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  1. @rachelds106

    design reflection

    I want to start out this reflection by saying this book and blog post were both beautifully designed (no pun intended). I especially loved the blog post reading, it was so nice and easy to follow. After reading Vignelli Canon’s book, I put way more thought into my designs than I would of if I hadn’t read it beforehand. Instead of just trying to do them to get them over with for the class and rushing to get it done by midnight, I thought about semantics, syntactic and pragmatics specifically. What message, what semantics, am I trying to put through this work? What about the details, the syntactics? I realized that the details of the designs I’m creating are just as important as the overall picture, and I tried to make sure what ever message I was trying to convey doesn’t get lost (pragmatics). I thought this was super interesting because it made me think: I may understand something, based on my point of view, but everyone is different, so how can I make sure to be understood? I also really liked what he said about visual power – even something very simple and plain can be visually powerful, which I thought at first contradicts itself, but it’s all about how you use those design elements (even if they are simple), which is what […]
  2. @rachelds106

    radio show ideas

    I came up with two ideas for the radio show we’ll all be making! Hopefully I’m on the right track: One:  Influencers  – Talk about some of the biggest influencers of the de...
  3. @rachelds106

    tweet along

    I was a bit worried at first that I would have no idea what to say about the story I heard on Tuesday, but as the radio show went on, I actually ended up tweeting a lot more than I thought I would. Here are a couple of my favorite things I noticed about the story! i like how the speaker's facts about melting glaciers/global warming is reinforced with another person giving facts about it! also the kind of eerie music in the background kinda reflects how i feel about climate change (scared!!!) #ds106 — Rachel Tafoya (@rachelds106) February 12, 2020 he (the radiohost) connected the audio and ended his sentence with "a home"…and then the audio picked up with "a home?!", I think that's super cool, and really connects the audio to the speaker even more (did it again with the full moon!) #ds106 — Rachel Tafoya (@rachelds106) February 12, 2020 the sounds of the night really make it feel like you're there as the audio continues…would be a lot different if it was just the audio #ds106 — Rachel Tafoya (@rachelds106) February 12, 2020 the boiling sound….temperature rising! (makes me think of our oceans boiling). #ds106 — Rachel Tafoya (@rachelds106) February 12, 2020 "polyphonic listening"…not about the audio but i learned a new word #ds106 — Rachel Tafoya (@rachelds106) February 12, 2020
  4. @rachelds106

    moon graffiti

    I feel like from the very beginning of this audio, it creates a sense of atmosphere. The voices are accompanied by background noises (the beeping, the static) that make me feel like I’m watc...
  5. @rachelds106


    Two of my favorite things to relax to are the sound of the piano, and the sound of rain. If I’m stressed out before bed, I usually put on some rain sounds or piano sounds, so for this ...
  6. @rachelds106

    in honor of valentine’s day…

    For this assignment, I took a little twist on it. I decided to honor the theme of Valentine’s Day as well as out 80’s class theme, and pull a monologue from one of my favorite movies!  I added some background music from Youtube Free Music that I think fit the script. Also, I apologize for my sickly voice. I tried so hard to get through reading this without coughing my lungs out 🙁  P.S. – if you’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy and are in love with McDreamy like I am but haven’t seen this movie yet, you need to watch it! Patrick Dempsey has been amazing since his teen years. 
  7. @rachelds106

    sound effects story

    For this assignment, I decided to create my vision of a perfect 80’s summer day! I tried to include sounds that were oldish sounding (for example, the car and the Polaroid click at the...
  8. @rachelds106

    hey there!

