Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92936 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @KatieHartraft

    A Dozen Weeks In

    This week has been super fun creating fan media for my book, World War Z! I loved having the topic already chosen (the contents of the book and some from the movie adaptation) and then having a refined list of things from different categories to choose from (I highly applaud […]
  2. @KatieHartraft

    Night of Reading the Dead

    Roger Ebert’s essay “How to Read a Movie” spoke on how camera angles and positioning of characters within a frame are incredibly telling to the essence of the scene. I more so enjoyed his point that more can be seen through multiple people’s eyes. Ebert said: “For example, I had been […]
  3. @KatieHartraft

    Week Nine, in sum

    This week has been a nice sluggish week after the rush of producing our radio show. Speaking of our radio show, here is my reflection of the experience (along with the listening of others’ shows): Radio Show – A Glance Back The assignment I redid this week was the write […]
  4. @KatieHartraft

    Radio Show – A Glance Back

    My Radio Show Gif It Good: a post about how my addiction to gifs is never-ending 📺 #theend106 #ds106 — cypherpunk106 (@cypherpunk106) March 5, 2018 The production of my radio show was both fun and tedious. Writing the show was great, adding in every detail we could and […]
  5. @KatieHartraft

    Week 6 in the Bag

    Thanks to this week working in design, I am now aware of design all around me, everywhere I go. I understand why certain designs get my attention and how they do so. I have familiarized myself with Canva this week, which has quickened the rate I am able to make […]
  6. @KatieHartraft

    Oops I Blitzed It Again

    Space and hierarchy. The majority of this sign being open space makes the message more immediate. Also the 2 is the most important information on the sign so it is the largest symbol. #theend106 #ds106 #designblitz A post shared by Katie Hartraft (@katiehartraft) on Feb 25, 2018 at 5:12pm PST […]

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