Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @samprice_ds106

    Final Summary: Final Project

    I guess this is my last blog post for this class. It’s kinda sad. I’ve really enjoyed this class and all the assignments we’ve done and all that I’ve learned. I definitely had the most fun with this final project though. It incorporated a bunch of the skills I’ve used throughout the semester which was super fun. Here was my process: I started with taping up a sheet in my living room to use as a backdrop for the close-up shots. I then had my boyfriend help me film all the clips using a tripod and iPhone attachment. We had […]
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Progress Report: Final Project

    We have finally reached the end of the class and are starting on the project we have been talking about all semester! And I am very excited. For my final project, I am going to be recreating part of the “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Huston music video by with my own vocals. I am going to try and replicate every outfit and scene from about a minute of the music video (roughly 0:57-2:03, which is the first verse and chorus). I am going to record myself singing the song instead of Whitney to lip synch to. I […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Week 12 Summary

    This week was so much fun! I got to do so much photoshop with my assignment, which I LOVED! It was also a relatively easy week which was nice because my other classes have been piling on the work. The first thing I did this week was work on the mash-up assignments! The first one I did was called “Animoji Karaoke.” For this one I first made myself into an Animjoi character and then I did karaoke to a song that I thought was super fitting for our current situation. Here is the final product: If you wanna read my […]
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Daily Creates: Week 12

    #tdc3008 #ds106 My “everyday sound” is my entire family working from home (aka everyone’s computers making noises at once, people on video meetings, etc.) It’s very hard to get work done when there is so much noise going on so I wish I could just be ...
  5. @samprice_ds106

    Create Your Own Logo! [Remixed]: Happy Days

    This was an assignment that I had already completed during our design week but I decided to use it as one of my remixed assignments! I had originally created a logo for my macrame business but this time, with the remix, I created something entirely different! The remix for this assignment was called “Happy Days”. It said, “Take an assignment back to the time of the sitcom Happy Days, set in the 1950s. Introduce the design elements of this time, or maybe add the Fonz to a scene.” I decided to interpret that as creating a new logo for Happy Days […]
  6. @samprice_ds106

    Create Rad Album Art From Photos [Remixed]: Fox News

    For this assignment we were tasked with making an album cover with pictures we had, but we also had to put a remix on it. The remix that it chose for me was called “Fox News” which said, “Take whatever the assignment is and turn the volume up past 11, and sensationalize it, exaggerate it, pump up the intensity.” I honestly wasn’t really sure how to interpret that so I just decided that whatever I was going to make was going to be super big and bold. I first chose my image, a picture of myself, and put it into […]
  7. @samprice_ds106

    Website Mash-Up

    For this assignment, we had to mash up two website logos to create a new logo and a new site for the new logo. For this one, I started with just wanting to mash-up Google and Facebook. But I wanted to take a step further and also mash Instagram into there. Here is the logo when it was just Google and Facebook: I used the font from Facebook and the colors from Google. Then I decided to combine instagram to it as well. Here is that one: For this one, I used the colors of the work from Google, kept […]
  8. @samprice_ds106

    Logo Switch Up

    For this assignment, we had to take one brand’s advertisement for another brand and replace the logo of another brand. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I started off by doing some research on what logos looked similar, and to my surprise, there are quite a few (as long as some lawsuits that went along with it). I decided to combine the logos for PayPal and Pandora. They are both super similar. Here they are originally, side by side. Next, I took the above images into photoshop and cropped the parts of the logo I wanted to […]
  9. @samprice_ds106

    Animoji Karaoke

    Have an iPhone? Create yourself using Apple’s Animoji and sing or lip sing to your favorite song! Save the video and upload it to your blog. Make sure to include 1) Why do you think your character looks like you? 2) Why did you chose this song? This mashup includes elements from video, audio, and written work.  For this assignment, we had to record ourselves as an Animoji doing karaoke to a song. I think the character looks like me because I designed it to look just like me! I chose the pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. I […]
  10. @samprice_ds106

    Week 11 Summary

    This was another fun, but easier week. I had a lot going on this week so it was nice to have a class where I could just use my creative side and not worry too much about it. This week was very similar to last week in terms of the content I created. To start off the week I worked on the assignments. We had to complete 10 stars worth of assignments this week. I chose to do two 4 stars and one 2.5 stars assignments. The first assignment I completed was called “A Word…A Picture…A Story.” I think I […]
  11. @samprice_ds106

    Final Project Ideas Pt. 2

    So I have spent the last week thinking about different final project ideas when just now the best idea just popped into my head. I want to either create or recreate an iconic 80s dance video or music video. I would want to recreate the outfits, props, and any videography. This would let me incorporate a bunch of the different topics we’ve covered in class such as video editing, audio, and design. I would really really want to do this idea because I also think it would be something really fun to help get my mind off everything going on […]
  12. @samprice_ds106

    High School Memories

    For this assignment, we had to go through old videos and pictures from high school and create a video reflecting on that time. I really enjoyed this assignment because a lot of the pictures I used, I haven’t looked at in ages. I first downloaded the pictures I wanted to use. I then put them into iMovie and in the order I wanted them. I then put text over all the images explaining what they were from and the year. Lastly, I added some fun music to the end and a little introduction page. I am really happy with how […]
  13. @samprice_ds106