     Hey guys! Here’s the radio bumper I created for this week. I used audacity to record and grabbed the music track from YouTube Free Sounds.  ...
  9. @rachelds106

    week five

    Even though this week’s focus was photography, I felt like I did way more writing than last week, in which we focused on the writing aspects of digital story telling and had assignments from the writing bank.  I don’t mind writing, at all, but I guess it was something I didn’t expect as much of for this week! My favorite part of the week was the Photoblitz and the Daily Creates (one, two, three). With the Photoblitz, I was really able to be challenged and connect it with a lot of meaningful aspects in my life (such as the butterfly and the pointe shoes), and I feel like I was able to make it into something really personal to share instead of just a “busy-work” assignment. The visual assignments were pretty fun as well, my two favorites from this week were the Four Lines, Five Dots, One Curve, and the GIPHY movie of the Karate Kid. I’m not sure why but I struggled to get my Word Cloud the way I wanted it to look, and it took me way longer than expected, but it was also fun to learn a bunch of 80’s slang with this assignment. The Dance Camp poster was also fairly easy but PicsArt has a ton of options on how to edit photos/add things to it, and I felt […]
  10. @rachelds106

    80’s Pop Culture Photography

    First off, I just want to say that Whoopi Goldberg is a super dope name. I had to do some research on her –I knew she was an actress, but I didn’t know when her breakthrough came. I found out that her role as Celie in The Color Purple (1985) directed by Spielberg was when her career really took off. The first things I noticed about this portrait was the lighting, the contrast and the selection. In the right-hand corner, there’s a “heavenly” lighting shining down on Whoopi, it really creates a stunning and powerful image. The contrast I also noticed; it varies from the left side of the image (darker) to the right (lighter) and creates natural shadows on her body. I also really noticed the contrast when I saw her body nearly disappearing into the bottom of the photo, I think the black shirt was a smart choice.  Everything about the selection of the photo is simple; from the cigarette (which the smoke just looks perfect in my opinion) to the jewelry and shirt she’s wearing, to the emotion on her face. I feel like the selection almost juxtaposes the lighting; everything she is doing is so simple, yet the lighting is so powerful. To me, this picture basically screams: “I’m a badass”. There isn’t much depth to the photo in my […]
  11. @rachelds106

    photography reflection

    I started getting into photography when I was in high school, around the same time I started using social media. I was inspired a lot by famous people’s aesthetically pleasing Instagrams or their blog posts; I really wanted that for myself. I asked for a camera one Christmas and ended up getting the T5 Cannon Rebel, which I still use to this day. I decided not to bring it to school, just because I had fears about it get stolen or not having enough time to use it, but when I’m at home I usually use it to take photos, especially photos and videos of my family members for memories. I also recently just got my dad’s old film camera that I have yet to learn how to use, and a Polaroid camera that I love (the little pictures are just so fun and look great anywhere). Mostly I use my iPhone to take photos (because it’s always on me and convenient) and I think a lot of people underestimate iPhone photography. I usually try to take bright, vibrant photos and stray away from black and white or photos shot in the dark. I think I could learn to implement some different ways to take photos, and now I’m inspired to do more research about photography because I’m mainly self-taught. Being self-taught isn’t necessarily […]
  12. @rachelds106

    20 minute capture

    Black and white photographs are a classic look. Take a picture that reminds you of your childhood Take a picture that represents wildness. Make a picture of death (but don’t kill anything in doing so). llustrate attraction in a photograph today. Make a photo of something you wear coat, gloves, scarf, hat, you name it! Forced perspective – make something small look big, or big look small. My room turned out to be the perfect place for this activity. I was a bit nervous about this assignment at first, because I’m pretty picky and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to taking photos, but I ended up really loving this assignment specifically because it made me think quickly and challenged me with something I love to do (photography). I also love editing photos; I used VSCO, which is an app I also use for my own personal photos for things such as social media posts. I’ve been using it since middle school and it has never failed me. For nearly all the photos, I edited the contrast, exposure, saturation, highlight, tint, added filters, and I also added grain to the black and white one. I hope you enjoy my photos! (time: 12:51 – 1:07 pm) P.S. – I rearranged them from the original list and started with my most favorite photo to […]
  13. @rachelds106

