Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @YousephAsaad

    A Long and Creative Journey

    Week 5 Final It’s hard to think that this will be my last blog post in this course. I’ve spent countless hours each week, for the past month, trying to perfect the quality of my content. I can say that I am more confident now in my creative abilities than I have ever been in […]
  2. @YousephAsaad

    12 Stars In 12 Hours

    Week 4 This week of assignments was a lot different than previous weeks. Getting the hang of creating and editing videos was a bit of a struggle for me, but I managed to get it done. As with my journey with learning audio creation, it took some dedicated time to learn the ins and outs […]
  3. @YousephAsaad

    Heck Of A Long Week

    Week 3 Final What a week this has been. I probably spent more time working on the assignments for this week than the last two weeks combined. It’s fair to say that I am absolutely drained from the edits and revisions I had to make on all three of my audio clips. With that being […]
  4. @YousephAsaad

    Keep Calm and Trust the Process

    (End of Week One Summary) It’s hard to think that a week has already gone by in this class, since only a few days ago I wasn’t totally sure about my decision to take this class. Nonetheless, this week has been more fun than I could’ve ever imagined it to be. As the week went […]
  5. @esanbornumw

    Final Weekly Post Summary

    WOW. Is it true? Is it really, really THE END? It can’t be 🙁 After all this hard work…. it just ENDS like that???? I’m actually an emotional wreck. It may be just that it’s finals week OR it’s because #DS106 IS OVER. #ds106forlife This week was a tough one. I’ll be honest it […]
  6. @una__vita

    Things Are Getting Strange..Week 12

    I started off this week with completing the 12 star assignments. I focused mainly on the audio assignments because they seemed easier to do at the time. I had some difficulty doing the second assignment “Drive By” because Logic wouldn’t stop shutting down and I had know idea what the problem was. I eventually found …

    Continue reading "Things Are Getting Strange..Week 12"

  7. @esanbornumw

    Weekly Sha Bang #12

    Soooo this week was interesting! Cannot BELIEVE we are so close to THE END! Week 12 was a blast because there were such a variety to choose from, from reading my book! I loved Oryx and Crake. I’ll be honest I don’t read that much but when I do I get super invested. This book […]
  8. @Mburke4UMW


    The thing to the right of me is my backpack on a pillow. To use these in the end I would obviously use the backpack to carry all of the things I need like food, water, rocks, twigs, things that were not easily accessible. I would use my pillow as a pillow but my pillow […]
  9. @KatieHartraft

    A Dozen Weeks In

    This week has been super fun creating fan media for my book, World War Z! I loved having the topic already chosen (the contents of the book and some from the movie adaptation) and then having a refined list of things from different categories to choose from (I highly applaud […]
  10. @esanbornumw

    week shelevan 11

    Week 11 was a pt. 2 from Week 10, and we continued Video! yay! I really am enjoying these past few weeks, it’s helped me a lot become more comfortable creating videos and even getting creative with what to record! I enjoyed Week 11, watching a different movie and not as many assignments as usual. […]
  11. @tweetingfortheend

    Week 11 recap!

    WEEK 11 WAS LIT! I had so much fun doing video assignments. I did two videos: an Apocalypse Q&A and also the ‘Where do your shoes take you’? Both were really fun, and I enjoyed filming and editing them. Besides that I also did two daily creates: #tdc2281 Long my mistakes have made a cast,Upon texting...

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  12. @Mburke4UMW


    Question for the class…. Have we found Martha’s hat?…… But a serious question would be How much time do you guys put into this class a week, I find myself putting about 4-5 hours a week doing this class’s work, I feel like that is not this much time splitting it up between a couple […]
  13. @esanbornumw

    Week 10 Complete ?

    Week 10 is DONE! Week 10 was was a 10/10. Super similar to audio week but with visuals as a plus!! It was a learning process for me, and it was so fun! Definitely had to step out of my comfort zone with the video creations but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it! At […]

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