop to compile all of the design elements into this poster. I think the overall background that has the people in the foreground 6 feet apart but holding hands in the shadow is very telling of the pandemic experience over […]

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