Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @melseykooring

    Web Storytelling (Week Nine):

    Web Storytelling Via Amazon This week’s theme in ds106 is broadcasting and web storytelling! Therefore, I was tasked to use Mozilla X-Ray Goggles tool to change the intent, meaning, or purpose of a selected website to tell a new story. When I read the assignment, I immediately wanted to take the funny route while completing […]
  2. @melseykooring

    Radio Listen (Week Nine):

    Radio Listen It’s finally time, the moment we’ve all been waiting for – the airing of our radio shows! I was overly excited to listen to my classmates’ radio show productions this week. Unfortunately, I missed Monday’s airing due to work. However, I was able to tune into Tuesday’s airing! I specifically tuned into 30 […]
  3. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Eight):

    Daily Creates This week we only had to complete two daily create prompts. The reason we only had to do two prompts this week is because our professor wanted us to put most of our focus on completing our radio shows! So below are the daily create prompts I decided to participate in: #ds106 #tdc2109 […]
  4. @melseykooring

    The Daily Creates (Week Seven):

    The Daily Creates As expected, this week I had to complete three daily creates via Twitter. Below are all my creates and their explanations: Campus is changing #ds106 #tdc2098 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October 7, 2017 I AM SO EXCITED IT IS FINALLY STARTING TO FEEL LIKE FALL. When I saw this prompt, I […]
  5. @melseykooring

    Radio Show Progress (Week Seven):

    Radio Show Progress Our radio show has been coming along great this week! I was nervous about coordinating with three others online at first, but everyone did their part and it went over very smoothly and quickly. Below are screenshots of our google docs with all our work and brainstorming ideas (which is, of course, […]
  6. @melseykooring

    Weekly Summary (Week Six):

    This week was so awesome. Hands down my favorite week so far in this course (and no, it has nothing to do with it being my group’s week haha). The workload was much lighter (which was SUCH a relief due to having exams, experimental work due to review boards, etc.) and all of the assignments […]
  7. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Six):

    Daily Creates Here are my daily creates this week: Fear of mascots is vastly overlooked #ds106 #tdc2093 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) October 2, 2017 This daily create made me eminence some (in a good way). I didn’t have an irrational fears as a child, but I remember growing up I loved the show Zoey […]
  8. @melseykooring

    DesignBlitz (Week Six):

    DesignBlitz This week I was asked to complete a designblitz. My task was to Carry my camera with me this week and take photos of objects, ads, signs, etc. that illustrate at least four of the ten concepts: color typography metaphors/symbols minimalism & use of space form/function/message balance rhythm proportion dominance unity Below is my take […]
  9. @melseykooring

    Thoughts/Ideas (Week Six):

    Reflection This week I was asked to read a few articles and write a reflection on how design can advance a story along. I decided to focus on the work of Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. More specifically, his Strip Panel Naked segments. Before looking at his articles, I never consciously focused on design aspects of really anything […]
  10. @melseykooring

    Weekly Summary (Week Five):

    Weekly Summary This week was a lot of fun surprisingly! I say surprisingly because when I first opened Audacity I was terrified of it. I thought it was going to be impossible to learn how to use it, but I was wrong. It was actually very straightforward and easy to operate. My only complaint about […]
  11. @melseykooring

    Daily Creates (Week Five):

    Below are my daily creates I completed this week in chronological order: Is 7,801 ft tall enough? #ds106 #tdc2086 — Kelsey Mooring (@melseykooring) September 25, 2017 I honestly love this picture for many reasons: 1. It was taken on my vacation to Cali 2. It was taken at Lake Tahoe (one of the most […]
  12. @melseykooring

    ds106 Radio (Week Five):

    ds106 Radio Reflection This week I was asked to tune into a ds106 radio episode and participate in a live “tweet-along.” I decided to save the best for last and tune into the Thursday stream. And by that I mean I procrastinated until the last possible second, but it actually worked out in my favor. […]
  13. @melseykooring

    Radio Show Ideas (Week Five):

    Superhero Theoretical Theories Ever wonder if the Hulk is really the strongest superhero? Should comic book movies follow comic book stories word for word? Should Guardians Of The Galaxy team up with The Avengers? Should superhero movies be funny/wild or dark/grounded? Should actors be re-casted for sequels? We have questions and we need answers! Or […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]