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  1. amiddlet50

    Being smarter than AI – rethinking our assessment design?

    The discussion channels used by educational developers have been dominated by the topic of ChatGPT since the New Year. There are two dimensions to this: concerns over academic integrity and the opportunity ChatGPT and other AI tools bring to assessment. … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Being part of something – having a sense of presence #activelearning

    The idea of ‘being’ is about presence and is central to an active learning philosophy. It reflects two things: personal identity and social presence in the learning environment. Lehman and Conceicao (2010) describe this as ‘being there’ and ‘being together’. … Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Holistic model of active learning for integrated employability #activelearning

    You may be aware that I changed job this year and I now have the privilege of leading work in support of Anglia Ruskin University’s Active Curriculum Framework. It was the institutional commitment to active learning in its Education Strategy … Continue reading
  4. amiddlet50

    Promoting learner autonomy and the question of fail-safe strategies

    As an advocate of active learning, learner autonomy is never far from my thinking. The development of confident autonomous lifelong learners and intrinsically motivated self-determined graduates captures, for me, the primary purpose of a UK higher education. It is the … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    A Dependency-Autonomy model for personal and professional development planning

    The challenge of framing employability in relation to personal and professional development planning has been a constant consideration for the team I am leading to support an integrated view of employability in the curriculum. The natural inclination of academics, in … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    Negotiated learning and the subject of teaching

    What is the subject of teaching? In this post, I mull over this question, its several meanings and its implications for negotiated active learning. In my role as an educational developer with responsibilities for both staff and curriculum development, the … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    A place for imagining – blue skies under the tree canopy

    Myself and a colleague have some difficult thinking to do this week. Exciting thinking, but difficult nevertheless. So, we could book out a teaching room lined with whiteboards for the day and see what happens, but that feels too ‘inward’ … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    The future is active – implications for future academic practice

    I have been thinking about the future academic and the implications for academic development recently. The Open University’s ‘Innovating Pedagogy’ is an insightful annual report (, though I would love to see one for 2018. I have seen Mike Shales … Continue reading
  9. amiddlet50

    B plus or A minus? Assessment in the creative disciplines

    I attended ‘B plus or A minus? Assessment in the creative disciplines’, part of a programme of events being run by the University of the Arts London last week. The venue, Central St Martin’s (CSM) new Granary Wharfe, is a … Continue reading

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