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  1. @VhudschNor2

    Final Project, 80’s remix

    This final project was interesting to make, early on I did have copyright concerns, but after those were resolved it was smooth sailing. Lewis, Kyle, Lilian, James, and I switched to using Skype for our meetings after it was discovered that Zoom was insecure and potentially harmful to use, and we met on Sunday to […]
  2. @VhudschNor2

    Final Project Plan

    I’m planning that the final project will be a history documentary about an alternate dystopian future caused by the Coronavirus, where I’ll be combining video, images, and audio together to paint the future history of the geopolitical ramifications of a Coronavirus which rapidly mutates out of control, becomes significantly more deadly, and eviscerates the economies […]
  3. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #12

    This week was long, I’ve been up past midnight every day of the week doing something. While eating breakfast before going to sleep in the morning, I’ve watched an episode or two of the Office, a great comedy show. I spent nearly 4 hours getting the internal province reader for my massive mega-converter Imperator:Rome to […]
  4. @VhudschNor2

    Remix 2: Warning Label Savanna

    The warning label was from my previous assignment, making fun of those medical commercials with the strange side effects using Valve’s Portal Gun from the Portal series of videogames. We were to remix it with Savanna, but it was not descriptive in what we were to do, so I put a savanna in the background […]
  5. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #11

    This week was alright, except for the homework, but less then I imagined. The dreaded writing assignment for my programming class, unlike the other two 4 page papers, was posting answers to 6 simple questions, and my Deep Learning Neural Network class didn’t have us write any code at all. I started working on a […]
  6. @VhudschNor2

    More ideas for future projects

    I enjoyed my group’s project of doing a documentary on the aftershock of the epidemic. Perhaps we could do something similar, and showcase how we’re handling the epidemic, and not being able to go outdoors, since this current issue effects everybody in the country and we can all relate to it. It would be interesting […]
  7. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #10

    Monday and Tuesday were pretty quiet, I avoided communication with most people, made food from supplies in the house, and remained safe from the virus. On Wednesday I was up until midnight working on homework. On Friday I mowed the lawn, did a paper for my history class, and stayed up until the early morning […]
  8. @VhudschNor2

    Coronavirus Post-Disaster Documentary Trailer

    by My group from the Radioshow, Lewis, Kyle, James, Lilian, and myself, will work together again for the Video project. Inspired by the great plague which is upon us, it will be a post-Coronavirus documentary set many years into the future. The economic depression has already begun, and I predict it’ll continue for about 10 […]
  9. @VhudschNor2

    Assignment Bank Sound From Hell Redo

    I enjoyed the assignment bank, sound from hell ( ), as it was fun to create such horrible noises by importing code not designed for audio as a sound with Audacity’s import raw data feature. I decided to use this opportunity to create a worse sound, and created it by reading a high-pitch […]
  10. @VhudschNor2

    Ideas for future Projects

    I thought the radio show worked well, and perhaps we could do something similar and create, fittingly for the 1980’s theme, Radio Show 2: Electric Boogaloo, which would produce a show similar to the first radio show, but longer. There could also be a video show, with instead of being just audio, the a show […]
  11. @VhudschNor2

    Connected Daily Create Story

    Upon walking into a Walmart at 4:00 am, a man wandered into the painting isle, looking for more paint buckets to store water drinking in, but as the man was climbing the ladder to reach the paint bucket, the man slipped and fell down upon the fresh lead-based paint supplies below, bathing everything in a […]
  12. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #8

    This was an interesting week, I would have never expected the NBA, March Madness, and our campus to shut down entirely. I’ve never seen anything like this. I was meeting with my partner in the Radio Show project, Lewis, when they sent the email on Wednesday afternoon. It didn’t change my plans too much, since […]
  13. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #6

    This week started solemn, where I visited my grandmother’s grave on Sunday for the anniversary of her birthday. She died back in June, and they still haven’t made the tombstone for her yet, which is frustrating, so there’s just this square hole in the ground above where her urn is buried. I found out midterms […]
  14. @VhudschNor2

    Design Blitz

    I couldn’t upload photos to Instagram, since I glitched out trying to create an account there twice, but I have the pictures: It’s hard to see, but the water represents form, since it is unable to be manipulated, and always returns to it’s original shape Since there was an assignment in it, I couldn’t show […]
  15. @VhudschNor2

    Chip Kidd Reflection

    I thought the article was interesting, in that it went in-depth into trying to describe design overall. I’d disagree with the author’s statement, “Everything that is not made by nature is designed by someone.” Neanderthals weren’t people, and they designed tools, and birds design nests. His other insights are interesting, and I didn’t know how […]

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