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  1. Stephen Downes


    April 9, 2024. The bicycle, photographed during a break on a small country road. We drove home from Bromont this morning, I put in a few hours of work, then I took advantage of the beautiful weather to enjoy a nice ride in the country.
  2. Stephen Downes


    April 8, 2024. The eclipse, as seen from Bromont, Quebec. With cloud coming in from the west we got up early and drove out to Bromont. They had set up a hill in a park for viewing and conditions were nearly perfect. The photo doesn't do it justice; it...
  3. Stephen Downes


    April 5, 2024. Grackles and starlings sitting in the top of a tree in the back yard waiting, as we all are, for spring. Woke up very early this morning for one meeting, then had a presentation to do for a second. Meanwhile trying to get the crust off ...
  4. Stephen Downes

    Snow Day

    April 4, 2024. I did have a meeting scheduled in the city for today, but we had an early spring snowstorm instead, so we made do with Teams. Other than this I focused on cleaning up gRSShopper a bit more and working on my newsletter.

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