    How To Tutorial

    For this assignment I decided to make a tutorial on one of my favorite muffin recipes ever: Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins! It may sound like an add combination but I promise they are super yummy! I started with setting up my tripod to record what I was doing from above. I wanted to give it the same set up as the “Tasty” videos do. I’ll include one of their videos, which I used for inspiration. After getting all my stuff set up, I started baking! After I recorded all the clips, I put them all into iMovie and smooshed […]
  14. @samprice_ds106

    A Word… A Picture… A Story

    For this assignment we had to choose a few words and find pictures of the words and then put them together and create a story. I chose these words: Dog House Green Very A Had The I then went on Google and found images of those words, saved them, and uploaded them to iMovie. Once in iMove, I created a story sentence. Here is the final product: I am realizing now after I already created my video that I was probably suppose to find pictures of the words, not just the word as a picture…well I’ll just say I took […]
  15. @samprice_ds106

    Week 10 Summary

    This was a pretty easy week in terms of work load for this class, which I was super thankful for considering the work is piling up in my other classes. I did have a lot of fun doing the work for the week though! I started off the week doing some research on the video editing process by watching the videos that were put up on the Weekly Assignments. I really felt like I learned a lot from watching all the videos and really enjoyed creating a video critique of my own. I decided to choose the ending scene from […]
  16. @samprice_ds106

    Movie Trailer Mash-Up

    I had a lot of fun with this assignment. We were instructed to combine two different movie trailers to create one trailer. I decided to combine “A Quiet Place” and “IT”. I am honestly not the biggest horror movie person, but I have seen both of these movies and I thought combining two horror movies could be a lot of fun. And I was right. I started off my getting the trailers I wanted to use. I then loaded them into iMovie and cut the parts of the trailers I wanted and then combined them, using the audio from “A […]
  17. @samprice_ds106

    “Conversation” with Myself

    For this assignment we had to create a video of ourselves having a conversation with ourselves. I decided to put a little twist on this assignment by singing a song with myself instead. I set up my laptop in my sun room and took two recordings of myself singing. First was me playing and singing with my uke and the second was me singing harmony to the previous recording. I then uploaded the videos into Adobe Premiere and cropped them together so it looked like it was taken and recorded in one shot. This took me a lot longer than […]
  18. @samprice_ds106

    Video Essay: Sixteen Candles

    To start off week 9, we had to do some research on video editing and what goes into the final picture. I enjoyed watching the videos from “Every Picture Is a Frame” and feel like I learned a lot. After doing some research we were suppose to take a video that relates to our theme in some way and analyze it with the information we learned from our research. I decided to use the ending scene from the movie “Sixteen Candles” because its one of the most iconic movies from the 80s. I was able to download the ending scene […]
  19. @samprice_ds106

    Week 9 Summary

    This has definitely been the most stressful week so far but not because of this class. Like I’ve mentioned in other posts from the week, school has been put online for the remainder of the semester. This week, this class was not too bad in terms of work, and the work I was doing in class helped me get my mind off everything that’s been going on. The first thing I did this week was listen to my radio show on the DS106 Radio! It was super fun to be able to hear what my group and I had worked […]
  20. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Show Reflection

    It was so fun listening to everyone’s radio shows this week! I could tell all the hardwork that went into each show. The one radio show that I am going to be doing my reflection on is “Social Media: an 80s Rewrite”. They decided to take some major events that happened during the 80s and explore what it would have been like if there had been social media, like Twitter, during the time it happened. As someone who is thinking about wanting to do something with social media as a career later in life, I found this topic especially interesting. […]
  21. @samprice_ds106

    Daily Creates: Week 9

    This week we had to connect our daily creates in some way. The first one I did was on Monday (3/16) and it was about our favorite piece of music. The second one I did was where we had to choose a song to make a poster about washing your hands. The third one I did was where you use Google to put splashes of color on the screen in celebration of Holi. For that one, I tried to make a music note on the screen. How I connected all my daily creates for the week was with music. Each […]
  22. @samprice_ds106

    Future Project Ideas

    There are so many fun things we could do with our 80s theme. The 80s was such a fun time in history with so much going on and happening. I think one of the most prominent things I think of when I think of the 80s is all the stuff. By stuff I mean toys, clothes, etc. I think something fun we could do as a project would be to create a real commercial for a product that was popular in the 80s. Here is a video I found with a whole bunch of different commercials that came out around […]
  23. @samprice_ds106

    Reworked Assignments

    Talk about a crazy week… The semester is officially going to be all online. Not much of a change for this class considering its already all online, but a big shift for all my other classes. Things have been pretty stressful with trying to figure out how things are going to work. But amidst all the craziness, I have been trying to use my work in this class to raise my spirits and make it fun.  This week we were instructed to revise, improve, or remix past assignments. I decided to pick two of my favorite assignments from past weeks […]
  24. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Show Progress (Week 8)

    Creating the radio show was just as fun as I thought it was going to be. Even with all the craziness with the cornovirus and school closing and becoming virtual, my group and I managed to produce a super cool radio show. The week before break we planned everything out that we needed to do, along with making all the components to go inside the show, such as the commercials and radio bumpers. Over break, Emily and Diana interviewed their parents (who were teens in the 80s) so we could use that in the show as well. Then, we all […]
  25. @samprice_ds106

    Radio Show Progress

    The radio show project is finally here! This is something I have been looking forward to since I found out about it at the beginning of the semester. This week went by really quickly but I feel like I was able to get a decent amount of stuff done for the show going into spring break. The week started off with having to form a group. I already have one friend in the class, Zane, so we decided to be in a group together from the beginning. Then I found Diana, who is in my public speaking class, and then […]

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