Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94992 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @MasonOberle

    Week 7


    This week was probably one of the most relaxed I’ve had since the beginning of the course. Despite backloading my week with work, I feel very good about the work I completed. The week began with me meeting up with my radio show group to figure out the details of our radio show. My experience […]

    The post Week 7 appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  2. @MasonOberle

    Specter Halloween Commercial


    When my group met to discuss our radio show, I volunteered to create a commercial for a “Spirit Halloween” type store. Honestly, I volunteered to do this because I think the idea of a store that is open for one month only to vanish until next year is really funny. As a result, the script […]

    The post Specter Halloween Commercial appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  3. @MasonOberle

    Week 6 of TDC


    Another week, another set of Daily creates. For my first one, I created a set or “words on the wall” for our course. As I stated in my propaganda poster post, I really like messages that are short and direct, so I made a three word message that I think demonstrates a key philosophy of […]

    The post Week 6 of TDC appeared first on The Oberle Archive.

  4. @MasonOberle

    Week 6

    This week ended up going a lot better than last week. In order to make sure that I didn’t get behind, I got a few of my assignments done promptly, at the beginning of the week. These included my design reflection and two of my design assignments, one of which was an animation of a […]
  5. @MasonOberle

    License Plate

    For my final design assignment of the week, I decided to create a personalized license plate based on Bob Ross. For this, I started by searching for some information about him. After reading about him on Wikipedia, I learned that he spent a lot of his life in Florida, so I decided to use a […]
  6. @MasonOberle

    Design Blitzd

    So, one of our tasks for this week in DS106 was to go out and take pictures of objects that demonstrated aspects of design. From my understanding, our subject could be anything, so long as it had to do with one of the elements mentioned on the assignment page. Having this much freedom was a […]
  7. @MasonOberle

    Three More Creates

    This week was pretty good so far, and I was actually able to complete my daily creates a bit early. To start off, I replaced the word love in a song with Monty Python. Why did it have to be Monty Python? What do they have to do with it? Who knows. All that matters […]
  8. @MasonOberle

    Thoughts about Design

    Reviewing the materials on design helped me understand a lot about what goes into creating appealing advertisements. I had noticed some of the film poster tropes that were described in the Vanity Fair video, but the presenter’s breakdown of each genre really helped me understand them better, and the examples shown did a good job […]
  9. @MasonOberle

    Week 5

    This was it. This was the week when everything started to fall apart. Let’s start with the positives. I was able to complete all of the assigned work this week. I was able to all three of my Daily Creates on each of their assigned days, even if some of them were posted a bit […]
  10. @MasonOberle

    At the Diner

    The last audio assignment I completed for this class was a sound effects story. For this assignment we had to create a short narrative using only sound effects. Since I had already set my other two audio assignments in restaurants, I decided to make this one “restaurant themed” as well. This time I wanted to […]
  11. @MasonOberle

    Daily Creates Vol. 4

    Three more daily creates. The first one had us white out some words in a poem in order to make an entirely new one. Or, in my case, a stripped down version of the original. Next, I had to make a piece of art focused on one of the elements on the Periodic Table. I […]
  12. @MasonOberle

    Radio Show Ideas

    What I would probably like to do most for my radio show would be to make a sequel to The Dick Johnson Chronicles: Murder at McMystery Mansion. Around the second week at college, I participated in a 24 hour theatre festival in which participants had 24 hours to write, direct, and perform a few 10 […]
  13. @MasonOberle

    Radio Bumper

    One of the assignments this week was to create a radio bumper for DS106 Radio. For mine, I decided to try end go for a style similar to those of the fictional Mr. New Vegas from the video game Fallout: New Vegas. I wanted to do something with an easygoing attitude that wasn’t too jarring […]
  14. @MasonOberle


    Last night, I had the opportunity to listen to the first episode of the ESC podcast on DS106 radio. The episode explored how an episode of an old radio drama, Escape, was produced. The episode that was focused on was Three Skeleton Key, and the podcast host focused on the techniques used in order to […]
  15. @MasonOberle

    Audio Reflection

    For the longest time, I had known that there was something unique about audio storytelling, but I could never really figure out how to describe what made it distinct from other mediums. It wasn’t until I watched Jad Abumrad’s videos How Radio Creates Empathy and Digital Shamanism and Old-Fashioned, Newfangled Storytelling Magic that I finally […]
  16. @MasonOberle

    Week 4

    This week in DS106 had an intense focus on visual assignments, with photography being a major focus. I started the week by reflecting on my previous experiences with photography. I then reviewed a few resources on the Becoming Better Photographers page and accompanying storify before evaluating a few of the photos in my phone using […]
  17. @MasonOberle

    Test Pattern

    Another assignment within the bank that interested me was the Technical Difficulties assignment. Test patterns are things that I think can be very interesting, if done well, so I thought making a DS106 themed one would be a good idea for a project. I chose to use an annotated version of the “RCA Indian Head” […]
  18. @MasonOberle

    Ted Talk

    Each week, two of our assignments need to, in some way, relate to the DS106 course theme. Sometimes this can be difficult, but every once in a while you find an assignment that presents you with the exact opportunity you need. Enter, Fantasy TED Talks. This assignment involved photoshopping a person into a TED Talk. […]
  19. @MasonOberle

    Another Round of Daily Creates

    Finished my 3 Daily Creates a bit early this week which means I’ll have more time to procrastinate all of my other work :). The first one I did had me telling a lie using twitter. Since someone had already said that bats are blind, I decided to go with another one of my favorite […]

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