    week three

    I think this week I really challenged myself, and I have to say I’m proud of all the work that I’ve done. The writing assignments that I chose were ones I felt I was able to be super creative with, but I really learned a lot at the same time. For example, I learned a lot about what happened in the 80’s through my timeline, went back to the basic A, B, C’s and learned some new words, got to express myself by explaining what one of my favorite poems meant to me and tapped into my creative writing side (one that hadn’t been tapped into in a while). As for my daily creates, those were more chill this week compared to last. I think the most challenging one I did was creating a poem from the words that were first used the year I was born. I had some pretty random words, but managed to string together a poem that somewhat made sense.  I wanted to wait until the end to talk about the story analysis (or in my case, the film analysis) that I wrote on The Breakfast Club. I spent about three days in total on it — two days were me  just formulating ideas, and the last day (today) was me figuring out a way to tie all my thoughts […]
  14. @rachelds106

    “The time is right to make new friends”

    A short story from a fortune cookie:                 I fiddled with the laces of my black converse as I sat in the passenger’s seat of my mom’s Volkswagen. I tried to tune into the sounds around me – the car doors slamming as kids got out of cars (something I had yet to do), the laughter as people met up with their friends (something I did not have). “I know you’re nervous, but it’s just a matter of putting yourself out there!” She said, her voice straining to sound enthusiastic. I looked up from my shoe-fiddling; the fancy new rock seemed too big for her left finger; the rock that made us move half way across the country. My palms began to sweat as I thought about getting out of the car. “Senior year though, really?” I asked with a sigh. My mom smiled half-heartedly, a sign that she had nothing left to say to me, after all we’d had this conversation many times and I’m not sure why I even bothered bringing it up anymore. “3 o’clock.” I reminded her as I stepped out of the car. I hadn’t even made it half-way up the stairs of my foreign looking school as I tripped over the shoelaces I’d been fiddling with earlier. My Walkman skidded across the cement towards an array of feet, […]
  15. @rachelds106

    “Sincerely Yours, The Breakfast Club”

    Despite being a raunchy and pretty cliché film, the Breakfast Club remains one of my favorite movies of all time. I watched it for the first time when I was sixteen and I honestly just watched it at first for the “aesthetic” of it all; I thought it was “cool” to watch movies that were from another generation, but I didn’t really think about the message of the movie or what makes it so iconic until I had to analyze it for this assignment. Before my analyzation, I read “I link, therefore I am” and watched Vonnegut’s take on the shape of stories (which I thought was interesting). I had a hard time trying to relate the reading in any way to The Breakfast Club because it’s obviously not told in hyperfiction text, yet it did make me wonder about the possibility of turning it into a hyperfiction text, and I wondered what that would look like. I thought it would be interesting if you could choose one of the characters to play as, and decide how they would behave and make decisions as they sat in detention; how successful would the story have been if it was told in this way? As for the layout of the story, it was easy to identify where The Breakfast Club falls in Vonnegut’s terms (the first […]
  16. @rachelds106

    week two

    Week two and I’m still getting used to this class, but I’m determined to be on top of everything I need to be for next week’s assignments. Regardless of feeling like I was falling behind, I had a lot of fun with this week. I love having the freedom to choose from the Assignment Bank and go about creating things in whichever way I see fit, and have no problem fitting these assignments to our 80’s theme. I find it pretty easy to connect with people through Twitter, and love to see people’s Daily Creates. I also try to connect by commenting on people’s blog posts for their weekly assignments and seeing the different ideas that they’re coming up with. For my weekly assignments, I think I had the most fun with the one where I edited myself into a concert I wished I was at. I had so much fun writing that blog post because expressing something I love so much (Queen) is so easy and comes naturally. It felt rewarding to write it and I even shared it with my dad, who complimented me on it and it felt awesome. I also had a lot of fun with the Pinterest board because it’s one of my favorite apps ever; I’ve been using it since middle school and I love creating boards that […]

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