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  1. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 12 Summary

    Mashups (8 1/2 Stars) A Changing Character Similar Songs Remixes Nonconformity + Dr. Seuss It Another Day + Subtle Switcheroo Daily Creates Comments Two New Characters for the Price of One Superhuman in Everyday Life Music and Imagery Is this…the right movie? Mashing Up The Week You’re Welcome X-Men: The Live-Action Series Weekly Summary This ...
  2. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 11 Summary

    Daily Creates Video Assignments: Remixes and Retakes Video Essay: La La Land What I Eat in a Day Lyric Video Comments Giving My Input on Other People’s Idea Week 11 Daily Creates The Happiest Place on Earth It Is All Keira Knightley now i just have to wear it Recovered Christmas in March? Video week(s) ...
  3. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 10 Summary

    Project Ideas: Take 2 Video Essay What I Eat In a Day: 5 stars ***** 30 Second Memory: 3 stars *** Where Do I Want To Go?: 4 stars **** Daily Creates Comments Something I found myself saying to myself this week was: If only I had more time. I ...
  4. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 9 Summary

    Radio Show Reflection Project Ideas Daily Creates When thinking about the meaning of life, one can often turn to Buddhist teachings to understand this “circle of life” that we all experience. I am on a circular journey to try and find the meaning of life through my daily creations. With further musings, I turned to ...
  5. @OliviaF98845588

    Project Ideas

    I got really inspired in the last two weeks by the group project. I really enjoyed interviewing, editing, and creating a radio show segment. I also really loved the topic of my segment and the conversations I got out of it. For my final project, I am thinking about creating a multimedia narrative about Taylor ...
  6. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 8 Summary

    Radio Show Week 2 Progress Daily Creates Comments Final Radio Show Link This project was really fun. This class has allowed me to be really creative this semester, and I think this specific project was where I felt the most creative. I loved having the free reign to do what I wanted ...
  7. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 7 Summary

    Radio Show Progress I feel much better about this project now going into spring break. When I first read about this group project in the beginning of the semester, I was super confused and not excited. But after weeks of working with design and audio, I feel much more confident and excited for this project. ...
  8. @OliviaF98845588

    Week 6 Summary

    Design Thoughts Reading and reflecting on these videos and articles made me think more about design as a principle. We encounter so much design in our every day lives, but don’t really think about everything that goes into it. I’ve always been interested in the psychology that goes behind the creation of graphic design and ...

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